Centre of Excellence THERMOCHEMICAL CONVERSION OF SOLID FUELS – Processes of pyrolysis, gasification and combustion of biomass an wastes. WORKGROUP 2 Pyrolysis for solid products WORKGROUP leader Aleksander Sobolewski Ph.D.
Centre of Excellence International conference COMBUSTION, GASIFICATION AND PYROLYSIS OF BIOMASS AND WASTES TARGET:Exchange of experiences and knowledge between European and Polish science and industry centres in the range of exploiting biomass and wastes. SCOPE:- waste and biomass pyrolysis - biomass combustion - biomass in power industry - legislative and economic aspects DATE AND PLACE: May 2004, Cracow – Poland ORGANIZERS: Centre of Technological Innovations „CIT – ENERGIA” Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal Chamber of Commerce „CIEPŁOWNICTWO POLSKIE” Polish Ecological Club
Centre of Excellence WG2 - Actions for the second year CSIC – internship Scope of the work will include: Fluidized bed pyrolysis of scrap tyres at temperatures 400÷900 o C Fluidized bed pyrolysis of scrap tyres at temperatures 400÷900 o C Detailed analysis of pyrolysis products, concerning especially distributions of zinc and sulphur between pyrolysis products Detailed analysis of pyrolysis products, concerning especially distributions of zinc and sulphur between pyrolysis products Zn and S balances description Zn and S balances description There is a need for and improved understanding of pyrolysis process in order to optimise quality of products. The estimated annual discharge of waste tyres in Europe exceeds 2 million tons. Waste tyres can be treated by pyrolysis to produce carbon (char), oil and gas. Title of the study proposed to the young researcher will be: „Effect of scrap tyres fluidized bed pyrolysis condition on distribution of zinc and sulphur compounds in products". Laboratories of CSIC are equipped with different kind of reactors enabling perfoming of experimental tests of pyrolysis in fluidized bed conditions. Scrap tyres from Polish market with grain size 0,5÷1mm will be send to CSIC for pyrolysis testing. Duration of internship: 3 months Young researcher: M.Sc. Sławomir Stelmach
Centre of Excellence WG2 - Actions for the second year CPM - internship Economical interest of waste pyrolysis relies on valorisation of solid products as materials and not waste or "simple" combustion source. An important effect of minerals is expected on the quality of coke, which could be produced partially from this solid fraction. Title of the study proposed to the young researcher will be: "Effect of waste addition in coal blend, paying attention to specific effect of minerals on reactivity" Today, CPM facility (Jenkner Retort) is not equipped with state of the art gas analysis, which induces large uncertainty on results, especially on calorific value of pyrolysis gas. Mass balance of pyrolysis is a key point in studies of waste pyrolysis as it may determine economical benefits. Another improvement is required for the reactivity test used for the characterisation of the solid residue: on line CO/CO2 gas analysis has to be implemented. Therefore, scope of the work will include: Updating of analysis of gas from the Jenkner retort, On line gas analysis of UN reactivity test, Testing of wastes processing with new equipments. Duration of internship: 2 months Young researcher: M.Sc. Bartosz Mertas
Centre of Excellence WG2 - Research works for the second year The aim:Testing of proccess conditions influence on pyrolysis products quality and activated carbons production possibilities from scrap tyres Title:pyrolysis of scrap tyres and activation of tyres’ chars Preliminary results: Method:fixed-bed pyrolysis and activation (IChPW) fluidized bed pyrolysis (CSIC) rotary kiln pyrolysis and activation (IChPW+ABC-Z System Eko)
Centre of Excellence WG2 - Actions for the second year The aim:elaboration of model for determination of the final porous structure of chars from sewage sludge as a result of sewage sludge composition and pyrolysis condition Title:modelling of porous structure development for chars obtained from sewage sludge Method:numerical simulation by neural network Preliminary results: Linear neural network
Centre of Excellence PROBLEMS Searching new project partner One of WG2 partners in CONBIOT Project was Deutsche Montan Technologie GmbH (DMT) from Germany. Because of reorganization process in DMT there was separation of unit concerning biomass and waste termochemical processing from “Modern Fuels” Department. This unit at present is a fully business company not interested in research works. In this situation DMT has resigned from further co-operation in CONBIOT project. Final decision was made 13th of January Thus, IChPW is looking for other partners to replace DMT within the thematic scope of WG2: Pyrolysis for solid products There are two partners proposed: Fraunhofer-Institut Umwelt-, Sicherheits-, Energietechnik UMSICHT Oberhausen, Germany Voestalpine Stahl GmbH Linz, Austria The co-operation will focuse on: Commercial scale testing of co-pyrolysis of waste tyres and coal