Luke 2:14 Matthew 10:34-36
The Gospel Caused A Stir Acts 16:16-34
Stirred Up People in a Bad Way, vs.16-24 Vs.16, A Demon Possessed Girl Vs.17-18, Unwelcomed “Advertisement” Vs.19, “The most sensitive part of ‘civilized’ man is the pocket” Vs.20-21, Malicious Lies Vs.22, Mob Mentality Vs.23-24, Beaten and Imprisoned
Stirred Up People in a Good Way, vs.25-34 Vs.25, An Odd Reaction to A Beating Vs.26, An Earthquake Takes Place Vs.27, The Depths of Despair Vs.28, Paul Intervenes Vs.29, The Jailer is Humbled Vs.30, His Great Question Vs.31, The Answer. (Believe Only?) Vs.32, The Gospel is Preached Vs.33, Obedience is Completed Vs.34, The Pinnacle of Joy
The Plan of Salvation Hear the Gospel of Christ, Acts 16:32 Believe in Jesus Christ, Acts 16:31 Repent and Turn to God, Acts 16:33 Confess Jesus Before Men, Acts 8:37 Baptized Into Christ, Acts 16:33 ----------------------------- Grow And Be Faithful, 2 Pet.3:18 If An Erring Christian: Repent and Pray God, I Jn.1:9