ESO SURVEY DATA REPORT Two Year Comparison FY 2001 & FY2003
Breakdown of Reporting Periods by ESO’s January 1, 2003 through December 31, ESO’s reported July 1, 2002 through June 30, ESO’s reported September 30, 2002 through October 1, ESO’s reported
Gender and Ethnicity
Consumer Age Background
2001 Primary Disability
Employment Categories Other Jobs: 1. Arcade Attendant 2. Towel Attendant 3. Bell ringer 4. Floral/Plant Worker 5. Meter Reader 6. Silver Roller 7. Unarmed Security
Consumers Served
Consumers Employed FY 2001 Facility Based-48% Mobile Work Crew-3% Enclave-14% Individual SE-35% Total: 8,443 FY 2003 Facility Based-48% Mobile Work Crew-3% Enclave-13% Individual SE-37% Total: 10,065
Facility-Based Integrated Employment Setting
Current Capacity Are you presently at full capacity?
Issues Preventing Full Capacity Budget Cuts Staff Turnover Lack of Referrals Poor Economy Limited Transportation In-House Space Limitations Limited Screening Opportunities Lack of certain types of job sites Funding for additional staff Lack of movement from club houses to employment
Consumer Waiting List
Greatest Impact When Serving Additional Consumers 1. Changes in State Funding 2. Changes in Federal Legislation 3. Lack of Transportation 4. Lack of Referrals 5. Inadequacy of organization’s transportation 6. Staff Limitations 7. Changes in private funding sources 8. Other Factors
FY 2003 ESO Sources of Consumer Financial Support Medicaid Supported-1260 consumers (11% Consumers Receiving Services) Other Supports (United Way, Public Schools, Etc.)-1047 consumers (9% Consumers Receiving Services) Unfunded (Using own resources)-1252 consumers (11% Consumers Receiving Services)
Operational Vehicles Purchased With Grant Funds FY 2001 DRS Grants-77 Virginia Department of Rail/Transportation-23 Other Grant Funds-39 FY 2003 DRS Grants-78 Virginia Department of Rail/Transportation-43 Other Grant Funds-24
Consumer Transportation FYI 2001 ESO-1,878 Public-2,503 Independent-2,392 Special-1,834 Other-411 Total: 9,018 FYI 2003 ESO-1,972 Public-3,023 Independent-2,446 Special-2,020 Other-730 Total: 10,191
Consumer Transportation
CARF Training 1. Collecting/Reporting Outcome Measurement Data 2. Safety/Health Standards 3. Strategic Planning 4. Collecting Current Employment Info 5. Addressing/Writing an Accessibility Plan 6. Reporting /Reviewing Critical Incidents 7. Writing a Code of Ethics 8. Role of the Board of Directors
Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Participation Board Members-6 Service Providers-8 One Stop Career Center-1 Casual Contact-4