Digital Design Daily Plans Oct 21-25, 2013 Ms. Livoti
Monday 10/28 Homework: Photograph a close up of a texture each day, have all texture photos uploaded into a Nimbus Photo album. Title is “Texture”. Create one implied texture drawing in your sketchbook, Find one implied texture photo, and paste in something with actual texture in your sketchbook. All texture work is due by Friday Nov. 1 Do Now: Nimbus assignment #1: Create a photo manipulation album, fill it with at least 5 photos of digital art, scanner art, and photoshop manipulated photos. Label the photo with a comment about the website/original artist. Aim: How can you use a scanner to begin manipulating an original photograph? Save all work up to this point on your USB!!!
Restoring Original Photographs Clean the scanner bed Use 300 resolution to scan If you a photographing the photo, use a high resolution setting on your camera. Make sure there are no light reflections
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Mixed media artist Bruno Levy discovered the effect when he was working on a series of videos, using his flatbed scanner as a sort of stop motion camera. First he scanned his hand, which was neat, if not revelatory. But it made him notice something. When he moved his appendage mid-scan, the final image took on all sorts of strange distortions and colorizations. He rooted around his house for more materials to experiment with, ultimately leading him to the kitchen. “When I scanned the aluminum, I loved the landscapes that formed,” he says. “The variations seemed quite infinite.” this/#slideid
Audrey Flack is an American artist known for her pioneering contributions to photorealist painting, printmaking, and public sculpture How is artist Audrey Flack’s photorealist painting similar to scanner art? How could you create a similar artwork using a scanner as your medium?
Tuesday 10/29 Do Now: Looking at the following images, what color related corrections would need to be made? Aim: How can you adjust the white balance of an original photo using Photoshop? Homework: Photograph a close up of a texture each day, have all texture photos uploaded into a Nimbus Photo album. Title is “Texture”. Create one implied texture drawing in your sketchbook, Find one implied texture photo, and paste in something with actual texture in your sketchbook. All texture work is due by Friday Nov. 1
What is White Balance? -Guide/white-balance/wb-concept.html What is white balance? It all boils down to the concept of color temperature. Color temperature is a way of measuring the quality of a light source. It is based on the ratio of the amount of blue light to the amount of red light, and the green light is ignored.
Color Corrections Open your photo in Photoshop, save it! Check the white balance of the photo (aka lighting and color) Use the levels adjustments. Slide the white arrow to make it brighter, move the center to alter mid tones, and move the black slider to add more shadows. Try using the color balance sliders (image> adjustments> color balance) Try adjusting the saturation if the image looks too vivid. Try using the curve adjustments- click the gray eye dropper, and then find the most gray/neutral location in your picture. It should help even out the color tone.
Burning, Dodging and Saturation Use the burn tool darken areas that are too bright. Be careful: burning highlights produces a gray effect in white areas. Use low opacities, and do this in stages. Burn in the appropriate group of values: shadows, highlight or mid tone. Use the dodge tool to brighten areas. Change the size of your brush to be more detailed. Keep your opacity low so it stays natural. Sponge tool helps with saturation- use it to saturate or desaturate an area. Turn your image into black and white if needed, or apply a photo filter (sepia, cooler tone, warmer tone etc)
Wednesday 10/30 Do Now: Looking at the photoshop tool box, make a prediction about which tools could be used to remove unwanted information from a photo. Aim: How can you restore a photo back to its original state by removing imperfections such as dust, scratches and discolorations? Homework: Photograph a close up of a texture each day, have all texture photos uploaded into a Nimbus Photo album. Title is “Texture”. Create one implied texture drawing in your sketchbook, Find one implied texture photo, and paste in something with actual texture in your sketchbook. All texture work is due by Friday Nov. 1
Correction Tools Patch tool, with “destination” setting: drag a shape around an area near the part of the picture that needs to be removed. Move the selected shape onto the imperfection. It will disappear! Clone tool: sample an area of pixels near the imperfection. Stamp onto the imperfection. It will be diminished. Always re-select a new pixel area. If you keep stamping, it will deposit the same pixel information, making it clear the image is being poorly covered up.
10/31 Art Institutes Meet in room 146 for a presentation
Friday 11/1 Aim: How can you continue to restore your photograph back to its original state? Do Now: New York Times Article: Please read and respond, create an argument for or against the use of Photoshop for photojournalists. Homework: Photograph a close up of a texture each day, have all texture photos uploaded into a Nimbus Photo album. Title is “Texture”. Create one implied texture drawing in your sketchbook, Find one implied texture photo, and paste in something with actual texture in your sketchbook. All texture work is due by Friday Nov. 1 ogy/the-camera-never-lies-but-the-software- can.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm
What did John Kroll create? What surprised him about this creation? What is Photoshop designed to do, according to the article? Are photo manipulations new to digital photography? Why or why not? What are some examples of faked images mentioned in the article that “strike a chord because they reflect a certain reality” What is an example of how “images can also create their own version of reality” cited in the article? Do you think it is unethical to manipulate a photo? When is it acceptable to do photo manipulations?