Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Dr. Matthew Livesey, English & Philosophy Phillip Motley, Art & Design University of Wisconsin - Stout
95% Report using Facebook 47% Use Facebook exclusively 42% Report using MySpace 1.8% Use MySpace exclusively How often? 41% Multiple times per day 39% Daily Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Social Networking: Usage
Viewing photos (91%) Sending messages (87%) Reading messages (85%) Writing on friends’ walls (84%) Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Social Networking: Most Popular Activities
Discussing issues (28%) Discussing classes (25%) Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Social Networking: Least Popular Activities
Writing on friends’ walls (20%) Sending messages and reading news about friends (17% each) Viewing photos and “Other” (12% each) Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Social Networking: Most Important Activity
“The social networking tool helps me keep in touch with people I also see in person.” 86% agreed or strongly agreed “Unless someone has seen my online profile, they don’t really know me.” 71% disagreed or strongly disagreed Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Social Networking: Attitudes
“The CMS allowed me to stay connected with my instructor.” 67% Agree or Strongly Agree “I interact with other students through the CMS.” 38% Agree or Strongly Agree Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Course Management Systems: Attitudes
Social networking tools’ most popular features are those in which students create the content (wall posts, messages) and consume the content that other students create (viewing photos, reading messages). How can course delivery tools begin to leverage that interest? Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Social Networking: Discussion
Our survey shows strongly that students most value interacting online with people they also see in person. How can we as educators make online instructional environments more an extension of in-person interactions? Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Social Networking: Discussion
60% Report playing computer games 32% play massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) How often? 24% Daily 26% Several times a week Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Computer & Video Games: Usage
Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction 100% Entertainment 35% Social interaction 30% Narrative value 16% Leadership development 5% Education Computer & Video Games: Reasons for Using
Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction 2% “Second Life” 14% Other immersive 3D environments Immersive 3D Environments: Usage
Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Games & Immersive Environments: Attitudes “The MMOG helps me keep in touch with people who I also see in person.” 32% agreed or strongly agreed “A person who has never met me will be able to tell what kind of person I am from my identity in the MMOG” 77% disagreed or Strongly disagreed
Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Games & Immersive Environments: Discussion Our survey shows that a minority of respondents are engaged in MMOGs and other immersive 3D environments yet those that are seem to value the social aspect of these experiences. Is it possible to use virtual environments to bridge the gap between the experiences of face-to-face classroom and online distance education?
Leveraging Social Networking & Immersive 3D Environments for Better Online Instruction Games & Immersive Environments: Discussion Our survey shows that the social value of MMOGs and other immersive 3D environments, while not the dominant reason for engagement, is significant. What is the value of the social engagement aspect of MMOGs? Does our concept of educational gaming need to be expanded to include the social and interactive aspects of MMOGs?