Day 1 Grammar 1.What will you by with you money. 2.Your piggy bank is heavyer than mine 1.What will you buy with your money? 2.Your piggy bank is heavier than mine.
Statements and Questions I needed that candle. Why isn’t Alexander rich now? The first sentence is a statement and the second sentence is a question. Grammar Transparency 3
Day 1 Writing Let’s read the Math Story on the transparency together. The writer uses statements about selling gift wrap and one student’s sales. I can use subjects and verbs such as I sold and the Lanes bought to track total sales. Questions at the end signal what is to be calculated. To find out: how many rolls, add ; how much money, multiply the sum x $4. These sequence words can also be called “time order” words.
Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday How can we use money wisely?
Zach loves to shop at yard sales. He is careful about spending his money, and he offers some good tips for yard-sale shoppers. Talk with your tables about yard sales you have been to or seen in your neighborhood.
Zach the Yard-Sale Whiz The eleven year old, sixth grader, in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Zach Bissonnette loved to shop. He did not participate in the normal kind of shopping in a mall or a retail store though. On Saturday morning, he and his mom were out early hitting yard sales. When he got to the sixth yard sale of the morning he started spending his allowance. He got an almost new console game system and two new games for $7. He has purchased clothes, books, sports equipment, games, magazines, and anything else he can find a good deal on that would interest an eleven year old. Zach loves to resist the temptation of overspending and looks for good bargains. On his way home his mother and he love to compare how much money they both saved by him hunting down the best deal. Some examples of his savings include: a new jacket for $5 instead of $70, books totaling over $25 for $2.50, a set of skis and poles for only $20 that would cost that much to rent them for a weekend, and a backpack with matching notebook with the tags still on them for $1. It makes for good times for both Zach and his mother.
Partner 1-What does Zach do while driving home from yard sales. When Zach is driving home from yard sales he… Partner 2-What item did Zach buy last: a golf cart or a basket for his friend’s kitties. Zach bought a ________ last.
Allowance-a sum of money given or set aside for expenses Resist-to try to keep from doing something that you want to do. Retail-the sale of goods in stores or shops directly to the user.
retail resist allowance Budgeting Places to Spend Advice Sources of Money
I made sure to wash my hands before dinner, and then I sat at the table. What are the clue words. Before Then
Sequence is the order in which things happen in a story. As you read pay attention to what happens first, next, and last. Clue words Then Next Finally
As you read, picture in your mind the characters and what is happening. That will help you keep track of the sequence of events.
How You Spend and Save Money Spending Saving
New Words Let’s take a look at our new spelling and vocabulary words!!!
Day 2 Grammar brother worryed about saving his money. 2.Did jon’s uncle give him money for his birthday. 1.My brother worried about saving his money. 2.Did Jon’s uncle give him money for his birthday?
Day 2 Grammar Is it a statement or a question? Jill saved her money. Statement Did Michael buy a bat? Question *REMEMBER!!! A sentence that tells something is a statement. A sentence that asks something is a question. Practice p. 8-9
Day 2 Writing Let’s work on this transparency together. (3B) Tomorrow we will write math stories. I might write a story about spending my birthday money. What time-order words would help show the sequence of events? First Next Finally Then Yesterday Example: First, I bought two comic books for $5.82. Next we went to another store where I found an amazing toy I had been looking for. It was on sale for $15.00! Finally, we went home and I didn’t spend any more money.
Day 2 Fluency Notice how I pretend to be Alexander when I read aloud on pg. 74. Now you practice with your partner and imagine yourself as the character. Three read We read together. You read it with your partner. Then you read it alone to your partner.
Listen to the story…
Day 3 Grammar 1.How much does it cost to go swiming at the pool. 2.Tim saveing his money. 1.How much does it cost to go swimming at the pool? 2.Tim is saving his money. Practice page 10-11
Day 3 Writing Look at pg. 83 in your book. Next let’s brainstorm! Think of a list of actions that involve numbers, such as saving money, counting pets, or measuring ingredients. Number the list in the order that you are putting the actions in the story. Write a math problem you would like to use in the story. Now, let’s write!
Listen to the story…
Day 3 Fluency Notice how I read with expression on pg. 79. Now you practice with your partner using expression. Three read We read together. You read it with your partner. Then you read it alone to your partner.
Day 4 Grammar 1.What hapened to the dollar in my drawer. 2.Dan spended it at the fare 1.What happened to the dollar in my drawer? 2.Dad spent it at the fair. Grammar book p
Day 4 Writing Does my story describe an event that involves numbers and math? Do time-order words make the sequence of events clear? Do I use both statements and questions? Did I spell my words correctly.
Day 4 Fluency We are going to practice timing our partners. –Follow along as they read. –Underline words they miss or skip. –Put a ] at the word they are on when the timer goes off.
Look Back and Write ARMT practice Did Alexander really spend all of his money? *Look back at the selection and add up all he spent. Use details from the story to write an answer and explanation.
Day 5 Grammar 1.These plantes dont cost much. 2.We can give a flour to Mom for her birth day. 1.These plants don’t cost much. 2.We can give a flower to Mom for her birthday. Grammar Test
Day 5 Writing Write a personal narrative about a time that you worked hard for something you wanted. Tell what you wanted, why you wanted it, and how you worked to get it. –A personal narrative is a story about an interesting experience or event in the storyteller’s life. –Use time-order words to show clearly when things happen in your personal narrative.
Day 5 Test Progress Monitoring Finish stations Finish Personal Narrative.