Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Lesson Overview 1.3 Studying Life
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things What characteristics do all living things share? 1) Made up of basic units called cells 2) Based on a universal genetic code 3) Obtain and use materials and energy 4) Grow and develop
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life 5) Reproduce 6) Respond to their environment 7) Maintain a stable internal environment 8) Change over time. What characteristics do all living things share?
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things Biology is the study of life. But what is life? No single characteristic is enough to describe a living thing. Some things, like viruses, exist at the border between organisms and nonliving things.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things Living things are based on a universal genetic code. All organisms store the information they need to live in a genetic code called DNA. DNA is passed from parent to offspring and is almost identical in every organism on Earth.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things Living things grow and develop. A fertilized egg divides again and again. As these cells divide, they become specialized.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things Living things respond to their environment. Stimulus – signal an organism responds to. Ex) Some plants can produce unsavory chemicals to ward off caterpillars that feed on their leaves.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things Living things reproduce -- Produce new similar organisms. Most plants and animals perform sexual reproduction -- Cells from two parents unite to form one cell that will divide and grow.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things Other organisms go through asexual reproduction -- One organism produces offspring identical to itself. Ex) Bacteria, cuttings, etc.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things Living things maintain a stable internal environment Homeostasis - Expend energy to keep conditions inside cells stable. Ex) Kidneys, lysosomes, etc.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things Living things obtain and use energy. Metabolism - Reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials. Ex) How we use food.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things Living things are made up of cells — the smallest units considered fully alive. Cells are complex and highly organized. The human body is made up of over 100 trillion cells. And there 10x that many microorganisms in our intestines!
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things Over generations, groups of organisms evolve Or change over time. Beaks change over time depending on what food is available.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life What are the central themes of biology? The cellular basis of life Information and heredity Matter and energy Growth, development, and reproduction Homeostasis Evolution Structure and function Unity and diversity of life Interdependence in nature Science as a way of knowing.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Cellular Basis of Life Living things are made of cells. Unicellular organisms - consist of only a single cell Multicellular organisms – Made of many cells. These cells display many different sizes, shapes, and functions.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Information and Heredity Living things are based on a universal genetic code. The DNA inside your cells right now can influence your future—your risk of getting cancer, the amount of cholesterol in your blood, and the color of your children’s hair.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Matter and Energy Life requires matter for nutrients to build body structures, and energy that fuels life’s processes. Plants obtain energy from sunlight and take up nutrients from air, water, and soil. Animals eat plants or other animals to obtain both nutrients and energy. Interdependent – All living things are connected.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Growth, Development, and Reproduction All living things reproduce, grow, and develop. Cells become more specialized for particular functions. Different cells for your brain, muscles, liver, etc.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Homeostasis Living things keep a stable internal environment. If homeostasis fails, it can be fatal. Kidney filters blood. Waste exits the body. People exhale CO2. If these processes stopped, we would die.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Evolution Groups of living things evolve. Fact or theory: Evolutionary change links all forms of life to a common origin more than 3.5 billion years ago. Organisms change to better suit their environment.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Structure and Function Organisms have evolved structures that make particular functions possible. This helps species adapt to life in different environments.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Unity and Diversity of Life Life takes many forms, but life is similar at the molecular level. All organisms use DNA, protein, and enzymes to carry out their functions. People and bacteria both have DNA, use proteins to transfer materials, and have enzymes to help proteins.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Interdependence in Nature All life is connected into a biosphere, or “living planet.” Organisms are linked to each other and the non-living environment around them. Relationships between organisms and their environments depend on the cycling of matter and the flow of energy.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Science as a Way of Knowing Job of science: Explain the natural world using natural forces. Done through observation, questioning, and experimenting.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Fields of Biology How do fields of biology differ in their approach to studying life? Different fields use different tools to study life. Microbiologist vs. ecologist
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Global Ecology Global ecologists study our global impact. Ex) How does pollution affect the climate? How does overfishing affect marine life? Biotechnology Biotechnology includes rewriting the genetic code. Replace damaged genes Prevent disease Genetically engineer bacteria to produce medicine. Raises ethical, legal, and social questions.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Host and pathogen relationships are constantly changing. The pathogen environment includes our bodies, medicines, and interactions with each other and the environment. Why can’t we find a cure for the common cold?
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Genomics and Molecular Biology Focus on DNA and molecules inside cells. What can we do with this information? Help us understand aging, cancer, and the history of life on Earth.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Performing Biological Investigations How is the metric system important in science? The metric system is used to collect data and perform experiments. Scaled on multiples of 10.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life Scientific Measurement: Common Metric Units
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Studying Life The metric system makes it easy to convert to large and small units. Which would you rather do? How many ounces in 3.4 lbs? How many milligrams in 3.4 g?