EPCRA BACKGROUND EPCRA 301 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)(Form R)/ RMP (Risk Management Program) Federal Forms Tier Two Oreg on has HSIS
1986Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act signed into law. SARA SARA Title IIIEPCRA EPCRA requires small to large businesses to report chemical information, including: Detailed chemical inventories Reporting spills and releases of hazardous substances Providing information to local responders and emergency planners
Establishment of State Commissions, Planning Districts & Local Committees (Section 301)
LEPC Information Clatsop County LEPC Columbia Emergency Planning Association (CEPA) LEPC Coos County LEPC Klamath County Emergency Planning Committee Lane County LEPC Lincoln County LEPC Mid-Valley LEPC (Linn and Benton Counties) Morrow County LEPC Multnomah County LEPC / ECHO Umatilla County LEPC
Local Emergency Planning Committee LEPC SARA Title III/Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 SERC establishes Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC). LEPC’s work with local facility representatives on the development of an emergency response plan tailored to the needs of the local community. The local LEPC analyzes hazards and evaluates resources for preparing for and responding to a potential chemical accident. Chemical information received from local industry is part of that response planning. LEPC’s goals are to protect their communities from disaster.
*Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) CERCLA establishes a framework for Federal involvement in response to and cleanup of hazardous substance releases.
60 days- 30days if changed **** Varies *Renotification required after changes in information. **Under Sec 103(a) of CERCLA, 40 CFR Part 302, NRC notification is required if release of CERCLA hazardous substance is = or > RQ. ***Initial compliance deadline for Federal facilities was 30 Aug 1994 (EO 12856). ****Initial notification within 60 days of date EHS 1st present at or above TPQ. If change in reporting status (new coordinator, contact number change, facility name change, removal or addition of EHS) notification within 30 days to SERC & LEPC. Oregon has a Hazardous Substance Information Survey (CR2K) and a staggered reporting schedule based on county.
EPA EPCRA Sections 302, 303, 311 & 312 D O YOU NEED TO REPORT THE CHEMICALS THAT YOU HAVE ON YOUR SITE ? *Threshold Level for Reporting Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS)-Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) or 500 lbs., whichever is less (see List of Lists) Hazardous substances (chemicals required by OSHA to have an MSDS- SDS, but are not an EHS) 10,000 lbs. OSHA (M)SDS (Material) Safety Data Sheets
EPA’s Consolidated List of Lists RMP
Common EHSs EHS NameThreshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) Ammonia 500 pounds Chlorine 100 pounds Sulfuric Acid1,000 pounds* Sulfur Dioxide 500 pounds The TPQ for Sulfuric Acid is 1,000 pounds. For EPCRA, “have present at any one time an EHS in quantity equal to or greater than TPQ or 500 pounds, whichever is less.”
*A rough estimate to calculate sulfuric acid in a battery is to use 18% of the battery’s weight as sulfuric acid (with 70% of its weight being lead). A typical electric lift truck battery can easily weigh 2,400 lbs., therefore, it could contain as much as 432 lbs. of sulfuric acid and as much as 1,690 lbs. of lead.
EPCRA 3 04/CERCLA 103 Reporting Elements Release of an EHS in quantity equal to or greater than reportable quantity (RQ). OR Release of a CERCLA hazardous substance in quantity equal to or greater than reportable quantity (RQ).
W HAT CHEMICALS ARE SUBJECT TO REPORTING ? Chemicals subject to Section 304 notification requirements are CERCLA hazardous substances listed under 40 CFR Table and the40 CFR Table extremely hazardous substances (EHS) listed under 40 CFR part 355 Appendix A and B. 40 CFR part 355 Appendix AB Who is responsible, the owner or operator, for purposes of EPCRA 304 release reporting? Either the owner or operator of a facility gives notice after a release. Under EPCRA section 304 both the owner and operator are responsible if no notification is provided. /ics/support/KBList.asp?folderID=662
EPA EPCRA Sections 311 & 312 Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Reporting (Tier Two) In Oregon, the Hazardous Substance Information Survey (HSIS) identifies hazardous substances that are used, stored, manufactured and/or disposed of at business and government sites. The survey is annual and facilities are required to notify the OSFM within 30 days of changes.
EPA EPCRA Sections 311 & 312 Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Reporting OREGON MONTHLY SURVEY MAILINGS by COUNTY FEBRUARY Baker, Crook, Grant, Harney, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, & Wheeler MARCH Deschutes, Marion, & Polk APRIL Coos, Curry, Jackson, & Josephine MAY Benton, Douglas, & Linn JUNE Lane & Lincoln JULY Clackamas, Hood River, & Yamhill AUGUST Tillamook & Washington SEPTEMBER Columbia & Multnomah & Clatsop If a company has numerous facilities throughout the state of Oregon, they have the option to have all surveys mailed at once by submitting a request in writing to the Office of State Fire Marshal.