Eight Skills of the Effective Paralegal Student PA100-02AU Unit 1 Seminar
Instructor Contact n Office hours (Thursdays from 8pm to 10 pm ET) n ASK THE PROF (Course Home) n
Office Hours n Office hours are held using AOL Instant Messenger. n My AIM sign in is InstructorCrump. n If you are not currently an AIM member, you can download the service for free,
Eight Skills of the Effective Paralegal Student PA 100 is designed to introduce you to the following eight skills: n Reading n Writing n Research n Planning n Thinking n Organizing, n Interviewing, and communicating. n Each unit addresses these skills through the use of various tools and resources.
Eight Skills of the Effective Paralegal Student As a result of completing this course, students will be able to: n use the eight skills (reading, writing, research, planning, observing, thinking, organizing, interviewing, and communicating) of the effective Paralegal student and paralegal professional, n locate online and print research resources applicable for Paralegals, and n identify law- and legal-related careers.
Overview of Course n This is a 10 week course. n Classes started on September 16,2009, and will officially end on November 24, n Each unit lasts for one full week. Therefore you have the entire week to complete all assignments and respond to the discussion board.
Overview of Course continued… n All units begin on Wednesdays and end on the following Tuesdays at midnight ET. n For example, Unit 1 began on Wednesday, September 16, 2009, and will end tonight -- Tuesday, November 24, 2009, midnight ET.
Grade Book The following are the graded assignments for this course n ACES; n Discussion board responses;
Grade Book continued… n Writing assignments Unit 1 Legal CareersUnit 1 Legal Careers Unit 5 Final Project ProposalUnit 5 Final Project Proposal Unit 8 Position PaperUnit 8 Position Paper
Grade Book continued… n LASSI Assessment n Quizzes (5); and n Seminars
ACES Survey – Unit 1 The ACES Survey is a self-report on academic skills (reading/writing, math/science and critical thinking) and academic enablers (interpersonal skills, motivation, engagement and study skills) that are central to academic success.
ACES Results You will not directly receive the results of ACES. The results are submitted directly to Kaplan University. Kaplan then generates a periodic report of all students who have completed the ACES survey. Once these reports are received, the grade book is adjusted accordingly.
LASSI Survey n The LASSI for Learning Online is designed to gather information about learning and study practices and attitudes of students participating in online learning.
LASSI Survey continued… n By taking this assessment, you will become aware of your use of learning and study strategies related to various skills as well as how you maintain motivation, goal setting, self-regulation, and using a systematic approach to learning in an online environment. It will also help you with learning how you communicate online with your fellow students, your instructors, and your advisors.
Discussion Board The discussion board is where students are encouraged to express themselves while providing an answer to the posted topics. Please note in some discussion boards, there are more than one thread, such as the case with Units 7, 9, and 10
Seminar n Attendance receives full credit n Alternative Seminar Assignment Synopsis of material covered in seminarSynopsis of material covered in seminar No less than two pages and no longer than three pages andNo less than two pages and no longer than three pages and Must be submitted within 7 days of the missed seminar.Must be submitted within 7 days of the missed seminar. Submit in “Doc Sharing” under “Alternative Seminar Assignment”Submit in “Doc Sharing” under “Alternative Seminar Assignment”
Final Project – Interview Legal Professional n Submit an Interview Summary and Reflection 2-3 pages in length,2-3 pages in length, double-spaced, written in paragraph formdouble-spaced, written in paragraph form
Final Project – Interview Legal Professional Final Project should contain the following Briefly summarize your interview. Reflect upon your interview in terms of your own evolving conception of careers in the legal field. Include an Appendix with the notes from your interview.
Unit 1 Assignments n Meet Your Classmates; n Discussion Board – Introductions; n Legal Careers Assignment (submit in appropriate “Dropbox” – instructions for the dropbox can be found under “Course Home” “How to Navigate the Classroom”) n Quiz; and n Seminar.