Shoebox, Wiki’s, and Blogs - Oh My! Laura Lockhart And Lisa Ham
iSearch Project Based Learning Inquiry Social Media 21 st Century Learning
2010 IBM Survey Report “more than 1,500 CEO’s from 60 countries and 33 industries worldwide believe that – more than rigor, management discipline, integrity or even vision – successfully navigating an increasingly complex world will require creativity.”
The Creativity Crisis “Creativity isn’t about freedom from concrete facts, rather fact finding and deep research are vital stages in the creative process. Scholars argue that current curriculum standards can still be met, if taught in a different way.” Bronson and Merryman, 2010
iSearch Develop higher order questionsSeek answers through researchRecord notes and cite sources digitally Produce and present products based on learning Evaluate those products and processes
Information Problem Solving What do I Want to Know? Where Can I Find the Answers to My Questions? How Will I Keep a Record of the Answers that I find? How Will I Share What I Learned? How Will I Know I Did a Good Job?
Shoebox, Wiki, and Blog?
“Encouraging students to write about topics that matter most to them is probably the first step in helping students care about their writing.” Calkins and Harwayne The Writing Process and Digital Writing
Peer Editing and Conferencing Protocol Conferencing and collaborating on projects are critical to helping students gain important skills and be prepared for 21 st century learning. Conferencing Protocol from Slusher, Brian “Praising, Questioning, Wishing; An Approach to Responding to Writing.” National Writing Project.
Digital Products Digital Products flickrglogster Voice thread Power point animoto
Formative and Summative Assessments Interview Story Board Website Assessments Teacher comments/reflections on Blog Use of RubricsPeer ConferencingIsearch PathfinderiSearch homeworkSearch LogSelf Evaluations
Formative and Summative Assessments Interest mapJournal BlogWiki Research Plan Search Notes Question Chart The Research Paper Digital Project Presentation
iSearch Project Students and teachers work together to constantly monitor process, progress, and accomplishments. The cooperation, group work, and input from everyone involved helps to solidify the community of lifelong and creative learners. What Kids Really Want
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