castle,’ an old, dark, scary looking place that we tried to avoid. I told him to stay there. After Sarah had passed, I went back to get my brother. He was gone. A Babysitting Nightmare Continue… It all started when my mom asked me to take my younger brother out for Halloween. I didn’t want to, but I had no choice if I wanted to play with my friends on Saturday. I told Tommy to stay with me. Everything was fine until I saw Sarah. Sarah was the cutest girl in school- I couldn’t let her see me with my little brother. I pushed Tommy behind the hedge of ‘the
As I turned to walk away I heard a scream. “Tommy!” I yelled. The scream came from behind the door. The door was unlocked, so I went in … I had to find him. He must have gone up to the door of the castle looking for candy. Maybe he was inside I thought. I ran up to the door and knocked. No one answered. I knocked once more … no answer. Click on the door to enter.
Tommy was in here somewhere and I had to find him. Ahead of me were two doors. It looked like one door went up into the attic and the other down into the basement. Which one should I go through? Click on this door to enter the basement. Click on this door to enter the attic.
Click to go back. I entered the attic… I notice as I go further down the stairs my little brother, as a creepy clown drags him down the hall I follow after to see around the corner he is gone should I go after him or go for help.go for help go after Story Map- Delete
Click to go back. I entered the basement… I go down the stairs I don’t know where he went so I run down the hall at the were there was a cliff a dead end literally I tried to stop but the floors were covered in something I fall into a big pit of foam should I try to yell for help or find something to pull my self out yell for help find something to grab Story Map- Delete
I go for help to see that I am stuck the door Handel is jammed I see that the clown is coming back for me I panicked when he grabbed me I hit my head and never woke up. BAD
Story Map- Delete I rush down the hall yelling for him all I can see is two doors at the end of the hall and all I can here behind them is screaming it doesn’t sound like my brother but it sound like Sarah in the other room sounds like my brother should I go after Sarah or should I got after my brother.SARAH BROTHER
Story Map- Delete I decide to yell for help as I was sinking I got no reply I will suffocate if I don’t find a way out right now I see a light it’s a door as I try to pull myself out of the foam pit I am getting pulled under I am dead. BAD
Story Map- Delete found a leaver above a door the walls we to slick to get our so I jumped up and hit the leaver the stone door opened behind it was my brother he helped pull me out but he was not strong enough should I find another way out or have my brother go on without me. Brother go find way out
Story Map- Delete I go after Sarah but as I go to reach for the door the screams stop I slam open the door to find a blank room I go in as I notice the walls are closing in as I start to sink I was done for.BAD
Story Map- Delete I go to open the door the door handle was broke off I hear inside the room tumbling and thrashing as the door open’s from the inside scared to see the results behind the door it was my brother.GOOD
Story Map- Delete I tell my brother to go for help but as he went I began to sink as I saw the light of dawn I knew it was my last look.bad
Story Map- Delete I am about to sink I told my brother to hurry as I was about to go under he gave me his arm and some how he found the power to pull me out we climbed out the window and when home.good