1 Our Approach to Lesson Study María E. Torres Summer, 2004
2 Introduction Job-embedded strategy used in Japan that gained interest in the United States after the dissemination of the results of the 1995 Third International Mathematics and Science Study. Lesson Study focuses on curriculum. Lesson Study is a collaborative process.
3 Initiation of Lesson Study in the Southwest Region Summer institute focuses on content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, student assessment and Lesson Study. Writing Teams develop lessons. Schedule for public demonstration lesson.
4 Preparing for the Research Lesson Curriculum Team members refine lesson. Demonstration teacher obtains permission from principal to implement the lesson. Demonstration teachers informs students and obtains parental permission for video-recording prior to the Research Lesson Colloquium. If demonstration lesson is to be held in setting other than the regular classroom, the teacher holds class in that setting prior to the Research Lesson Colloquium to get students used to the new environment. Copies of the lesson are provided to observers prior to the Research Lesson Colloquium.
5 Observing the Public Lesson: The Day of the Research Lesson Colloquium Step 1 The Orientation Changes to the lesson are noted. A seating chart is reviewed. Observers volunteer or are assigned to a student or a group for observation. Norms for the observation are established. Observers are provided an observation protocol.
6 Pre - observation notes Sequence of the lesson Teacher engagement, teacher talk, teacher questions Student reaction response collaborating solutions/errors Evidence: written, posted, and oral Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Data Columns in Observation Protocol
7 Observing the Public Lesson: The Day of the Research Lesson Colloquium Step 2Observing the Lesson Observers are in classroom before students if possible, otherwise observers quietly go in and sit or stand as close as possible to their group or student assignment Observers take notes about what they see happening.
8 Observing the Public Lesson: The Day of the Research Lesson Colloquium Step 3Personal Reflection Time is provided for observers to reflect on what they saw (15–30 minutes). Each observer summarizes notes and makes recommendations about the lesson in a 5- minute report.
9 Observing the Public Lesson: The Day of the Research Lesson Colloquium Step 4The Debriefing/Group Discussion Group reconvenes and a recorder is assigned to take notes of the discussion. Demonstration teacher begins the discussion and is followed by the other members of the writing team. Facilitator calls on each of the other observers. The invited commentator is the last to report. The observers write thank-you notes to the students. The writing team agrees on a date to meet to review notes and refine the lesson.
10 The Invited Commentator’s Report Provides an external perspective on the lesson and its implementation Addresses and provides evidence of the connect or disconnect of the lesson to local, state, and national standards, needs of students that are historically underserved and underrepresented Comments on how this model of professional development benefits all participants, not just the writing team Comments on the mathematics, student thinking, teaching, assessment, use of resources, systemic reform shifts
11 Observing the Public Lesson: The Day of the Research Lesson Colloquium Step 5Next Steps Scheduling writing team meeting Possible second iteration of the lesson
12 After the Research Lesson Colloquium The demonstration teacher may survey the students about the lesson and/or about the observation. The demonstration teacher may share the thank you notes written by the observers with the students.
13 After the Research Lesson Colloquium The writing team meets to –Review notes, videos, if any, student work/surveys –Refine the lesson based on feedback. –Write a summary of what they have learned as a team: About mathematics About teaching About student thinking About the use of resources About the shifts in systemic reform Other The writing team turns in its report to the contact person.