DATA RETREAT PRINCIPAL’S MID-YEAR REPORT 2010-11 Vandercook Lake Schools Townsend Elementary Principal: Diane McQuillan Subject Area: Reading &Writing.


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Presentation transcript:

DATA RETREAT PRINCIPAL’S MID-YEAR REPORT Vandercook Lake Schools Townsend Elementary Principal: Diane McQuillan Subject Area: Reading &Writing

GOAL WRITING: All students will be proficient in Writing by What group of students is targeted with this goal: All Students

Overview of Townsend’s Writing Program Calkins Writing E.E.T. (Expanding Expressions Tool) Collins Writing

Objective 1 General education teachers in collaboration with teachers of students with disabilities will plan implementation of our research based instructional writing best practices. As a result we will close the gap between general ed. and special ed. students by accelerating MEAP writing scores.

Evidence of Action One Gen. Ed. / Sp. Ed. meeting per marking period: Analyze writing assessments and discuss best practices. Co-Teaching Efforts: 5 th Grade (2) and 3 rd Grade (2) Calkins Writing Programs

Is It Working? Teacher Input Increased Communication (Monthly Data Retreat Meetings) Achievement Gap Analysis (When MEAP released)

Objective 2 All teachers (regular and special education) K-5 will administer and score a prompted writing sample in September and March to all students K-5. The purpose of this thematic prompt is to measure student growth in writing and to inform teachers so they may make timely instructional decisions.

Evidence of Action Common Theme for the Writing Prompts: “CHOICES” K-6 = Narrative Prompt (MEAP-like) September (Pre Assessment) = Prompt A March (Post Assessment) = Prompt A

Evidence of Action (continued) Theme – Choice September K-2: If you could choose any pet, what would it be and why? 3-6: Write about a time you made a choice and it turned out well. or Write about a time you made a choice and it didn’t turn out well. March K-2: If you could choose any pet, what would it be and why? 3-6: Write about a time you made a choice and it turned out well. or Write about a time you made a choice and it didn’t turn out well.

Young Fives Sample

Kindergarten Sample

1 st Grade Sample

2 nd Grade Sample

3 rd Grade Sample

4 th Grade Sample

5 th Grade Sample

Evidence of Action (continued) Writing prompts given on Sept Staff trainings on scoring prompts using the MEAP and 6 Trait Writing Rubric Writing prompts scored by entire staff Kindergarten Rubric Scores will be uploaded to Data Director

Is It Working? Creates a building-wide, common initiative Increase writing data for this school year. Analyzing results uploaded to Data Director in March.

Objective 3 All teachers (regular and special education) K-5 will teach research based methods of writing.

Evidence of Action Entire Staff Trained in Calkins Writing Principal-Initiated Goal for All Teachers Regular Teacher Work-days to Prepare Lessons

Is It Working? Principal Classroom Walkthroughs Creation of Grade-level Writing Lessons

Additional Initiatives Writing Buddies (Grades 1-5) K-5 Common Planning Times for Data Retreat ISD Personnel Visits a Classroom 3 times/week for Additional Writing Support Grade-level Community Exhibitions Highlighting Student Writings

What’s Next? Evaluation of Writing Prompts, CWCA scores, and MEAP scores – Possible intervention strategies Analyzing the prompt results through Data Director

GOAL READING: All students will be proficient in Reading by What group of students is targeted with this goal? All Students

Overview of Townsend’s Reading Program Guided Reading Reading Recovery Running Records RTI Gates/MacGinitie Houghton Mifflin Reading Series Literacy room

Objective 1 General education and special education teachers will meet to discuss and implement potential research-based interventions and support systems for at-risk students.

Evidence of Action Co-Teaching Efforts: 5 th Grade (2) and 3 rd Grade (2) Co-Teaching Meetings Scheduled Regularly General ed./Special ed. meet during the last 45 minutes of common planning on the last Wednesday of month.

Is It Working? Increased Communication (Monthly Data Retreat Meetings) Increased Awareness of General Education Curriculum by Special Education Teachers Awaiting MEAP results for analyzing achievement gaps between general ed. / special ed.

Objective 2 All teachers (regular and special education), K-5 will teach the properties of informational texts.

Evidence of Action Stephanie Harvey videos: Strategies For Learning (viewing/implementing and meeting for discussion) Teacher survey to organize professional development materials All teachers have “Time for Kids”, “National Geographic”, or “Storyworks”

Is It Working? Data Retreat meetings: Discussion of implementation strategies by grade level representatives. Future MEAP item analysis of informational text

Objective 3 All teachers will closely monitor students’ comprehension and vocabulary to make decisions to guide instruction.

Evidence of Action Running Records MLPP in grades K-3 Gates/MacGinitie

Is It Working? Gates/MacGinitie post-test (May) Student progression in reading levels

Additional Initiatives K-5 Common Planning Times for Data Retreat Books of the month (K-5) Reading month activities

What’s Next? Summer Work Sessions with our Reading/Writing Team Analyze effectiveness of Gates/MacGinitie tests Address in-class data assessment and data colelction