SoE Reporting in Scotland Scotland’s Environment Web LIFE Project Joanna Muse Principal Policy Officer Scottish Environment Protection Agency
The journey of Scotland’s Environment Web Working towards becoming a “Trusted” gateway to everything you want to know about Scotland’s Environment Help people discover and understand more about the environment. Tell a comprehensive story about Scotland’s Environment Bringing together the most up to data environmental information and data in the one place, so that it is easy to search, find, view, analyse and interpret.
From the seeds of an idea in 2010 A wide range of organisations involved in monitoring and reporting on Scotland’s environment Information scattered across many different websites A centalised gateway to data and information INSPIRE Directive Shared Environmental Information Systems Technology shift
Grows a project Scotland’s Environment Web Long-term intention to present a wide and comprehensive view of Scotland’s environment. Phase one - setting up the infrastructure of a new website to host SoE, straight-forward descriptions of the environment, map-based data query tools allowing direct access to data and search facilities. In November
A new website is born....
LIFE funding awarded to SEPA A new phase begins Phase 2 In December 2011, a new LIFE Project was formed, with the aim of 1. Inclusive partnership 2. Shared Environmental Information System 3. Improve understanding and prioritisation 4. Engage the public
Behind every great project......
Is a great partnership
Provide a single “authoritative” view of Scotland’s environment and how it’s changing Streamline access to multiple sources of data and information Present data from multiple sources in one place, interesting and dynamic data views, exploring relationships, supporting analysis and prioritisation Public engagement through Citizen Science and Public/Youth Discussion, education, and community empowerment to take action Extended communication networks and reach new audiences Web platform to find data; get information from data; and use it to inform, understand, decide and behave....
Shared Environmental Information System “One version of the truth” Publish Once, Use Many Times, Different Users
Engaging with Scotland’s Citizens Discussion Monitoring Action Education
Who are the users of Scotland’s Environment website? Scotland’s Environment Web supports the work of partners to make information and data easily available to those who are seeking a broad overview of the multiple aspects of Scotland’s environment. It will tell a comprehensive story of Scotland’s environment to interested members of the public, generalist professionals, community/third sector, and users from the education sector. It will also provide clear links to more detailed information relating to specialist topics and themes that is available on partner and other associated websites, including daughter websites.
What do users want from the website What you think users want can be quite different to what they actually want. Users wanted to: Viewing trusted and authoritative data/info Search and find information quickly (within the website and across websites) Be taken on a journey of discovery More images and less text Interaction with data Quick analysis and interpretation (visualisation, graphs etc), with links to data for more detailed analysis Localised view
SoE Reporting in Scotland Public Feedback Trustworthy Evidence Based Impartial
SoE Report Structure and connectivity
SoE Report 2014 Published 5 th June
SoE Reporting Indicators & Data
SoE Communicating key messages
SoE – interacting with the underpinning, localised data Spatial Data – Map View 4 new baselayer maps incl. aerial photography Geolocator – maps on the go. SoE Themed Maps or View any combination of INSPIRE data from multiple sources (over 300 data sets)
Land Information Search – Agri-Environment Save and date stamp Search for future use / reference Run search of 40+ open data sets – always the most up-to-date data Run search and print off report - list of all designations & organisation to contact for more information e.g. SEPA, FCS, Historic Scotland, SNH Draw and measure the area of a line, polygon or point View designations that fall within the 500m buffer zone
Data Visualisation UPDATES : Household Waste and Bathing Waters NEW Apps : Climate Projections, Climate Trends, Native Woodland Survey Scotland, Bathing Waters, Waste from all sources. UNDER DEV : Local Air Quality/School Travel Plans, Greenspace, Soils.
SoE – Get Involved recording observations and action
SoE – The Family from national overview to more specific topic view
SoE A collaborative approach SoE Topic Authors State & Trend Assessment Experts Editorial Group
Scotland’s Environment Web - SoE “So What?” - Transparency - Increased profile of partner organisations and the data/information they publish - Wider use of data (extended reach and influence) - New analysis, identification and prioritisation based on the use of trusted and authoritative centralised source of evidence; - Informed decision making - Shared resource to collaboratively design, develop and implement solutions - Optimised and streamlined user experience of search and discovery - Access to tools that can transform complex scientific data into more useable and understandable formats - Personalised view of the local environment.
The Future for Scotland’s Environment Web Through innovation, demonstration, shared learning and collaborative working, create a Web of : –Data providers –Data users –Shared knowledge and data –Connected websites –Environmental Scientists and Observers –Environmental Stewards Benefit the Environment, Society and the Economy
Scotland’s Environment Web Take a Look at the website, let us know what you think, share new ideas “contact us” on the website