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Topic :- Present Tense Sub Topic :-
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vkvks HkS;k] vkvks cguk] lquks ge lcdk dguk A 0 cM+h nwj ls,d ckr crkus vk, gS] t:jh gS dqN ckrsa] oks vkidks crkus vk, gSaA 0 fczfy,aV ds cPpksa dk gS ;s iz;kl] gS dqN,sls fo’k; tks gS cgqr [kklA 0 vyx&vyx n`”;ksa esa ge dgsaxs viuh ckr] /;ku ls nsf[k,xk] gesa pkfg, vkidk lkFk A Tkula[;k 0 ns[kks ns[kks ;s utkjk ] fdruk lqanj fdruk I;kjkA 0 lHkh [kq”k gS lcds psgjs ij gS eqLdku] D;ksfd bruk fodflr vkSj lQy balkuA 0 ij ;s D;k yksx brus c<+ D;ks jgs gSa] vkil esa yM+ D;ksa jgs gSA 0 ;s gS ikiqys”ku ] ugha bldk lWkY;wluA 0 vc ns[kks bldk izHkko ] i`Foh ij gksxk ekuoksa dk vHkko A Ik;kZoj.k 0 vkvks pysa nwljs n`”; dh vksj ] tgk¡ gks jgk gS gjs jax dk “kksj 0 gWl jgh gS gok] isaM+ ikS/ks Hkh eqLdqjk jgs] [kq”k gS ekuo] o`{k Hkh brjk jgs] vpkud isaM+ dkVs tkrs gSa] HkxnM+ ep tkrh gSA Hkkxks- Hkkxks- 0 ;s D;k gks jgk gS] ;s tkuoj D;ks jks jgk gS A 0 ;s dSlk “kksj gS] epk pkjks vksj gSA 0 D;ksa dkV jgs gks ges vki] dkSu lk fd;k gS geus ikiA 0 ges gh D;ksa gS ;s vfHk”kki CONTINUED… vkvks HkS;k] vkvks cguk] lquks ge lcdk dguk A 0 cM+h nwj ls,d ckr crkus vk, gS] t:jh gS dqN ckrsa] oks vkidks crkus vk, gSaA 0 fczfy,aV ds cPpksa dk gS ;s iz;kl] gS dqN,sls fo’k; tks gS cgqr [kklA 0 vyx&vyx n`”;ksa esa ge dgsaxs viuh ckr] /;ku ls nsf[k,xk] gesa pkfg, vkidk lkFk A Tkula[;k 0 ns[kks ns[kks ;s utkjk ] fdruk lqanj fdruk I;kjkA 0 lHkh [kq”k gS lcds psgjs ij gS eqLdku] D;ksfd bruk fodflr vkSj lQy balkuA 0 ij ;s D;k yksx brus c<+ D;ks jgs gSa] vkil esa yM+ D;ksa jgs gSA 0 ;s gS ikiqys”ku ] ugha bldk lWkY;wluA 0 vc ns[kks bldk izHkko ] i`Foh ij gksxk ekuoksa dk vHkko A Ik;kZoj.k 0 vkvks pysa nwljs n`”; dh vksj ] tgk¡ gks jgk gS gjs jax dk “kksj 0 gWl jgh gS gok] isaM+ ikS/ks Hkh eqLdqjk jgs] [kq”k gS ekuo] o`{k Hkh brjk jgs] vpkud isaM+ dkVs tkrs gSa] HkxnM+ ep tkrh gSA Hkkxks- Hkkxks- 0 ;s D;k gks jgk gS] ;s tkuoj D;ks jks jgk gS A 0 ;s dSlk “kksj gS] epk pkjks vksj gSA 0 D;ksa dkV jgs gks ges vki] dkSu lk fd;k gS geus ikiA 0 ges gh D;ksa gS ;s vfHk”kki CONTINUED… RHYMES

vÝhdk (AFRICA) 0 ns[kk vkius vc rd gky ] ftls ns[kdj eu djrk gS,d gh lokyA 0 D;k ;gh,d balku gksus dh igpku gS] lc dqN tkudj ekuo D;ksa vatku gSA 0 vc ;s leL;k ugha fdlh,d dk] ;s leL;k gS lHkh dkA vkvks pysa nwljs ns”k dh vksj tks ns”k gS vÝhdk A 0 vÝhdk dk ;s taxy ^^ fo”o dk QsQM+k** dgykrk gSA iwjk fo”o vkWDlhtu ;gha ls ikrk gSA 0 ij nwHkkZX; rks ns[kks] ;gk¡ Hkh isM+ rsth ls dV jgsa gS] tkuoj ikuh ds fy, HkVd jgs gSA 0 pkm dh unh Hkh lq[k pqdh gS] isaM+ dV x,] gok Hkh :d pqdh gSA 0 iwjk fo”o bu leL;kvksa ls tw> jgk gS] D;k gS mik; ;gh iwN jgk gSA ukjk( (SLOGANS) Rkks esjs lkFk nksgjkvks 0 isM+ks dks er dkVks & er dkVks 0 Ik;kZoj.k ls I;kj djks & I;kj djks 0 /kjrh cpkvks viuk drZO; fuHkkvksA vÝhdk (AFRICA) 0 ns[kk vkius vc rd gky ] ftls ns[kdj eu djrk gS,d gh lokyA 0 D;k ;gh,d balku gksus dh igpku gS] lc dqN tkudj ekuo D;ksa vatku gSA 0 vc ;s leL;k ugha fdlh,d dk] ;s leL;k gS lHkh dkA vkvks pysa nwljs ns”k dh vksj tks ns”k gS vÝhdk A 0 vÝhdk dk ;s taxy ^^ fo”o dk QsQM+k** dgykrk gSA iwjk fo”o vkWDlhtu ;gha ls ikrk gSA 0 ij nwHkkZX; rks ns[kks] ;gk¡ Hkh isM+ rsth ls dV jgsa gS] tkuoj ikuh ds fy, HkVd jgs gSA 0 pkm dh unh Hkh lq[k pqdh gS] isaM+ dV x,] gok Hkh :d pqdh gSA 0 iwjk fo”o bu leL;kvksa ls tw> jgk gS] D;k gS mik; ;gh iwN jgk gSA ukjk( (SLOGANS) Rkks esjs lkFk nksgjkvks 0 isM+ks dks er dkVks & er dkVks 0 Ik;kZoj.k ls I;kj djks & I;kj djks 0 /kjrh cpkvks viuk drZO; fuHkkvksA

ch-ih-,l- ds buhfl;sfVo BPS INITIATIVE 0 rks vkb, ge vius Ldwy dk iz;kl vkidks fn[kk jgs gSaA 0 D;k fl[krs gS ge vius Ldwy esa] oks vkidks crk jgsas gSA 0 tks ikWyhFkhu vki lqcg ls “kke rd mi;ksx djrs gS] gj NksVh cM+h phat blesa Mkydj j[krs gSaA 0 ogh ikWyhFkhu gekjs fo|ky; esa izfrcaf/kr gS] bl ikWyhFkhu ds fcuk gh gekjk Ldwy iw.kZ O;ofLFkr gSA 0 gekjh Ldwy gesa fl[kkrh gS fd] tgk¡ rd gks lds lkbfdy dk gh mi;ksx djuk] ftlls Ik;kZoj.k cpsxk] :Ik;k iSlk Hkh] Qkbu Hkh ugha iMs+xk HkjukA 0 bu lcds lkFk ge isM+ ikS/ksa Hkh yxkrs gSa] vius fo|ky; dks gjk Hkjk cukrs gSA Rkks vkb, fe=ks lkFk nksgjk,W Ik;kZoj.k dk xhr xk,aA 0 Hkkjr gks] vÝhdk gks] pkgs dksbZ Hkh ns”k gksA 0,d&,d ds iz;kl ls tkx:drk c<+sxh] tkx:drk ls ;s lkjh cqjkbZ;k feVsxhA

Come my brother and sisters please listen to what we have to say we have come here with a purpose something important to say. This is our school’s initiative we have to stop the things which are destructive. In different scenes, we will present our views Please pay attention in order to give the review. Population See the beauty of nature around surely it makes us all spell bound. There is a smile on every one’s face. After so developed and successful is human race. Oh no! why are they increasing so much in number. What makes them to fight with each other. This is the explosion of population which will have no solution now see its effect be ready to face to face the calamity that nature will eject.

This is the explosion of population which will have no solution now see its effect be ready to face to face the calamity that nature will eject. Environment Let’s move on the next scene Where people are enjoying the” GREEN”. The gentle breeze is cracking the trees and shrubs are smiling Happy is the man, the tree swaying with pride. Suddenly the trees are being cut, what will they derive. What is happening here why is that animal crying there What is this chaos around every around Everywhere it is just barren ground Why are we being cut Why are we the one to be cursed?

Africa Entire world is struggling in this situation We are seeking for the solution. Not just India but also Africa the problem prevails just replica Africa with its dense forest It’s turning to be a dream The so –called “Lungs of World” It’s unable to breathe and sing. Our Earth is victimized due to green massacre Still how can we be ignorant towards this impending disaster Listen friends let’s address this May Day call Let’s protect the globe from this mayhem fall. We are the one responsible for the destiny so, it’s time to start a mutiny BPS Initiative Lets show you a few initiative taken by our School Use of “POLYTHENE “is “BANNED’’. Encouraging children to use BICYCLES and PLANTATION Don’t cut the trees Love the Environment Save the Earth,Save Life.