What is the structure and function of the cardiovascular system. Explore the links below to find out about the structure of the heart, lungs, and how the two work together. body/heart-article/ body/heart-article/ Structure of the heart/blood vessels Structure of the lungs How the lungs and heart work together
How nutrition affects your cardiovascular system You will try to answer the following questions using the link above. Why is nutrition important to your cardiovascular system? Which foods are healthy? Which foods are unhealthy?
Why is exercise important to cardiovascular health? What a healthy body can do? What happens when we do not exercise? How can you determine your cardiovascular health?
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Ted is 21 years old. He lives in an area that has many fast food restaurants. He visits one each day on his way home from work each day. He does not really have time to cook a homemade meal each day. He usually eats a burger and fries. He loves deep fried foods. He usually finishes each meal with a Hershey bar or an ice cream. Usually mountain dew or coke is his choice for a drink. He is currently going to college and has realized that the college has a recreational gym for the students. He doesn’t really have time to exercise though. He usually just unwinds by spending a couple of hours on the couch each day playing video games. He used to exercise in high school but doesn’t anymore. Ted doesn’t really feel good. He doesn’t feel like he ever has any energy. Someone told him that maybe he needed to take vitamins. He wonders if his diet has anything to do with it. Can you take a look at Ted’s lifestyle and see if he is making good choices for his cardiovascular health? Make recommendations where you see fit.
3 points2 points1 point Student identified all areas of an unhealthy lifestyle Student identified at least 3 areas of an unhealthy lifestyle Students identified less that 3 areas of an unhealthy lifestyle Student provided excellent feedback for how to correct lifestyle habits Student provided partially correct feedback for correcting lifestyle habits Student provided little to no correct feedback for correcting lifestyle habits