My Science Portfolio By Kayla 6th Grade Hanscom Middle School
(Insert Picture of Yourself) In this portfolio you find one of my science labs, one of my science notes, and one of my glossary pages. I made this portfolio to show off how many achievements I have made in science. The purpose of this portfolio is to see how much I have done and what I can do.
All about Me Science Notes Science Labs My Achievement Science Glossary SMART Goals Welcome to my grade six science portfolio. Click on the buttons to see what I’ve accomplished.
All About Me Things to Include: My interests are shopping, soccer, and learning. I play soccer, I have sleepovers, and I like to hang out with my friends. I have two siblings one brother and one sister my sister is 13 and my brother is 18. I like to go to the movies, the mall and my best friends house.
Science Lab This is a picture of an onion skin cell.
Science Notes My science notes from page 6-11 in my science text book.
Science Glossary This is one of my glossary pages.
My Achievement This year it is important to assume responsibility for my own learning. I have done this by doing these specific things: 1.I got two gold falcons one was for helping a new girl and the second one was for my academic achievements. 2.I got Honor Roll for the first trimester by doing my homework and my class work. 3.I have gotten all A’s and B’s.
SMART GOALS This year it is important to set goals for continuous improvement as a learner. Here are my goals: 1. I will get all A’s by March 16th. I will study for tests, do all my home work, and listen in class. 2. I will get a gold falcon by March 16th. I will strive to do my best at everything I do. 3. I will get High Honor’s by March 16th. I will do all homework and extra credit that is assigned.