3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 1 MEG Software MEG Software Group
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 2 Contents Summary of Software Meeting (3-4 Nov. 2005) Standard Operating System Transition to Subversion ROME based analysis tools Status of Software Software Organization Status of Monte Carlo Status of Offline Software Ongoing Studies Using MC Resources and Needs CPU DISK Network Schedule and Manpower
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 3 Summary of Software Meeting (3-4 Nov. 2005) Standard Operating System Scientific Linux (SL) Mostly used in the HEP community Derived from RedHat Enterprise Linux, Freely available Transition to Subversion A concurrent versioning system, similar to, but better than CVS Truly atomic commit (CVS: file-by-file) Moving/renaming files and directories (CVS: loses history) Free/Open source version control system Runs on all modern flavor of Unix, Mac & Win2k/XP Binary package available for SL3/4
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 4 ROME based analysis tool MegRoot was rejected Analysis tools based on ROME was approved megbartender : event cocktail & digitization meganalyzer : reconstruction & event display Both for online & offline New software coordination Repository: Fabrizio Cei, Shuei Yamada MC: Fabrizio Cei, Shuei Yamada Offline: Matthias Scheebeli, Ryu Sawada Online: Stefan Ritt
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 5 Status of Software Software Organization Monte Carlo Status Offline Software Status Ongoing Studies Using MC
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 6 Software Organization Simulation DCH. Nishiguchi TCP. Cattaneo XEF. Cei + S. Yamada Beam/TargetW. Ootani + K. Ozone + V. Tumakov CalibrationF. Cei DC digitizationP. Huwe TC digitizationP. Huwe XE digitizationY. Uchiyama Trigger simulationD. Nicolo’ + Y. Hisamatsu Analysis FrameworkM. Schneebeli DatabaseR. Sawada DCH. Nishiguchi + M. Schneebeli TCD. Zanello XEG. Signorelli + R. Sawada
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 7 Procedure of Analysis GEM ZEBRA bartender analyzer ROOT MC simulation event generation detector simulation Electronics simulation event cocktail waveform simulation digitization trigger simulation DAQ MIDAS ROOT simulationexperiment Reconstruction Event display
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 8 Monte Carlo Status GEANT3 based simulation program : GEM Program built around the framework REM Organization in modules, as an OO class; structured like: xxx (prefix of specific device) = dch, ticp, ticz, xec … yyy (suffix defining the functionality) = ini, set, end, draw, … Documentation under SVN in meg/rem/doc Interactive GEM Call GEANT3 functions interactively to Draw geometry, track and hit Change the running conditions To be done: Learn how to use it Implement user interface (kumac and/or GUI)
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 9 Drift Chamber Progress Improved integration of time to distance profile from GARFIELD GEANT simulation of Vernier electrode patterns Improved hit structure More adequate description w/ low-E -rays Simple and small hit data structure (220 → 8 words/hit) Efficient (80 →100%) and simple hit cell# calculation To be done Effect on signal of Vernier patterns Improve detail of material : electronic cards, cables, …
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 10 Timing Counters Progress: Implementation of many geometries : cables, jacket, bars w/ slanted ends, square fibers, PMTs, APDs, … Preliminary support structure Generation and propagation of scintillation photons : based on analytical calculation & Poisson fluctuations To be done: Improve details of materials and support structure Improve photon propagation model Cross check w/ beam test data (for counter)
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 11 Liquid Xenon Calorimeter Progress: Geometry almost finalized Inner&Outer vessel, PMT holders, PMT position, Honeycomb,… Faster GEANT based optical photon tracking : (~10s/event on 3GHz Pentium4, ~ 7.5s/event on 2.4GHz Athlon64) To be done: Implement final geometry : Dense PMT layout for backside, hollow spacer for L&R side Fast optical photon tracking
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 12 Beam and Target Progress: Muon beam simulation based on phase space into event generator Elliptical tube option for target Implemented end cap and Rohacell insertion tube To be done: Implement Beam Transport Solenoid Complete the beam transport within the detector Implement final target with support 3D Field map + interpolation
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 13 Calibration Extensive work in the past Partially implemented in MC Progress: Geometry and tracking media almost completed Event generation under testing To be done: Test and commit event generator Complete implementation of geometry Ni plates outside LXe calorimeter (neutron calibration)
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 14 MC General Conclusion Simulation status satisfactory : good level of sophistication in geometry and physical process simulation. Further refinements in geometry under way. Simulation of calibration procedures started. Some people (5 - 6) actively working. It ’ s a good time for testing the mass production (possible problems with disk space, memory management…)
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 15 Offline Software Status Single Event Display Preliminary mu -> e+gamma trigger simulation Waveform simulation & digitization XE & DC : ready TC : preliminary Analysis Extensive works by individuals Partially implemented in meganalyzer : XE : Fast reconstruction (Qsum, position,…), Position reconstruction DC : preliminary track fit (for online display)
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 16 Single Event Display ROME and ARGUS are merged Both for online & offline ROME runs in 3 modes ROME stand alone Argus stand alone ROME with Argus display (new mode) Configuration in the ROME configuration file No special user code needed
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 17 QT movie…
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 18 Ongoing Studies Using MC BG Source Study Optimize end cap,target system and Rohacell tube design AIF events in LXe Source of AIF gammas AIF gammas’ spectrum & yield AIF Rejection LXe Waveform Waveform simulation Pile-up rejection
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 19 BG Source Study New features Optimize end-caps Upstream End-cap Rohacell Insertion Tube Optimize target system Purpose beam DC cable duct Michel decay
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 20 BG from End Cap 39 photons / 50,000 Michel e + Designed end-cap (Aluminum part) + SUS Beam Pipe beam Michel decay Aluminum SUS Bremsstrahlung photon
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 21 BG from Rohacell Tube 3 photons / 50,000 Michel e + Bremsstrahlung photon Rohacell X 0 = 820cm density = g/cm 3 C 9 H 13 O 2 N
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 22 BG from DC cable duct 427 photons / 50,000 Michel e + beam Michel decay Carbon fiber Aluminum Cu cable Bremsstrahlung photon
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 23 BG Source Study(1) Summary BG Sources Effect of cable ducts was improved down to 1/2 Bremsstrahlung & Annihilation at rest Effect of end-cap is relatively small Low E ( ~ 1MeV), but pile-up study is needed AIF study target & Rohacell tube Cable duct Target study Slant angle of the target Complete target support structure & calibration system Energy deposit in LXe [MeV]
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 24 AIF study using MC 1. Generate Michel e+ in target, emit them for 4π 2.At the each GEANT tracking step, calculate annihilation probability by material information and Michel e+ momentum information 3. Generate 2 γ at each step weighted by this probability 4. Trace 2γ, if it enters Xe cryostat
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 25 AIF probability map X-Y View Z-Y View Z-X View No Cut Xe events Egam> 45MeV
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 26 AIF Spectrum & Photon Yield AIF spectrum and their origin Egam MeV/52.8MeV Photon yield per muon decay
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 27 AIF Event Rejection in LXe Different arrival times of 2 gammas Different Impinging points TODO : Pattern recognition δT 2gamma [sec] δX 2gamma [cm]
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 28 LXe Waveform Waveform Simulation Pile-up rejection Take sum of PMT outputs Larger pulse Microstructure in pulse shape disappear Optimization for # of PMTs to be summed Summing up all the PMTs not good from S/N viewpoint
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 29 Xe Waveform Simulation 1.Sum up Gaussians over all photo electrons Mean = arrival time of each photon Width = TTS (1 p.e. response) 2. Shaping (Low Pass Filter) Low Pass filter Time constant RC = 5nsec Fits very well with real pulse !
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 30 Pulse Shape Fluctuation Pulse shapes are not constant especially for small pulses 0.6V data simulation 1.2V data deviation Fluctuation reproduced
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 31 Pile-up finding T=50ns. T=15ns 11MeV + 42MeV Peak search Count # of peaks in Moving average Simple but powerful for large T Differential Count # of peaks in Differentiation Powerful for small T
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 32 Rejection Efficiency (E 1 + E 2 )/52.8MeV Optimal Value : 60 ~ 70% of Qsum Function of Energy
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 33 Rejection Efficiency T 8ns T 10ns T 15ns T 50ns T 100ns As functions of Energy of each and T Summed up to 60% Qsum Misidentification probability: <0.05% Weak points: T < 10nsec Small pulse after a large one
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 34 Resources & Needs Data storage CPU Power Data Access
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 35 Data Storage Resource & Needs PSI TapesPSI DisksMEG Needs TBytes (free) + 40 TBytes occupied by back up (to be freed) 4TBytes (backuped) + 6TBytes(not backuped) ~ 10TBytes/yr (read data) ~ 40-50TBytes/yr (MC Production) ~ 10TB/yr (overheads, DSTs) total70-80 TBytes10TBytes60-70TBytes/yr MEG Needs ~ 5 TBytes/year of Disk Space for DATA Assuming 1/2 of the data collected in one year reside on disk for monitoring, calibrations, faster analysis, etc…
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 36 CPU Resource & Needs PSI NodesMEG Needs (CPUs/yr) 64 ~ 3 CPUs (real data, w/o Waveform fitting) < 1 CPU (selected data w/ Waveform fitting) ~ 20 CPUs (MC production & bartender) ~ 10 CPUs (MC reconstruction = 3x data, w/o WF fitting) < 1 CPU (MC selected sample w/ WF fitting) Total64 CPUs ~ 33 (+20 per 10 repr.) CPU/yr 128 CPUs
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 37 Data Access Resource & Needs PSI Link SpeedMEG Needs 25MBytes/s to tapes via FTP 1Gbits/s to disks from CPUs ~ 1MBytes/s (w/ Waveform compression) ~ 10MBytes/s (w/o Waveform compression) OK !
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 38 Schedules and Manpower Milestones Manpower
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 39 Milestones Within 2-3 weeks New PSI cluster partly ready : 128 Opterons MC mass production (at least signal events and Michel positrons) Start development of reconstruction & Pattern recognition algorithms Start pre-selection study By end of September Finish MC mass production Signal, Michel positrons, backgrounds…
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 40 Schedule for LXe analysis Other sub-detectors can emulate LXe schedule
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 41 Man Power 2006Q1 Y. Hisamatsu 0.5 H. Nishiguchi 0.2 W. Ootani 0.1 K. Ozone 0.5 R. Sawada 0.5 Y. Uchiyama 0.7 S. Ritt 0.1 M. Schneebeli 0.4 F. Cei 1.0 G. Gallucci 1.0 D. Nicolo’0.2 A. Papa 0.3 R. Pazzi 1.0 G. Signorelli 0.5 P. W. Cattaneo 0.5 D. Zanello 0.5 A. Barchiesi 1.0 W. Molzon 0.2 V. Tumakov 1.0 S. Yamada 1.0 P. Huwe 1.0 F. Xiao 0.7 Total Q2 Y. Hisamatsu 0.5 H. Nishiguchi 0.3 W. Ootani 0.1 K. Ozone 0.5 R. Sawada 0.5 Y. Uchiyama 0.7 M. Schneebeli 0.8 F. Cei 1.0 G. Gallucci 1.0 D. Nicolo’0.2 A. Papa 0.3 R. Pazzi 1.0 G. Signorelli 0.5 P. W. Cattaneo 0.5 D. Zanello 0.5 A. Barchiesi 1.0 W. Molzon 0.2 V. Tumakov 1.0 S. Yamada 1.0 P. Huwe 1.0 J. Perry 0.7 D. Stute 0.4 F. Xiao 0.5 Total 14.2
3 Feb. 2006Shuei YAMADA 42 End of Slides