A Report
Aspects to Consider When Planning Organisation Content Appearance Aim Register Language Vocabulary Structures
Appearance What should this writing look like? Headings? Title? Paragraphs? Not essential YES! For every paragraph Yes. 4 or 5.
Organisation What do I need to present? Introduction finding 1 Recommendation finding 2 finding 3 How can I organise my report into paragraphs? Do I have to invent survey findings? Are the questions specified in the task? Information from personal experience or from From survey results?
Content Introduction Heading 1 Recommendation Heading 2 Heading 3 State your aim. (Get this from the exam task) What is the survey based on? Survey finding 1 – Present results without interpretation. Save that for the recommendation! Survey finding 2 Survey finding 3 Your suggested plan of action. This must relate to…. The survey findings The aim of the report.
Aim Why am I writing this? To explain? To complain? To discuss? To ask for information? To give information? To convince? To recommend?
Register Who am I writing for? Should it be Formal or informal? FORMAL!
Language How will the register affect the language? Contractions? Verbs? Linking words and phrases? NONE Latinate when possible Formal
Vocabulary What vocabulary do I know related to this subject that will impress the examiner?
Structures + Phrases What structures can I use to impress the examiner? To present results - To indicate order of / add information - Give your recommendation Reported speech Phrases that start with adverbs (surprisingly, understandably etc.) Firstly, secondly etc. Furthermore, moreover etc. As a result of the survey I would recommend…… I also suggest ……. Other structures to impress- Conditionals, relative clauses etc.
Talking about quantity many, a great deal, a vast amount, a large number of MOST The majority …, The vast majority …, a large proportion … A FEWA small proportion…., only a handful of……., a minority…., hardly any / anybody …. 1/4 One in four answered that …… Twenty five per cent felt that …… A quarter of people were of the opinion that …. One out of every four people thought ….