BE 581 Intro to MRI
What is MRI? Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Chapters 14 (NMR) and 15 (MRI)
What is MRI? An imaging modality that uses a magnetic field and radio frequency to image soft tissue Non ionizing radiation - not enough energy to remove electrons from atoms Non ionizing radiation - may have enough energy for excitation to a higher energy state
What can we see with MRI? In general soft tissue Internal Organs Muscles Brain Tumors Inflammation
What can we see with MRI? With a contrast agent (MRAngiography) Gadolinium + cherate Blood vessels Aneurisms Blockage
What can we see with MRI? FunctionalMRI (FMRI) Hemodynamic response of brain/spinal cord Uses oxygenated hemoglobin as a marker Response to a stimulus
MRI video Lucas Parra lecture at City College NY
MRI process Patient in magnetic field Send radio frequency Precession of protons Send radio frequency Precession is in phase (synchronization) Turn off radio signal Decay of synchronization Collection of resonance signal Coherent precession induces current in detection coil NMR
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Hydrogen Nuclei Hydrogen Nuclei (Protons) Axis of Angular Momentum (Spin), Magnetic Moment
Hydrogen Nuclei External Magnetic Field Spins PRECESS at a single frequency (f0), but incoherently − they are not in phase
Hydrogen Nuclei Irradiating with a (radio frequency) field of frequency f0, causes spins to precess coherently, or in phase
Magnetic Field I S magnetic field lines By staying in the interior region of the field, we can ignore edge effects. But how do we describe magnetic fields and field strengths quantitatively? N
Thus F is perp both v and B. Magnetic Field II q v An electric charge q moves between the N and S poles with velocity v. S B If the charge is crossing magnetic field lines, it experiences a force F. F F = qv x B Thus F is perp both v and B. N
Magnetic Field III F[N] = q[A.s]v[m.s-1]B For consistency, units of B must be N.(A . m)-1 1 N.(A.m)-1 1 T (tesla) Kg (A s2)-1 If a current of 1 A flows in a direction perpendicular to the field lines of a 1 T magnetic field, each one-meter length of moving charges will experience a magnetic force of 1 N
Magnetic Field B B goes by several different names in physics literature: Magnetic field Magnetic induction Magnetic induction vector Magnetic flux density
Nuclear Spin Spin: subatomic property of the nucleus Quantized (Hydrogen proton I=1/2) Angular momentum J of spinning mass I spin energy level mI magnetic quantum number can be +1/2 or -1/2 It is common practice to represent the total angular momentum of a nucleus by the symbol I and to call it "nuclear spin". For electrons in atoms we make a clear distinction between electron spin and electron orbital angular momentum, and then combine them to give the total angular momentum. But nuclei often act as if they are a single entity with intrinsic angular momentum I. Associated with each nuclear spin is a nuclear magnetic moment which produces magnetic interactions with its environment.
Magnetic moment The spinning of the charge generates magnetic moment µ is the gyromagnetic ratio and it’s an intrinsic property of each nucleus µ = J
Material NMR properties Only non zero spin atoms generate an MRI signal 1H, 13C, 31P etc. spin
1H (proton) MRI is based on the abundance of this proton in the human body
Precession A second order motion- the rotation of a rotating object (~ wobble)
Precession o= Bo µz= Jz= hmI / 2 mI= +/- 1/2 (for I=1/2) A spin in a uniform magnetic field Bo precesses at a frequency o (Larmor frequency) o= Bo Quantum mechanics dictates that µz and Jz can only be µz= Jz= hmI / 2 mI= +/- 1/2 (for I=1/2) When a magnetic moment is placed into a magnetic field a torque cause the magnetic moment to perform a precession motion similar to a spinning top
Spin Energy states Due to the quantization of the spin there are only 2 possible energy states for the proton - parallel and antiparallel
Zeeman effect -loss of a degenerate state E= µzBo= +/- hBo / 4 Degenerate state anti parallel parallel B=0 B B>0
Boltzman distribution It’s the relative population difference between two energy states nupper/nlower = exp(-E/KbT) Kb Boltzman constant =1.38 1023 J/K T temperature -> this is the reason why it’s hard to to MRI, you need a lot of ENERGY and low temp -> freeze patients?
Magnetization The Boltzman distribution characterizes the number of parallel and antiparallel spin When B=1.5T applied to 1 million protons there are only 5 more parallel than antiparallel Typical volume for MRI is 1021 protons E ~ 5 10-6 1021 ~ 5 1015
Magnetization This difference generates bulk magnetization Mo in z direction (N nuclei)
Classical physics interpretation valid when E << KbT When placed in a magnetic field it is forced to align N S Nuclear magnetic moment is a bar magnet B
Classical physics interpretation Spin provides angular momentum, interaction with Bo -> Torque -> precession The small difference in population of energy levels produces a small net magnetization Mz
Larmor frequency When proton are irradiated with EM radiation at a frequency fo we have resonance E = hfo= (h/2)Bo The Larmor frequency is o= Bo angular fo= Bo/2 linear Larmor frequency ->wobbling frequency
Use of RF pulse Bulk magnetization Mz A pulse of frequency o is able to flip M
Use of RF pulse A pulse of frequency o is able to flip M The flip angle depends on amplitude and length of the pulse 90 degrees Flip Mz = My 180 degrees flip Mz = -Mz
Use of RF pulse It is fundamental that the RF pulse is applied at the resonant frequency o Nothing would happen otherwise RESONANT FREQUENCY Quantum mechanics: A photon with energy equal to E can promote lower energy protons to higher energy
Block Equation Bulk magnetization M=[Mx,My,Mz] Magnetization over time Exponential decay with T2 time constant Exponential decay with T1 time constant
Block Equation - T2 decay A RF pulse generate the transverse Mx My component When RF is off Mx and My will decay exponentially (tc=T2) back to Mz
Block Equation - T2 decay Damped oscillation Induced on a receiver coil
Free precession -T2 decay Why does this happen? 1 Spin - Spin relaxation Each spin sees other magnetic field generated by other spins (decay T2) 2 Bo is not perfectly homogeneus (T+2) shorter than T2 (100 times) TOTAL EFFECT
Block Equation - T1 decay 90 pulse 180 pulse
Free precession - T1 decay The spin give/loose energy to the environment (lattice) Spin-lattice relaxation The system return to equilibrium state after a pulse Time necessary to recover 63% of longitudinal magnetization Mz
Free precession - T1 decay Water has long T1 Adding protein reduces T1 length Contrast agents are sometime used to decrease T1
Free Induction Decay (FID) We can measure these relaxation state with a R coil tuned at the resonant frequency (o = 3.87 MHz for 1H) Mxy(0) is magnitude of Mx, My at t=0 s(t)=
Homework 1 (due 10/6) Research values of Mo, T2 and o and trace the T2 relaxation in Matlab
Homework 2 (due 10/6) Do the same for T1 relaxation
Homework 3 Find the energy difference between low and high energy state of a proton in a 5 Tesla magnetic field
Homework 4 What kind of magnets (How many Tesla?) are the basis of commercially available MRI? Consider clinical MRI, small (arm/leg MRI) and animal MRI
Images References MRI physics class by Lucas Parra CCNY