外 贸 英 语 函 电 Business English Correspondence 主编 项伟峰.


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Presentation transcript:

外 贸 英 语 函 电 Business English Correspondence 主编 项伟峰

Job Competency Job task Exercises Summary  Learning Goals  Learning Task 1  Learning Task 2  Module Assessment  Module Conclusion Content Structure

Module Nine Complaints and Claims 2 Learning Task 1 3 Learning Task Module Assessment 1 Learning Goals (Job competency) Module Conclusion

Learning Goals  Know the essential points to write a complaint or a claim  Lodge a complaint or a claim in a specific situation  Settle a claim or complaint  Reject a claim or complaint

Module Nine Complaints and Claims 2 Learning Task 1 3 Learning Task Module Assessment 1 Learning Goals (Job competency) Module Conclusion

Learning Task 1 Complaints Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

Lead in Discussion: What might be the causes for complaints in international trade?

Keys Discussion: What might be the causes for complaints in international trade? In international trade, when the seller fails to deliver his goods, or the buyer fails to fulfill his payment obligation , or the two parties have different understandings, or one of the parties intentionally creates disputes, the party which sustains the loss will complain for the improvement of products or service, or for the compensation of loss.

Learning Task 1 Complaints Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

Types of complaints (1) Genuine complaint  short shipment and wrong shipment ( 短装错装 )  short delivery ( 短交 )  short weight ( 短重 )  quality not satisfactory  goods delivered damaged or late  price charged excessively, or not as agreed  wrong billed invoice  delivery mixed up. (2) Falsified complaints  no longer want the goods  find alternatives cheaper elsewhere

Writing Guide for Complaint Openingpurpose or reason of writing (receipt of goods or state the complaints) BodyDetails of complaints: detailed presentation of facts to explain what is wrong; a statement of the inconvenience or loss that has resulted from this error; suggestion for settlement, such as request for replacement, delivery, or compensation. Closingexpectation of prompt attention or early reply

Writing Guide for Complaint Reply 1. agree to accept the complaint Opening acknowledge: receipt of the letter or notice of the delivery apology: regret at the complaint or claim Body acceptance of the claim agreement to the settlement: replace the goods, return the goods, send the shortage or agree to compensation Closinghope for future business or apologize for the inconvenience

Writing Guide for Complaint Reply 2. disagree to accept the complaint Openin g acknowledge: receipt of the letter or notice of the delivery apology: regret at the complaint or claim Body disagreement to the complaint or claim and reason suggestion for settlement if any Closingexpectation for future business

Learning Task 1 Complaints Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

Dear Sirs, The shipment of our order No.072 for men’s shoes arrived yesterday. Thanks for your prompt delivery. However, when checking the outside package, we found part of the cartons were wet. Then we had all the consignments examined by a qualified surveyor with the presence of the shipping company’s representative. According to the survey report it was evidenced that 4 out of 10 cartons were totally wet from sea water mainly due to your improper package. Each carton was invoiced containing 8 dozen plastic Letter 1 Asking for replacement of the damaged goods

bags with each wrapping a pair of shoes. Therefore 32 dozen shoes were soaked by sea water and have lost a great deal of quality. We hereby enclose the photos of its present appearance together with the survey report. Regarding the closing date of our contract with our clients, we must request your immediate replacement of it. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, (Signature)

Comments & Analysis Comments: The letter clearly sets out the complaint and backs it up with the survey report. The tone of the letter is firm but polite. The supplier is left in no doubt that replacement is expected.  Para.1 Receipt of goods  Para.2 Details of complaints  Para.3 Request for replacement  Para.4 Expectation of early reply

Letter 2 Reply to the letter of Letter 1 Dear Sirs, Your letter of requesting us to replace the damaged goods has been noted but we regret that we are not willing to do it. In terms of the survey report and the statement of the carrier’s agent the loss was caused by heavy weather in transit, which lies exactly within the responsibilities of WPA against which you have insured the shoes. So you have to, by yourself, lodge a claim with the insurance company you have insured with. If needed, we can provide any assistance as we can. Yours faithfully, (Signature)

Comments & Analysis Comments: The letter politely rejects the request and gives the reason for doing so. It advises the purchaser about making a claim with the insurance company and the supplier volunteers to provide assistance when needed. The customer will probably accept the explanation and no harm should be done to the business relationship. Analysis:  Para 1. Receipt of the letter, but disagree to the complaints  Para 2 Suggestion for settlement

Learning Task 1 Complaints Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns 1. make/lodge/lay/file a complaint with sb. about sth. 就某事向某人报怨 / 申诉 complain to sb. of/about sth. 就某事向某人申诉 2. inferior/poor/low quality 质量劣质 quality below standard 质量低于标准 3. not in conformity/accordance/compliance with…; 与 … 不符 / 不一致 not agree/meet/correspond with…; be unequal to…; not match… 不能与 …… 相比 / 吻合 …discrepancy/difference between… 有差异;

4. be found shortage/short in weight by…( 数量 ) 短重 …. 5. request/ask for/demand replacement; ask sb. to ship/dispatch replacement 要求换货 6. defect/flaw 缺陷; defective/faulty 有缺陷的 ; cannot find… (goods) free from defect/ damage/contamination 找不到没有缺陷 / 损坏 / 玷污的货 7. survey report issued by… evidence that… … 出具的检验报告证明了 …… Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns

Group Activity: Recite and Interpret  Step 1 Read aloud the Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns.(In and after class, 5 minutes in class)  Step 2 Memorize and Recite  Setp 3 Interpret: One student read English and another student translate it into Chinese without looking at the textbook and then Chinese into English; Take turns to interpret this part.

Learning Task 1 Complaints Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

Simulation Workshop: Simulation Writing 1 Compose a letter on behalf of Mr. Wang Yan, sales manager of Import Department, according to the given information and message. Then arrange the necessary parts in proper form as they should be set out in a business letter. Message: (1) 告知对方第 250 号订单的布料已抵达我方口岸, 我方也应经提货。 (2) 打开货物检查后发现,与我方所要求的质量不 符。与我方所寄送过去的样品相差甚远。 (3) 因此,我们不得不要求对方收回这批货物,并 给我方寄来符合要求的材料。 (4) 如果对方能重新发货,我方将给出时间以得对 方确认,并能准时发货。

Simulation Workshop: Simulation Writing 1 Compose a letter on behalf of Mr. Wang Yan, sales manager of Import Department, according to the given information and message. Then arrange the necessary parts in proper form as they should be set out in a business letter. Information: (1) Sender’s Name: Guangzhou Foreign Trade Development Corp. (importer) (2) Sender’s Address: 800 East Tianhe Road, Guangzhou, China (3) Date: December 19, 2010 (4) Receiver’s Name: Young-In Trading Co., Ltd. (5) Receiver’s Address: Namsan-Dong, Pusan, Korea

Keys Guangzhou Foreign Trade Development Corp. 800 East Tianhe Road, Guangzhou, China December 19, 2010 Young-In Trading Co., Ltd Namsan-Dong, Pusan, Korea Dear Sirs, Our order No.250 of 6 May for clothing materials has duly arrived and we have taken delivery of the goods. We have examined the shipment carefully and, to our great disappointment, find that they are not of the quality we ordered. The materials do not match the samples you sent us. The quality of some of them is so poor that we feel that a mistake has been made in making up the order. We have, therefore, no choice but to ask you to take the materials back and replace them with materials of the quality we ordered. If you can replace the materials, we are prepared to allow the agreed delivery time to run from the date you confirm that you can supply the correct materials. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, (signature )

Simulation Workshop: Simulation Writing 2 Compose a letter in reply to the letter in Simulation Writing 1. (1) 对贵方没能收到符合质量要求的货物,表示抱 歉。 (2) 我方调查后发现,并不是我方没有按贵方的要 求发货,而是因为我们其中的一台机器出了问题。 现在已经将该机器修理好,并能正常生产。 (3) 我方也将立即安排发送正确的货物,相关单据 一旦准备完毕也立将即寄送贵方。 (4) 关于发错给贵方的那批货物,烦请暂时保留等 待我方派人过去处理。

Keys Young-In Trading Co., Ltd Namsan-Dong, Pusan, Korea December 21, 2010 Guangzhou Foreign Trade Development Corp. 800 East Tianhe Road, Guangzhou, China Dear Sirs, We are deeply concerned about the complaint about clothing materials supplied to your order No.250. However, we are glad you bring this matter to our attention. We have looked into the matter and found the quality of the goods is really not in conformity with the samples. After tracing, we find it resulting from a fault in one of the machines, which has been put right. We are arranging for the correct goods to be dispatched to you at once. The relevant documents will be mailed to you as soon as they are ready. As regards the wrong goods, please keep until called for by our agents who have been informed of the situation. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by our error. Yours faithfully, (signature )

Learning Task 1 Complaints Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

Summary A complaint letter aims at the improvement of current products/services of their business partner or the compensation for the losses caused by the wrongdoings of the business partner. Your letter should encourage them to respond positively and helpfully to the complaint. No matter how mad you feel, aggression and confrontation does not encourage a helpful reaction to complaints.

Summary Good complaints letters may have the following features:  Concise  Authoritative  Factual  Constructive  Friendly

Module Nine Complaints and Claims 2 Learning Task 1 3 Learning Task Module Assessment 1 Learning Goals (Job competency) Module Conclusion

Learning Task 2 Claims Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

Lead in Discussion: What should we notice when making a claim?

Keys What should we notice when making a claim? When you make a claim to the other party, you must notice the object of claim including shipper, carrier and insurance company, and at the same time, you must notice the cause of claim, amount of claim and validity of claim. Which are connected with many factors, such as, kinds of goods and characteristic of goods and so on? Claim must be accompanied by claim list, invoice, packing list, insurance policy, survey reports of recognized public surveyors agreed to by the sellers and so on. If both parties couldn’t arrive at a concerted opinion and result in a dispute, they would settle their dispute by an appropriate approach.

Learning Task 2 Claims Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

1. Types of claims  trade claim( 贸易索赔 )  transportation claim (运输索赔)  insurance claim (保险索赔)

2. Writing Guide for Claims Openingpurpose or reason of writing, (receipt of goods or the complaints) Bodydetails of claims (details of the claim; suggestion for settlement, such as request for replacement, delivery, or compensation) Closingexpectation of prompt attention or early reply

3. Writing Guide for Claim Reply 1. agree to settle the claim Opening referring to the claim Expressing apologies or assuring the immediate attention Bodyacceptance of the claim or agreement to the settlement, such as to replace the goods, return the goods, send the shortage or agree to compensation Closinghope for future business or apologize for the inconvenience

3. Writing Guide for Claim Reply 2. disagree to settle the claim: Opening referring to the claim expressing apologies or assuring the immediate attention Body provide detailed sound reasons for disagreement or refusal propose other alternatives or suggestions for settlement if any Closingexpectation for early settlement and hope for future business

Learning Task 2 Claims Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

Letter 1 Dear Sirs: The goods of order No.567, which covers 300 metric tons of corns, arrived on May 20. However, on inspection, we found that 190 bags had burst and that the contents, estimated at 8,000 kg, had been irretrievably lost. We proceeded to have a survey report made, which confirmed our initial findings. The report indicates that the loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you, the suppliers, should be responsible.

Letter 1 In terms of the survey report, we hereby lodge our claim against you as follows: Short delivered quantity $ 260 Survey charges $60 Total claimed $320 We enclose survey report No.TS5080 and look forward to early settlement of the claim. Yours faithfully, (signature )

Comments & Analysis Comments: The letter insists firmly, but politely, that the substandard package of goods was the reason of loss. It backs up with survey report and seeks a remedy solution to the problem.  Para.1 receipt of goods & reason of writing,  Para.2 Survey Report Statement  Para.3 Details of the claim  Para.4 Expectation: ask for settlement.

Letter 2 Dear Sirs: Thank you for your letter of 21 May in which you lodge a claim for short delivery of 8,000 kg of corns. We wish to express our deep regret at this incident. We have checked with our warehouse and discovered that part of your consignment was not packed in the bags as specified in the contract. This was due to the negligence of our warehouse staff.

Letter 2 We are most concerned to maintain our long- standing trading relationship. We therefore enclose a cheque for $320 in full and final settlement of your claim. We trust that this unfortunate error will not adversely affect our future relations. Yours faithfully, (signature)

Comments & Analysis Comments: The supplier admits the entire fault with explanation and refund the money involved. An attempt to sustain the business relationship is made. Analysis:  Para 1 Receipt of the letter  Para 2 Regret at the claim  Para 3 Acceptance of the claim.  Para.4 Expectation for future businsess.

Learning Task 2 Claims Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns 1.lodge/file/register/make/raise/lay/bring up/put forward/put in/enter/submit/place a claim against/ on/with sb. for sth. 就 … 向 … 索赔 2. accept/entertain a claim 接受索赔 3. have no ground/sufficient evidence to avoid/evade claim 没有理由逃避此索赔 4. to settle sth. through/by… 5. alleged/declared claim 宣称的索赔 6. indemnify sb. for his loss / refund sb....(loss) 偿还某人损失/偿还某人某种损失。

Group Activity: Recite and Interpret  Step 1 Read aloud the Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns.(In and after class, 5 minutes in class)  Step 2 Memorize and Recite  Setp 3 Interpret: One student read English and another student translate it into Chinese without looking at the textbook and then Chinese into English; Take turns to interpret this part.

Learning Task 2 Claims Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

Simulation Workshop Compose a letter on behalf of Mr. Zhang Hai, sales manager of Import Department, according to the given information and message. Then arrange the necessary parts in proper form as they should be set out in a business letter.

Simulation Writing 1  Message:  (1) 告诉对方已收到对方发运过来的货物(男士衬 衫), 但是发现部分包装箱被水浸湿了,所以立即请当 地检查机构,在船运公司到现场的情况下,对货物进 行了检查。  (2) 根据调查报告显示, 20 箱货物中有 7 箱被海水浸湿, 每箱内装 10 打衬衫,因此,共有 70 打衬衫被海水浸湿, 质量受损。  (3) 经调查发现,此次货物受损是由于恶劣的天气所造 成,而我们已向保险公司投保此项。  (4) 信中提醒对方因为保单在对方公司,所以要求对方 尽快向保险公司提出索赔。并随信附上相关调查报告。

Keys Guangzhou Foreign Trade Development Corp. 800 East Tianhe Road, Guangzhou, China October 2, 2010 G. K. Johnson & Co. Ltd. (exporter) 232 Lombart Street, Lagos, Nigeria Dear Sirs, The shipment of men’s shirts arrived yesterday and it was noticed that part of the cartons were wet. We immediately had all the consignments examined by a local qualified surveyor with the presence of the shipping company’s representative. On the strength of the survey report it was evidenced that 7 out of 20 cartons were totally wet from sea water. Each carton was invoiced containing 10 dozen plastic bags with each wrapping a shirt. Therefore 70 dozen shirts have been soaked by sea water and have lost a great deal of quality. Such loss is due to the bad weather in transit, which we have insured against, and should be compensated for by the insurer. Since the insurance policy is in your hand now, would you please file a claim against the insurer at once? Enclosed with this letter please find the survey report and the statement of the shipping company’s representative, which will be essential proof for the claim. We hope the process of the claim will be smooth. Thanks in advance for your handling of this situation on our behalf. Yours faithfully, Zhang Hai

Simulation Writing 2  Compose a letter in reply to the letter in Simulation Writing 1.  Message: (1) 告诉对方已收索赔信, 对他们收到的货物发 生质量受损表示遗憾。 (2) 去函指出既然本次货物受损是由于恶劣天 气造成,而贵方已向保险公司投保水渍险, 因此我方将向中国人民保险公司 (PICC) 广州 分公司提出索赔。 (3) 我方将告知索赔的一切进展情况。

Keys G. K. Johnson & Co. Ltd. (exporter) 232 Lombart Street, Lagos, Nigeria October 8, 2010 Guangzhou Foreign Trade Development Corp. 800 East Tianhe Road, Guangzhou, China Dear Sirs, Your letter of requesting us to claim against the underwriter1 on the shirts spoiled by sea water has been noted and we are willing to do it immediately. According to the survey report and the statement of the carrier’s agent the loss was caused by heavy weather2 in transit, which lies exactly within the responsibilities of WPA against which we have insured the shirts. Therefore we have adequate grounds for the compensation demand. We are going to register a claim with the Guangzhou Branch of the PICC by tomorrow, June 18, We shall keep you informed should any progress of the claim be made. Yours faithfully, (Signature)

Learning Task 2 Claims Section 6 Summary Section 5 Simulation Workshop Section 4 Core Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section 1 Lead in Section 2 Business Compass Section 3 Work Samples and Analysis

Summary To make your letter effective for a claim, the following rules might be useful:  Courteous  Specific  accurate

Module Nine Complaints and Claims 2 Learning Task 1 3 Learning Task Module Assessment 1 Learning Goals (Job competency) Module Conclusion

Module Nine Complaints and Claims 2 Learning Task 1 3 Learning Task Module Assessment 1 Learning Goals (Job competency) Module Conclusion

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