Bible Blitz Msgr Ed Thompson And Deacon Norm Kazyk With Technical Assistance Ray Hosler
The Epistles of Paul 1 & 2 Corinthians Galatians Deacon Norm Fr. Ed
1 Corinthians Paul was engaged in establishing a Christian Community in Corinth for many years. His concerns for Corinth were many, including that future liberal missionaries would introduce lax standards and split the Church into factions.
1Chastises them for factions 1:22Signs, Wisdom, Christ crucified 2:4-5, 9The future reward 5:1-5, 9-13The incestuous man; judging others 6:15-20Personal morality
7:1-11, 15-16Advice to the married; Pauline privilege 12The gifts of the Church and Church as Body of Christ 13:1-7Statement on Love 14-16Theological
2 Corinthians We learn more about Paul from these letters than any other place. This letter is very personal and contains an impassioned defense of his claim to be an apostle (Ch 11-12)
He is also in the midst of taking up a collection for the poor Christians of Jerusalem. Question is, is this one letter or a composite made up of fragments from lost letters.
1-2Paul defends himself and forgives an offender 3-6Continues defense – 6:1-10Description of his apostleship 8-9The collection for the poor Christians in Jerusalem 11-12:10 Paul’s sufferings as an apostle
Galatians A.D from Ephesus Galatia – Roman Province Galatians – Paul’s Converts
Attack on Paul and “His Gospel” Paul’s response; his Damascus experience “My gospel was given me directly by Jesus Christ”
Judaizers Before becoming a Christian, a gentile had first to become a Jew. Paul: faith in Jesus and the grace of God save a person, not the law.
Divisions I Address (1:1-5) II Loyalty to the Gospel (1:6-10) III Paul’s defense of his gospel and of his authority (1:11 – 2:21) IV Faith and Liberty (3:1 – 4:31) V Exhortation to Christian Living (5:1 – 6:10) VI Conclusion (6:11-18)
I Address 1:1-5Paul, called by Christ II Loyalty to the Gospel 1:6-10Perversion of the gospel – Judaizers No other gospel! Not even from an angel! Curses!
III Paul’s defense of his gospel and authority 1:11 – 2:21 My gospel came directly from Christ Former persecutor, now an apostle Three years in Arabia, then Damascus, then Jerusalem Cephas and James
Syria and Cilicia Council of Jerusalem 2:11 “I opposed Kephas to his face” 2:15-21 Faith and Works
IV Faith and Liberty (3:1 – 4:31) 3:1-14Justification by Faith 3:15-19The Law did not nullify the Promise 3:23-23What Faith has brought us
4:1-7God’s Free Children in Christ 4:8-11Do Not Throe This Freedom Away 4:12-20Appeal to Former Loyalty
V Exhortation to Christian Living (5:1 – 6:10) 5:1-6Importance of Faith 5:7-12Be Not Misled 5:13-26Freedom for Service 6:1-10Life in the Community of Christ
VI Conclusion (6:11-18) 6:11:18Final Appeal