Chapter 9 Writing Reports Business Communication Chapter 9 Writing Reports Copyright 2010 South-Western Cengage Learning
Types of Reports Style Purpose Format Formal reports Informal reports Informational reports Analytical reports Format © Rubberball Productions / Getty Images A report provides facts, opinions, or ideas about a specific topic or problem. 9.1 Planning Reports
Defining the Report Identify the problem or topic Determine the scope Develop a timeline 9.1 Planning Reports
Collecting the Data Primary research Secondary research Interview Survey Observation Secondary research Evaluating data sources Bibliography notes Research notes 9.1 Planning Reports
Bibliography Notes 9.1 Planning Reports
Research Note 9.1 Planning Reports
Processing the Data Create a report outline Analyze the data Draw conclusions and make recommendations 9.1 Planning Reports
Outline Examples Topical Outline Discussion Outline I. Characteristics of IM A. Speed B. Cost C. Equipment Discussion Outline I. IM offers the latest technology for sending messages. A. It offers speed. B. It is often free via the Internet. C. All that is needed is a computer. 9.1 Planning Reports
Searching for Data Online Focus your search to locate relevant data Use advanced search techniques Boolean operators OR AND NOT AND NOT Wildcards 9.1 Planning Reports
Reading for Research Reading skills are important for secondary research Scan material to determine relevancy Look for keywords or phrases to use for further study Evaluate data found for: Relevance and timeliness Accuracy and reliability Bias 9.1 Planning Reports
Organizing Informal Reports Direct order Indirect order © Dex Image / Getty Images Reports written in direct order give the main idea early in the report. 9.2 Writing Informal Reports
Outlining and Writing Informal Reports Report outlines Writing style Informational Report Outline in Direct Order 9.2 Writing Informal Reports
Formatting Informal Reports Parts of an informal report Letter reports Memo reports Manuscript reports 9.2 Writing Informal Reports
Organizing and Writing Formal Reports Direct and indirect order Writing styles © Zsolt Nyulaszi / Shutterstock Objective reports help managers make business decisions. 9.3 Writing Formal Reports
Parts of a Formal Report Preliminary parts Letter of transmittal Title page Table of contents Executive summary The report body Introduction Findings and analysis Summary, conclusions, and recommendations 9.3 Writing Formal Reports
Parts of a Formal Report Supplementary parts Bibliography or Works Cited page Appendix Formatting formal reports Margins and spacing Headings Visual aids 9.3 Writing Formal Reports
MLA Report Style Style often used for school reports MLA Handbook shows details of this report style Questions When was MLA founded? About how many people are members of MLA? Locate the frequently asked questions about the MLA Handbook. Select one of the questions and give a brief summary of the answer. 9.3 Writing Formal Reports
Vocabulary alternative analytical report analyze appendix bibliography conclusion documentation executive summary hypothesis informational report interview observation outline primary research recommendation report scope secondary research survey table of contents timeline wildcard