Sun ’ s Acupuncture & Wellness Centre
Biofeedback is a non-invasive healing approach that works at an energetic level to clear away any blockages within the body that are causing physical, emotional or spiritual stress. Excess stress is the pathway to disease.
Stress can come from many sources, such as toxicity, trauma, pathogens, mental factors, allergies, heredity, lifestyle and deficiency syndrome. As the stress continues, the disease progresses. Stress
Stress starts by producing an alarm response in the body, which will provoke symptoms. If the stress continues the body will go into an adaptation stage, which is symptom free. A lack of symptoms is not always an indicator that the body is in good health. One can have a life threatening disease and be symptom free.
Biofeedback is Energy Medicine.
All living cells emanate an electromagnetic energy.
Each cell in our body operates at a certain frequency. Our cells network together to keep our body in harmony. Stress produces erratic vibrations in our cells that lead to disharmony, followed by injury and disease.
The human body has two primary electrical systems. The alternating electric current of the nervous system, the brain, neurons, and the nerves which cause muscle contraction, nerve transmission, glandular secretion, and sensation.
The other is an electromagnetic system emanating from atoms and cells. This energy system is called an aura or an energy field.
Energy Medicine States.. The body’s first signal that all is not well manifests itself as a vibrational frequency. These erratic frequencies stored in our cells may accumulate unnoticed for many years. Eventually, chemical changes begin to appear; such as bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that can take hold in the body.
Through computer analysis the body’s energy patterns are scanned looking for erratic frequencies. Applying feedback to these areas may correct the negative energy patterns, putting the body back into balance and harmony.
What can I expect during my Biofeedback session?
Your first session will be approximately 75 minutes. After completing an intake and consent form, wrist and ankle bracelets, along with a head harness is adorned. Many find the experience deeply relaxing and fall asleep. Your session will include a Geopathic Stress Test, Calibration (Energy) Test, Reactivity Test, Susceptibility Index, Major Energetic Stressor & Balancing Treatment along with suggested recommendations for your health.
How can Biofeedback help?
Testing for... Allergies Learning Disabilities Parasites/Fungus Supplement Effectiveness
Biofeedback can help with… Chronic Pain: Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Gout Recovery of Motor Functions after a Stroke Autoimmune Diseases: Cancer, AIDS, HIV Support Therapy, Frequent Infections, Inflammation, Cold & Flu Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Autism, ADD/ADHD Digestive Problems: IBS, Acid Reflux, Diabetes Headaches, Insomnia, Fatigue, Blood Pressure Allergies, Sinusitis, Asthma Acid/Alkaline Balance Infertility, Menopause, Irregular Menstruation, Endometriosis
Early/Middle Stage Cancer Stress Reduction. Balance Emotions. Balance Metabolism. Body Detoxification. Strengthening the immune system. Reduced side effects from chemotherapy and radiation. Providing hope for a healthy tomorrow.
When a life has come full circle.. Pain Control. Stress Reduction. Balancing of Emotions. Appetite Stimulation. Quality time with family.
Providing a peaceful end of life transition for your loved one at home or hospital.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about Biofeedback. Sun’s Acupuncture & Wellness Centre wishes you a life of good health and happiness.
Sun ’ s Acupuncture & Wellness Centre University Avenue W. Ph: (519)