Agriculture Quiz Bowl By Jessica Cormican and Rachel Szenay
Canadian Thistle
Green Foxtail
Jimson Weed
Wild Mustard
Saintpaulia species (African Violet)
Begonia rex (Rex Begonia)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant)
Spathiphyllum species (Peace Lily)
Philondendron scandens oxycardium (Heartleaf Phildendron
Pilea cardierei (Aluminum Plant)
Sansevieria trifasciata (Snake Plant)
Hedera helix (English Ivy)
Chlorophytum commosum (Spider Plant)
Zebrina pendula (Wandering Jew)
Barley Seed
Rye Seed
Corn Seed
Tropism (Geo, Hydro, Photo)
Tap Root The main straight root of a plant that has smaller roots growing out from its sides
Fibrous Root A root system in some plants such as grasses that consists of numerous very fine branches of approximately the same length
Stems The main stalk of a plant that bears buds and shoots
Xylem The woody supportive plant tissue that carries water and dissolved minerals from the roots through the stem and leaves
Phloem One of the two main types of tissue in vascular plants, which conducts synthesized nutrients to all parts of the plant. It is made up of sap-conducting tubes sieve tubes and the cells that lie alongside them companion cells, elongated cells of soft tissue parenchyma, and fibers.
Cambium A cylindrical layer of cells in plant roots and stems that produces the new tissue responsible for increased girth, particularly sap-conducting tissues, xylem and phloem, and bark
Complete flower Describes flowers that have all the principal flower parts, which are carpels, petals, sepals, and stamens
Incomplete flower A flower without one or more of the normal parts, as carpels, sepals, petals, pistils, or stamens.
Pistil The female part of a flower
Stigma The part of a flower that receives pollen
Anther the top part of a stamen of a flower that contains pollen
Pollen A powdery substance produced by flowering plants that contains male reproductive cells. It is carried by wind and insects to other plants, which it fertilizes
Seed A small hard part produced by a plant that can grow into a new plant of the same type
Seed coat a plant part produced by sexual reproduction that contains the embryo and gives rise to a new individual. In flowering plants it is enclosed within the fruit.
Endosperm the tissue that surrounds the embryo inside a plant seed and provides nourishment for it
Leaves flat green parts that grow in various shapes from the stems or branches of a plant or tree and whose main function is photosynthesis
Chloroplast a membranous sac plastid that contains chlorophyll and other pigments and is the place where photosynthesis occurs within the cells of plants and algae. While plant cells contain numerous chloroplasts, algal cells often have just one. Each consists of interconnected stacks of disk-shaped membranes in fluid, surrounded by a double membrane.
Sepal a modified leaf in the outermost whorl calyx of a flower that encloses the petals and other parts
Transpiration the process in which water that has traveled from the roots of a plant up to its leaves passes out into the air as vapor
Asexual propagation grafting
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