Web Redesign Proposal for Foodie Haven Group 2 July 1, 2011
Taxonomy & Navigation Foodie Haven has : Great products!
Taxonomy & Navigation Foodie Haven has : Great products! In-depth buying guides, useful how-to articles, interesting videos, engaging slice-of-life storytelling
Taxonomy & Navigation Foodie Haven has : Great products! In-depth buying guides, useful how-to articles, interesting videos, engaging slice-of-life storytelling Customers who value all that and who are eager to pay for more
Taxonomy & Navigation Foodie Haven has : Great products! In-depth buying guides, useful how-to articles, interesting videos, engaging slice-of-life storytelling Customers who value all that and who are eager to pay for more A PROBLEM
Taxonomy & Navigation Foodie Haven has : Great products! In-depth buying guides, useful how-to articles, interesting videos, engaging slice-of-life storytelling Customers who value all that and who are eager to pay for more A PROBLEM: Those great customers can’t find that fabulous content that’ll bring them back, cash in hand.
Taxonomy & Navigation Foodie Haven has : A complicated, unintuitive navigation scheme –“Tips & Tricks” could be on any site out there, and it minimizes the importance of instructional content to customers. –“Find Out” is what everyone does everywhere. It doesn’t say “Here’s where Foodie Haven’s great classes are” to customers.
Taxonomy & Navigation Shopping Cookware Tools Utensils Electronics Equipment Baking Glassware Décor Food Brands On Sale Clearance New items Top rated Tips & Tricks Recipes How-to’s Videos Cooking Techniques Seasonal Ingredients Equipment Information Celebrity Chefs Find Out Cooking classes and demos Food events Contests Store Locations Celebrity Chefs Community Share recipes Ask other foodies Share photos and videos Blogs Celebrity Chefs
Taxonomy & Navigation Shop Cookware Tools Utensils Electronics Equipment Baking Glassware Décor Food Brands On Sale Clearance New Items Top-Rated Cook Featured Recipes Top-Rated Recipes Recipes by Cuisine New Recipes Seasonal Recipes Share YOUR Recipe! Learn Celebrity Chefs Videos How-to Articles Equipment Information Classes, Demos, Events Contests About Foodie Haven
Taxonomy & Navigation Shop Cookware Tools Utensils Electronics Equipment Baking Glassware Décor Food Brands On Sale Clearance New items Top-Rated Cook Featured Recipes Top-Rated Recipes Recipes by Cuisine New Recipes Seasonal Recipes Share YOUR Recipe! Learn Celebrity Chefs Videos How-to Articles Equipment Information Classes, Demos, Events Contests About Foodie Haven Where did this come from??
Taxonomy & Navigation Existing Labels Recipes / How-to’s / Videos Cooking Techniques / Seasonal Ingredients / Equipment Information / Celebrity Chefs / Classes and demos / Events / Contests / Store Locations / Ask (Share) / Blogs
Taxonomy & Navigation Article Text Laid-back risotto Risotto, asparagus, spring, vegetables, Mario Batali, easy Top 7 chef's knives knife, chef's knife, Global, Wusthof, Kershaw Shun, Henckels, Sabatier, MAC Mighty, Misono Putting fresh in refreshment shaved ice, snoball, Hatsuyuki Healthier summer party host low-calorie, burger, low-fat, grilling, pasta salad, mayonnaise, potato salad, vegetables, fruit Starting a charcoal fire charcoal, grilling Existing Labels Recipes / How-to’s / Videos Cooking Techniques / Seasonal Ingredients / Equipment Information / Celebrity Chefs / Classes and demos / Events / Contests / Store Locations / Ask (Share) / Blogs
Taxonomy & Navigation Article Text Laid-back risotto Risotto, asparagus, spring, vegetables, Mario Batali, easy Top 7 chef's knives knife, chef's knife, Global, Wusthof, Kershaw Shun, Henckels, Sabatier, MAC Mighty, Misono Putting fresh in refreshment shaved ice, snoball, Hatsuyuki Healthier summer party host low-calorie, burger, low-fat, grilling, pasta salad, mayonnaise, potato salad, vegetables, fruit Starting a charcoal fire charcoal, grilling Existing Labels Recipes / How-to’s / Videos Cooking Techniques / Seasonal Ingredients / Equipment Information / Celebrity Chefs / Classes and demos / Events / Contests / Store Locations / Ask (Share) / Blogs Verbatim Customer Feedback browse / blender / price / date / instructional videos / profile / user / community / store location / in stock / class ( event) / notify (subscribe, calendar, date) / kitchen maintenance / meal type (breakfast, lunch, dinner) / recipes / search / find specific products
Taxonomy & Navigation Article Text Laid-back risotto Risotto, asparagus, spring, vegetables, Mario Batali, easy Top 7 chef's knives knife, chef's knife, Global, Wusthof, Kershaw Shun, Henckels, Sabatier, MAC Mighty, Misono Putting fresh in refreshment shaved ice, snoball, Hatsuyuki Healthier summer party host low-calorie, burger, low-fat, grilling, pasta salad, mayonnaise, potato salad, vegetables, fruit Starting a charcoal fire charcoal, grilling Existing Labels Recipes / How-to’s / Videos Cooking Techniques / Seasonal Ingredients / Equipment Information / Celebrity Chefs / Classes and demos / Events / Contests / Store Locations / Ask (Share) / Blogs Verbatim Customer Feedback browse / blender / price / date / instructional videos / profile / user / community / store location / in stock / class ( event) / notify (subscribe, calendar, date) / kitchen maintenance / meal type (breakfast, lunch, dinner) / recipes / search / find specific products Foodie Haven business objectives: Get customers to products!
Taxonomy & Navigation Foodie Haven has : A complicated, unintuitive navigation scheme Lost, separate, siloed content –It’s all about the same stuff: preparing fabulous food! –None of it is connected to the other stuff about the same thing.
Taxonomy & Navigation We have the solution: Link up your food & equipment products with the recipes that use them Link up your food & equipment products with the instructions for making them work for people Link up your food & equipment products with the people who really, really want them
Taxonomy & Navigation How? Product: Wok Product category: Cookware > Woks Cuisine: Chinese Cooking technique: Stir fry Good with: Orange Chicken Stir Fry
Taxonomy & Navigation How? Product: Wok Product category: Cookware > Woks Cuisine: Chinese Cooking technique: Stir fry Good with: Orange Chicken Stir Fry Video: Basic Wok Technique Product category: Cookware > Woks Cuisine: Chinese Cooking technique: Stir fry
Taxonomy & Navigation How? Product: Wok Product category: Cookware > Woks Cuisine: Chinese Cooking technique: Stir fry Good with: Orange Chicken Stir Fry Video: Basic Wok Technique Product category: Cookware > Woks Cuisine: Chinese Cooking technique: Stir fry Orange Chicken Stir Fry Cuisine: Chinese Cooking technique: Stir fry Featured ingredient: Chicken
Taxonomy & Navigation Made for each other! Product: Wok Product category: Cookware > Woks Cuisine: Chinese Cooking technique: Stir fry Good with: Orange Chicken Stir Fry Video: Basic Wok Technique Product category: Cookware > Woks Cuisine: Chinese Cooking technique: Stir fry Orange Chicken Stir Fry Cuisine: Chinese Cooking technique: Stir fry Featured ingredient: Chicken
Taxonomy & Navigation Steel Wok $65.95 Stock: Available Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam Wishlist Add to Cart Aluminum wok $37.95 Electric Wok $89.95 Titanium wok $ Shop > Cookware > Woks Video: Basic wok technique Article: Which Wok? A Wok Buying Guide Recipe: Orange Stir Fry Chicken Class : Master the Wok Aug. 3, 1-3 pm, $75
Taxonomy & Navigation Learn > Videos > Technique Products: Steel Wok $65.95 Electric Wok $89.95 Article: Which Wok? A Wok Buying Guide Recipe: Orange Stir Fry Chicken Class : Master the Wok Aug. 3, 1-3 pm, $75 Video: Basic wok technique 13 min., skill level: novice, click to play
Taxonomy & Navigation Product category: (same values as Shop) Skill level: Novice Intermediate Skilled Professional Cuisine: Pan-Asian Chinese Italian French Mediterranean Mexican South American Vegetarian Cooking technique: Grilling Baking Slow cooker Frying Stir fry Meal: Appetizers Brunch Breakfast Lunch Dinner Meal component: Sauce Main dish Side dish Salad Dessert Featured ingredient: Meat and Seafood Chicken Pork Vegetables Fruits Pasta Interests: Party Planning Celebrity Chefs Health & nutrition Kid-friendly Good with [other recipe or instruction element]
Taxonomy & Navigation Cuisine Pan-Asian (4) Chinese (8) Stir fry pan Events Master the Wok, Aug. 3, 1-3 pm, $75 Brand Ajax (2) Best Woks (3) Le Crueset (1) WoksRUs (6 ) Price <$50 (2) $50-$125 (6) $125-$200 (2) $200-$250 (2) Articles Which Wok? A Wok Buying Guide Recipes Orange Stir Fry Chicken Stir fry pan USE Wok
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