When Jenny had an adverse reaction to the new medication, she had to go into the hospital for treatment and observation. When Jenny had an adverse reaction.


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Presentation transcript:

When Jenny had an adverse reaction to the new medication, she had to go into the hospital for treatment and observation. When Jenny had an adverse reaction to the new medication, she had to go into the hospital for treatment and observation. adjective adverse ad vurs adverse ad vurs hostile, unfavorable, or harmful

antagonize verb an ta gə nīz to make hostile or unfriendly The manager antagonized the employee by pointing his finger on his chest. antagonize verb an ta gə nīz to make hostile or unfriendly The manager antagonized the employee by pointing his finger on his chest.

confront verb kən frunt to oppose or challenge or to meet face-to-face After months of training and simulations, the troops were finally ready to confront the enemy. confront verb kən frunt to oppose or challenge or to meet face-to-face After months of training and simulations, the troops were finally ready to confront the enemy.

verb to make very angry I find it infuriating when I call my cell phone company and get put on hold for long periods of time. I find it infuriating when I call my cell phone company and get put on hold for long periods of time. infuriate in fyür ē āt infuriate in fyür ē āt

irate adjective ī rāt very angry The irate customer demanded a full refund when he found out the equipment was defective. irate adjective ī rāt very angry The irate customer demanded a full refund when he found out the equipment was defective.

wrath rath wrath rath Fearing the wrath of the gods, the ancient Romans offered sacrifices to keep the gods from getting angry. Fearing the wrath of the gods, the ancient Romans offered sacrifices to keep the gods from getting angry.

adjective aghast ə gast filled with sudden fright or horror The audience was aghast when the wolfman jumped out of the shadows and attacked his victim. adjective aghast ə gast filled with sudden fright or horror The audience was aghast when the wolfman jumped out of the shadows and attacked his victim.

dumbfound verb dum found to make speechless with surprise After the politician's bold speech against the right to a free press, the audience sat dumbfounded in shocked silence. dumbfound verb dum found to make speechless with surprise After the politician's bold speech against the right to a free press, the audience sat dumbfounded in shocked silence.

verb flabbergast fla bər gast to overwhelm with surprise Since we did not even know my brother was dating, we were flabbergasted when he announced his engagement. verb flabbergast fla bər gast to overwhelm with surprise Since we did not even know my brother was dating, we were flabbergasted when he announced his engagement.

incredulous showing unbelief in kre jə ləs When Irene received her acceptance letter to Harvard, she was incredulous and kept asking, "Really? Are you sure?“ ad jective incredulous showing unbelief in kre jə ləs When Irene received her acceptance letter to Harvard, she was incredulous and kept asking, "Really? Are you sure?“ ad jective