Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research CHAPTER two The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research Copyright © 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research Learning Objectives 1. To learn the steps involved in the marketing research process. 2. To understand the components of the research request. 3. To learn the advantages and disadvantages of survey, observation, and experimental research techniques. 4. To become familiar with the nature of research management.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research THE RESEARCH PROCESS To learn the steps involved in the marketing research process. Step One: Identifying and Formulating the Research Problem/Opportunity The marketing research problem: information The marketing research objective: insight The management decision problem: action Find Out Why Information is Being Sought Determine Whether the Information Already Exists
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research (1) Identifying the Research Problem/Opportunit y (2) Creating of the Research Design (3) Choosing the Method of Research (4) Selecting the Sampling Procedure (5) Collecting the Data (6) Analyzing the Data (7) Writing and Presenting the Report (8) Follow-up The Marketing Research Process Figure 2.1
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research THE RESEARCH PROCESS To learn the steps involved in the marketing research process. Determine Whether the Question Can Really Be Answered. Using Exploratory Research to Define the Problem/Opportunity. Definition of Research Objectives. Research Objectives Must Avoid the “Nice to Know” Syndrome. Management Decisions and Research Objectives
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research THE RESEARCH PROCESS To learn the steps involved in the marketing research process. Research Objectives Stated As Hypotheses. Step Two: Creating the Research Design a plan to answer the research hypothesis Descriptive Studies: who, what, where, when, and how Causal Studies: whether one variable determines the value of another variable temporal sequence concomitant variation spurious association
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research THE RESEARCH PROCESS To learn the steps involved in the marketing research process. Step Three: Choosing a Basic Method of Research Survey: an interviewer and questionnaire Observation: to monitor respondents’ actions without direct interaction Experiments: to measure causality Step Four: Selecting the Sampling Procedure Probability versus Nonprobability Samples
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research THE RESEARCH PROCESS To learn the steps involved in the marketing research process. Step Five: Collecting the Data Marketing research field service interviewing Step Seven: Preparing and Writing the Report Communicating the conclusions and recommendations to management Step Six: Analyzing the Data To interpret and draw conclusions
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research THE RESEARCH PROCESS To understand the components of the research request. Step Eight: Following Up Using the findings without conflict among departments The Research Request Clearly state why the desired information is critical to the organization 1. Action 2. Origin 3. Information 4. Use
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research THE RESEARCH PROCESS To learn the steps involved in the marketing research process. 5. Targets and subgroups 6. Logistics 7. Comments
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research MANAGING MARKETING RESEARCH To learn the advantages and disadvantages of survey, observation maintains client confidentiality 2. is honest 3. is punctual 4. is flexible 5. delivers against project specifications What Decision Makers Want From Marketing Research
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research MANAGING MARKETING RESEARCH To learn the advantages and disadvantages of survey, observation provides high-quality output 7. is responsive to the client’s needs 8. has high quality-control standards 9. is customer-oriented 10. keeps the client informed What Decision Makers Want From Marketing Research
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research MANAGING MARKETING RESEARCH Managers spend at least 80 percent of every working day communicating with others. Good Communication Is a Necessity The Nature of the Decision-Making Information Depends on the Type of Research Conducted Segmentation opportunities? Profiles of the various segments? Do some segments appear to be more likely candidates? New product opportunities? Marketing program options? To learn the advantages and disadvantages of survey, observation...
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research MANAGING THE RESEARCH PROCESS Minimize sources of error. Data Quality Managing Costs systems to capture costs daily reporting of costs policies and practices to communicate the budget picture to clients identify over budget situations To learn the advantages and disadvantages of survey, observation...
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research MANAGING THE RESEARCH PROCESS If over budget due to client error... offer options early regarding higher costs smaller sample size shorter interviews Time Management Keeping the project on schedule Can anything be done to speed up the process To learn the advantages and disadvantages of survey, observation...
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research MANAGING THE RESEARCH PROCESS To become familiar with the nature of research management. Good Research Management Motivates Decision-Makers To Use Research Information The determinants of whether a manager used research data: (1) conformity to prior expectations (2) clarity of presentation (3) research quality (4) political acceptability (5) lack of challenge to the status quo
Learning Objective Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Process and the Management of Marketing Research The End Copyright © 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.