Galatians Holy Family Bible Study Spring 2006 May 3, 2006
A little background As a result of the decision of the Christian assembly in Antioch, Paul and Barnabas begin a missionary journey that takes them to Cyrus, and then on the Pamphlian, costal cities, and southern Galatian cities of Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe, then back to Antioch and to Jerusalem
A little background Acts tells us that Paul and Barnabas were successful during the first journey. And there is opposition of the Jews to preaching the Gospel. It seems Paul visited Galatia during three of his missionary journeys.
A little task A table groups make up an outline of what one needs to do to become a member of Holy Family Church. You have three minutes. Select a spokes person to share your main concept
Structure of Galatians 1:1-5 Greeting 1: Loyalty to the Gospel 1:11—2:21 Paul’s defense and his authority 3:1—4:31 Faith and Liberty 5:1—6:10 Exhortation to Christian living 6:11-18 Conclusion
Some Insights Converts from paganism Influx of Judaizers Paul’s view of the gospel Preeminence of Christ and his cross Fruits of the Spirit
Some Insights This is the book that separates the Catholics and the Protestants. Justification by grace through faith apart from deeds prescribed by the law.
1:1-5 Greeting Apostle From Christ Concerned about their perverted message
1: Loyalty to the Gospel Paul is shocked He is not watering down the gospel, he is spreading the New Gospel
1:11—2:21 Paul’s defense and his authority He shares is past His Gospel is from Christ! Council of Jerusalem Trouble in Antioch (2:11-14) Faith and Works “I live by faith in the Son of God”
I live by faith in the Son of God Paul's; profound insight into the Christian experience: The reshaping of even physical human life by the transcendent influence of Christ’s indwelling. It must penetrate to one's psychological awareness so that one realized in faith that the true life come only from the redemptive and vicarious surrender of the Son of God.
3:1—4:31 Faith and Liberty Six Proofs Did you receive the Spirit? God’s promise to Abraham Christian Baptism Children of God Galatians in relationship with Paul Allegory of Sarah and Hagar
6:11-18 Conclusion 1:1-5 Greeting 1: Loyalty to the Gospel 1:11—2:21 Paul’s defense and his authority 3:1—4:31 Faith and Liberty 5:1—6:10 Exhortation to Christian living 6:11-18 Conclusion