“Johannesburg to Rio”: UNEP activities and international perspectives on RE-SCP Cornis van der Lugt Coordinator: Resource Efficiency UNEP Division of technology, Industry and Economics
Presentation Outline Introduction – the problem Response Opportunities for collaboration Target industries and countries Network support
Introduction - Resource Inefficiency Global financial & economic crisis: over 3.4 trillion US dollars in losses annual losses of Natural Capital due to deforestation and forest degradation: up to 4.5 trillion US dollars (The Economics of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services / TEEB research reports)
Introduction - Resource Inefficiency > half world population lives in towns and cities... by 2030 likely to be almost 5 billion, with urban growth concentrated in Africa and Asia In 2006, people consumed $30.5 trillion worth of goods and services, up 28% from 10 years earlier... accompanied by dramatic increase in resource extraction increasingly metal stocks are ‘above ground’ in structures, products... metals recycling rates vary 25% - 75% globally (iron and steel, copper, aluminum, lead, tin)
Resource Efficiency (RE-SCP) in context: NATURAL CAPITAL HUMAN CAPITAL Ecosystem services Ecosystems Production and Consumption – Resource Efficiency (RE) Human well-being, development Human systems and their governance
Response: UNEP RE-SCP Subprogramme activity areas Assess: Scientific Assessments Take Action: Policies and Tools Seize Opportunities: investment opportunities, in new technologies, markets Stimulate Demand: User choice – individual and institutional consumption
Opportunities for collaboration Scientific Assessments: UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management (investigate main socio- economic drivers, production & consumption clusters) UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative (impacts along product life cycle, incl social LCA)
Opportunities for collaboration Policies and Tools: Green Economy Initiative: Macro-economic analysis, research, global and national support Regional &National – Marrakech Process on SCP, following JhB 2002 and leading to Rio 2012 Cities: urban development (buildings & infrastructure, transport, waste etc)
Life cycle-based policies and tools
10 Integrate with Existing Nat. Strategies, Coordinate, Implement National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) Water & Forest Policy National SCP Programme National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) Energy Policy National Action Plan to Combat Desertification (NAP) Health Policy Climate Change Strategy National Development / Growth Plan Agenda / Capacity 21 Population Policy Education Policy Integrated Product Policy (IPP) National Environnemental Action Plan (NEAP) Transport Policy Cleaner Production Strategy
Opportunities for collaboration Seize investment opportunities: SME network – National Cleaner Production Centres (UNEP/UNIDO) Global value chain partnerships: Sustainable Buildings & Climate Initiative UNEP Finance Initiative (banks & insurance) Tourism Sustainability Council (incl GSTC) Planned: metals stewardship, agrifood
Opportunities for collaboration Stimulate Demand: Communication tools – standards, labels, sustainability reporting (incl ISO, GRI, eco- labelling) Sustainable Lifestyles – media, green / advertising, youth education (youthXchange) Public sector – sustainable procurement, green facilities management (eg transport, office waste, water & electricity use)
Increase number of export products from target countries: Brazil, China, India, Kenya, Ethiopia, Mexico, South Africa (textiles) awarded with ecolabel through capacity building & technical assistance Develop roadmap towards greater cooperation and mutual recognition of ecolabelling schemes Challenges: Information: access to coherent, credible and clear information about ecolabelling programs, requirements and markets Capacity building: comprehensive, coordinated and needs-based support to develop sustainable enterprises Policy framework: integration in supportive policy framework UNEP 4-year project co-funded by the EuropeAid /European Commission and German Government)
Agriculture & Food:Building & Construction: Metals & Auto Manufacturing: Assess Eg assessment of scarce resources & food chain impacts Eg assessment of materials sourcing, industry growth Eg metal flows / use along global value chains Take action Eg efficient water and land use management Eg tools for Efficient and Green / mEGa cities Eg regulations & incentives to promote 3R Invest Eg investment in RE friendly commodities, trade Eg property investment criteria, SBCI partnership Eg investment in energy efficient manufacturing Stimulate demand Eg food labels & standards, reporting Eg sustainable procurement & UN facilities Eg consumers & sustainable mobility Targeting 3 resource intensive value chains
Target countries for RE-SCP improvements… Consider eg GDP, population size, level of industrial output, agricultural output, energy use, GHG emissions, water use / scarcity, environmental performance rating (cf Yale country index)
UNEP/UNIDO network of National Cleaner Production Centres (NCPCs) Services incl: Technical assistance, plant assessments Training Information dissemination, awareness creation CP technology & investment promotion Cleaner Production Eco-efficiency (WBCSD) Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs) Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP)
THANK YOU see UNEP DTIE and RE Subprogrammewww.unep.org