ROOT Graphics Release planning – June 2006 See also the Graphics Work Package Program of Work on the web.Graphics Work Package Program of Work
OpenGL (Richard) Richard is leaving soon (end of March and may be before). The important items before his departure are the Internal Code Cleanups: General commenting and tidy. Tidy draw methods Remove virtual obsolete code. Help. Timur will come back at CERN February 26th. So he will meet Richard. During that period we should make sure that Timur understand the GL viewer code. In particular for the merging of GL in Pad and the GL Viewer.
OpenGL (Timur) January: Implement TGraph2D, Iso-Surfaces and Lego stack. Represent TH3 with OpenGL (projections, slices, etc …). Improve GL-viewer's GUI internals. March: Try to use hardware-accelerated for GL in pad. PostScript for lego/surface/tf3/iso. Now it works only for shapes (TGeo and g3d). Later (to be discussed with Richard): Merge GL in pad and the GL viewer. Replacement of TVirtualGL. TGraph2D rendering with GL. Mixing with TGeo. Richard’s list.
Small TGaxis improvements End of January: We had a request to have fgMaxDigits for individual axis. Now it is a global value. Does make sense ? Possibility to better place the axis title now it is either right aligned or centered. Left aligned is missing Possibility to define the label format like in C++. For instance with a function like: SetLabelsFormat("%5.3g"); If that setting is " " we let it work like now. If it is not, that string will be use to define the axis’ labels format.
TLatex new symbols March: #ell Calligraphic “l” : l. This glyph doesn’t exist in PostScript. We can emulate with line or polygon drawing. #mathcal{} Calligraphic font #v{} (similar to #check but not quite so) #perthousand{} ‰ German umlaut #hbar For these characters the mapping between TTF and PostScript is not direct. Sometimes the character is available in PS but not in TTF or vice versa. These items are pending for a while now. They are not all easy to implement and may require time.
TPad splitting June: TPad handled three (now only two) functionalities which need to be separated: 1.TPad management: list of primitives etc … Is independent from the graphics system 2.Drawing functions: depend on the basic graphics system (gVirtualX and gVirtualPS for the current version) 3.The graphics editor: set of methods allowing to create new graphics primitives interactively. These methods are now in the TCreatePrimitives class. 1. and 2. should be separated
Need evaluation before fixing a date: h->Draw("CONT LIST") draws the contour. There is no way to get the TGraph list without drawing the contours. The option “NOCONT LIST” bas been suggested to get the list of contours without drawing them. CONT0 draws contour plots as filled areas using a line drawing algorithm. Therefore this option has two main problems: The filled area are not clipped properly on the pad border (they are clipped as lines). The polygons are not always drawn in the right order: “mountains” are correct but “valleys” are wrong. CONT4 draws the filled contours correctly but it is not possible to draw an other graphical object on top of it using the histograms coordinates. In particular option SAME does not work on top of a contour drawn with CONT4. Contour plots
Miscellaneous This are less important items. They can be done “in background” over the year. Implement TPie, to draw pie chart (original code in HIGZ). Implement Paint3DTriangles method in TPad. New class TLogo: Should inherit from TBox. The constructor would be: TLogo(x1, y1, x2, y2, filename). The parameter filename is the name of the picture which should be use as logo. It will be displayed in the TBox using the TImage class. With options "c" or "l", histograms and graphs drawing is done through the bins centers. One could implement an algorithm extrapolating to the edges. Call TPaletteAxis in PaintH3: ntuple.Draw("px:py:random:pz","","colz") Get the color of a bin in a 2D histogram drawn with “COLZ”. Make a specific class TGraphPolar.