Engineering Technology
ENTRY TASK (ET ) Date:3/27/13 Technology GRD 8 Today’s Lesson: Energy Efficient City Technology Challenge Day 3/ take survey Objectives: Students will design a city and label all the necessities for survival. Students will consider how they can use radiation, thermal energy, convection and conduction to conserve on energy use. LS: Use models and simulations to explore systems; identify trends and forecast possibilities. Blooms Level: Application
Date:3/27/13 Technology GRD 7 Today’s Lesson: Energy Efficient Mars Civilization Technology Challenge Day 3/ take survey Objectives: Students will design a Martian civilization and label all the necessities for survival. Students will consider how they can use radiation, thermal energy, convection and conduction to conserve on energy use. LS: Use models and simulations to explore systems; identify trends and forecast possibilities. Blooms Level: Application ENTRY TASK (ET )
Date: 3/27/13 Today’s Lesson: Continue paper Objectives: Students will document their research by writing a technical report. Assignments: Technical paper examples can be found on my site.