TOUGH DECISIONS This is a lesson that helps to bring to our mind just how uncompromising the religion of Christianity is!
JOSH. 24:14-16
* May 31, 2007 Lugoff, SC : 1:50am The phone rings. I am thinking: somebody in our family has died, or there has been a serious accident involving a loved one.
But, thankfully, that is not the case. A brother in Christ had received a call around midnight from a young man that he had studied with a year before. This man desires to be baptized right away!
ACTS 16:16-34
* 2:10am With little hesitation, (only enough to fully wake & dress,) I am driving to the building in Camden to meet with Kenny & this young man.
While I am driving, I am think- ing how joyous this morning is going to be, & what a wonderful way to start a new day! Praise be unto God for all that He has done!!!
PSALM :5-6
* Camden, SC 2:20am I arrive at the building. The young man is already there wait-ing. I walk over & introduce myself.
He apologizes for how early it is, but I tell him that it doesn’t matter what time it is when one wants to obey the Gospel! A short while later, Kenny arrives, & we all go in & sit down on the front pew.
The young man begins to talk about his desire to be right with God, & his justified fear of going to the Judgment unprepared. His fear is truly justified!
ACTS 24:24-25
ACTS 24: COR. 5:10-11
ACTS 24: COR. 5:10-11 REV. 20: :8
* 2:35am He relates that the studies that he had had with Kenny over a year before had caused him to look deep inside himself, & to re- evaluate his life up to that point.
He has had no peace, true peace, in his life since he ended the studies. Kenny & I are joyously anticipating this precious soul being added to the Lord’s Body: of gaining another brother in Christ!
ROM. 2:6-11
ROM. 2:6-11 COL. 3:12-15
ROM. 2:6-11 COL. 3:12-15 PHIL. 4:6-7
* 2:45am The baptistery this entire time has been filling with water, & Kenny leaves to see if it is ready. Then this young man begins to relate to me a serious situation that he is involved in.
As Kenny returns, he relates that this situation involves a deception that has serious consequences if it were discovered: serving up to 10 years in a Federal prison, & a fine of up to $500,000!
These could be the conse- quences if: 1) He were to admit to the lie he is living, or 2) This lie would be uncovered. He then, very soberly, asks Kenny & I: “What should I do?”
NUM. 32:23
IS. 29:15
1 TIM. 5:24
GAL. 6:7-8
* 3:10am He tells us that he has been praying to God to “show him the right thing to do.”
Further, the fear of his lie being exposed are compounded by the real fear of not being able to see his son, whom he has joint- custody with a wife whom he di-vorced because of her unfaith-fulness.
A Federal prison term would sever the custody he now has. He begins to cry, & proclaims through all his tears, “My son is all I have in this world!”
MATT. 10:28-39
* 3:30am Kenny tells him: “True repentance involves not only a change of mind, but also the works that manifest such a change.”
Often times, it is here that many souls find just how uncompromising the religion of Christianity truly is!
PROV. 28:13-14
ACTS 2:38
ACTS 26:16-20
2 COR. 7:9-10
* 3:50am My brother tells him: “Being baptized, with the inten-tion of living this lie, will not ease the burden that this deception is weighing upon your soul. …
“Only humble, loving obedience, & fully trusting in Jesus, will lift this weight that is dragging your soul into Hell!”
MATT. 11:28-30
ACTS 2:22-23, 36-41
* 4:00am This young man sees the Truth of this, but now he is desperately seeking a way out! I then remind him of his many prayers unto God desiring to find a solution to this situation.
“Perhaps God is answering your prayers right now by showing you the right thing to do: give up this lie, &, if needs be, accept the con-sequences of your past actions. Be freed from the guilt of sin, & be truly baptized for your sins!”
MATT. 7:7-8
1 JN. 5:14-17
* 4:10am I then take the Bible on the pew & open it to … 1 PETER 4:1-5, 12-19
He responds: “I have suffered before for telling the Truth!” We remind him that Jesus also suffered for telling the Truth, & that He was put to death for it!
MATTHEW 26:57-68
MATTHEW 26: :1-2
JN. 18:28 -19:37
* 4:20am This young man speaks again of prison, & of being separated from his only son. It is a sacrifice that he is not willing to make.
Our Father in Heaven gave His Only Son as a sacrifice for a world filled with sinners; most of whom will reject this most precious of Gifts! MATT. 25:36
I tell him: “When Christians suffer for right, Christ is with them, even in prison.” …
But He is far from them who knowingly live in sin! HEB. 10:26-31
* 4:30am With his head bowed to his knees, & buried in his hands; with tears flowing, this young man asks if Kenny & I will pray for him.
Kenny prays that he will find the courage, & strength of conviction to do what is right, & asks that our Father would be with him through any consequences that might come for standing for the Truth.
1 TIM. 2:1-6
EPH. 3:14-21
* 4:35am He tells us that he has a court appointment that very morning at 9:00am, & that he must make a decision at that time: to either continue the deception, or confess to it.
I offer to be with him: to stand at his side; to testify of his honest intentions; to be with him as he seeks mercy from those who could grant it. All he need do is call me. I’ll be waiting by the phone.
He thanks us for all that we have done, (or the little that we have done?) shakes our hands, hugs us, & then drives off into the early morning darkness with the knowledge that I’ll stand by his side.
PROV. 17:17
MK. 10:17-22
* 9:00am I have waited by the telephone since I arrived back at home.
* 9:00am I have waited by the telephone since I arrived back at home. No call.
He seemingly has made up his mind to continue living the lie, & as he put it: “Hope for the best!”
He seemingly has made up his mind to continue living the lie, & as he put it: “Hope for the best!” But, what hope is there in sin?!
Some of the decisions & sacri-fices that we must make in order to follow Jesus can be so tough! Yet, the consequences of stand-ing for the Truth cannot be com-pared with the glory of Heaven!
MK. 10:23-31
ROM. 8:16-18
HEB. 4:14-16
JAS. 4:13-17
REV. 2:10-11
ROM. 8:31-39