EM Fields and Wave Effect on Living being Özgün Aydemir 1
What is EM field? EM fields and waves are exist everywhere where are electrical current Direct current causes EM field and alternative current causes EM waves due to change in time. Coverage of the EM waves are related to amplitude and the frequency of current. 2
EM Fields on Daily Basis Anything carries current in it causes EM fields, such as: cables, electrical/electronical gadgets, TV, radio antennas, mobile phones, satellite antennas To look more specific, we can look devices that are used in home, such as: washing machine, dish washer, fridge, microwave oven, electrical heating tools, computers… All these devices causes EM field around themselves 4
EM radiation table for some of the devices we may use for daily bases: 5
EM Field effects on living being The people who work near by high-voltage transmission lines, electricity poles, substations and in such kind of places were complaining about headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and such kind of ailments. Firstly, Russian doctors have discovered the bad influence of EM fields in mid-1960s EM wave effects on muscles and nerves are observed on viruses, plants, bugs, birds and frogs Collected data has proved that biological effect of EM waves are proportional to frequency of the wave. 6
This awareness about the dangers of EM waves have led scientists to research and that has provided important evidence to be obtained. EM field effect on living being can be observed under two topics Direct Effect Indirect Effect 7
Direct Effect: The case that body is exposed to EM field directly Indirect Effect: It is a result of interaction of body with the objects which have different electrical potential. 8
EM Radiation Spread along a straight line in space. Speed is equal to the speed of light. They transfer energy to the environment proportional to frequency. EM energy is reduced due to absorption and scattering when passing through articles. In the cavity EM energy is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Electromagnetic radiation can be divided in two groups that are ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. 9
. Ionizing radiation Ionization is detached electrons from atoms and molecules. Highly energy loaded EM waves might spare electrons from objects while having connection. Yüksek frekanslı ve dolayısıyla yüksek enerjili olan x ışınları ve gama ışınları iyonlaştırıcı radyasyonlardır. High-frequency and high-energy x-rays and gamma rays can be considered as ionizing radiation. They can cause changes in biological tissues that comprises DNA and genetic material.
. Non-Ionizing Radiation They are not as powerful as ionizing radiation, since they do not have such high energy Radio waves, microwaves, IR, UV and visible light can be considered as non-ionizing radiation 11
Non-Ionizing devices Power transmission lines and transformer stations Electric trains TV Computer screens, Induction furnaces and induction welding machines Radio, TV and radio antennas of the transmitting station Radar systems (continuous and pulsed) Satellite communication systems Electrical devices used in medicine Microwave ovens GSM communication system (basic mobile phone base station antennas and antenna) 12
. Non Ionizing radiation effect can be observed under two titles Non-Heating Effect Heating Effect 13
Heating Effects The electromagnetic energy absorbed by the body and body temperature increases. The cause temperature rise of RF sources such as mobile phones is actually low. Long term effect of this effect is still on research. 14
Non Heating effects Depending on the non-heating effects of RF waves are claimed to be effective for disorders and diseases of changes in brain activity, sleep disorders, attention disorders, headaches are available. These risks are possible in case of very high experimental doses and durations. They are not valid for use as mobile phones. 16
SAR (SPECIFIC ABSORBTION RATE) SAR is absorption of electromagnetic energy by the body tissue. Unit of SAR is W / kg. 17
To increase one degree of temperature on human body, 4W shall be absorbed per kg of tissue. SAR limitation for living environment are settled to 0.08 W/kg which is 1/50 of this value 18
Protection from EM waves Turn off the electrical devices that are not used. Stand by mode will still keep having EM radiation. Try to use low SAR devices. For computer screen, screen filters might be good idea to use Better not to have TV and radio in bedroom Switch off mobile phone when it’s not useful and try to use earphone during the phone calls 19
Standarts ETSI (European Telecommunication Standardization Institute), in EU, FCC (Federal Communication Commission), in USA gives the standards for SAR levels. ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) gives the international standards. 20
Standarts In Europe, SAR limit is nearly 2 W/kg. In USA, SAR limit is 1.6 W/kg. 21
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