IEEE Division III Director - Operating Plan 2012 BoG2 Dec. 7-8, 2011 Houston, Texas Doug Zuckerman IEEE Division III Director- Elect
Slide 2 Operating Plan - Goals Assure synergistic relationships between the IEEE Communications Society and other IEEE entities, including but not limited to the –IEEE Board of Directors (voting member) –Technical Activities Board (voting member) –Other Operating Units (e.g., Member and Geographic Activities Board, Educational Activities Board, IEEE Standards Association) Provide guidance and support for ComSoc’s strategic plans and operational implementations within the broader IEEE context Communicate and coordinate between ComSoc and the IEEE Board of Directors, and vice versa Seek and nurture opportunities for –ComSoc’s growth into new areas –ComSoc member participation on IEEE committees and boards Represent ComSoc as a top-level Society leader
Slide 3 Operating Plan - Activities Participate at IEEE Board Series (February, June, November), IEEE Board of Directors conference calls, and other IEEE meetings as appropriate Participate as a voting member at ComSoc meetings including the Strategic Planning Management Retreat, Operating Committee Meetings (2), and Board of Governors Meetings (2) Represent ComSoc’s top leadership at events such as conferences, meetings with sister societies, industry visits, etc., to further ComSoc’s strategic goals (attend ~3 in 2012) Serve on key IEEE committees –Cloud Computing Initiative (from ComSoc) –IEEE Employee Benefits and Compensation Committee (member) –IEEE Audit Committee (Alternate) Advise the ComSoc President and other officers on IEEE matters Work with volunteer leaders and staff to assure fiscal responsibility Actively contribute to Board of Governors policy making, including serving on various committees Continue during 2012 on ComSoc’s –Nominations & Appointments Committee (Chair) –IEEE-COMSOC Coordination Committee (Member)