Matthew Chapter 13
Matthew 11:28-30 28 " Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." NASU ***** Before we get into our lesson today, I wanted to read and talk briefly about Matthew 11:28-30… READ VERSES I have heard a lot said about this passage, and recently, I was thinking about it and something came to my mind that I had not thought of before… Notice He says to take HIS yoke and put it on, and LEARN FROM HIM … }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click for picture...
The picture is to get into the yoke WITH Him! And LEARN from Him while HE works! You want to know how to live? Get yoked up with Him and watch what He does and how He does it and LEARN from Him! Certainly, there’s a sense that we are working along side of Him, but if we are yoked together WITH Him, we will be able to get on board with what HE is doing and the work will fit! And… We will see WHAT He does, and how HE does it, and we can attempt to mimic Him! }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
Matthew 11:28-30 28 " Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." NASU And so, that’s one reason, that it is very valuable to study the Book of Matthew Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are like 4 Biographies of the Life of Jesus as He was here on earth And so we can learn a lot about Him as we study them }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click for Matthew...
Matthew Chapter 13 We are in the Book of Matthew Chapter 13, last time we finished chapter 12 - We looked a verses 38-50 So, before we read the first part of Chapter 13, let’s look briefly at what we talked about last time… }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click for last time...
Matthew 12:38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Him, "Teacher, we want to see a sign from You." NASU READ VERSE We noted that the Scribes and Pharisees didn’t come honestly looking to see if He was really the Christ, we could see, looking back in chapter 12, they had evil motives Also we noted that the crowds that came to see Him, most of them came to see Him ONLY for the miracles, not because they believed He was the Son of God! }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
Matthew 12:39 & 40 39 But He answered and said to them, "An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet; 40 for just as JONAH WAS THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE BELLY OF THE SEA MONSTER, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. NASU ******* And so, since the religious leaders had evil motives, and the crowds just came for the miracles, Jesus responds… READ VERSES We talked about how even in our culture, people CRAVE for something spectacular, or exciting And even in the church there are many who crave something spectacular or exciting, and they crave that MORE than the ETERNAL truth of God’s Word }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
Matthew 12:48-50 48 But Jesus answered the one who was telling Him and said, "Who is My mother and who are My brothers?" 49 And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said, "Behold My mother and My brothers! 50 "For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother." NASU **** And then in verses 48-50… READ VERSES And we saw Jesus introducing a new concept… To believe in Him and trust Him as your Savior, means you also are IN the family of God! You are a child of God Almighty! And so, that was then end of Chapter 12 And we move on to Chapter 13 >>>>>>>>> Click for NEW...
Matthew Chapter 13 Before we read Chapter 13, I wanted to briefly introduce it… Chapter 13 is almost completely made up of parables. And the parables are all what we would call “Kingdom parables” }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
Verses 3-23: The Sower Verses 24-30 & 36-43: The Tares In verses 3-23: We have the Parable of The Sower… ...Jesus introduces it with the words: “When anyone hears the word of the kingdom” >>>>>>>>> Click for The Tares… In verses 24-30 & 36-43: We have the Parable of The Tares… “The Kingdom of heaven may be compared to” >>>>>>>>> Click for Mustard Seed...
Verses 31 & 32: The Mustard Seed Verse 33: The Leaven In verses 31 & 32: We have the Parable of The Mustard Seed… ...Jesus introduces it with the words: “The Kingdom of heaven is like” >>>>>>>>> Click for The Leaven… In verse 33: We have the Parable of The Leaven… >>>>>>>>> Click for The Hidden Treasure...
Verse 44: The Hidden Treasure Verses 45 & 46: The Costly Pearl In verse 44: We have the Parable of The Hidden Treasure… ...Jesus introduces it with the words: “The Kingdom of heaven is like” >>>>>>>>> Click for The Costly Pearl… In verses 45 & 46: We have the Parable of The Costly Pearl … >>>>>>>>> Click for The Dragnet… In verses 47-50: We have the Parable of The Dragnet… }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue... Verses 47-50: The Dragnet
So you can see that each of the parables is about the Kingdom of Heaven And so that’s why we call them “Kingdom Parables” }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
Now, I want to say a little about parables first before we take a look at these parables… I have heard a Bible teacher say; “Don’t make a parable crawl on all fours” In other words, don’t try to read too much into a parable, and make it say things that it just doesn’t say I have heard some amazing things taught from parables I have heard things that were so ridiculous, that they really were laughable if you stopped and thought about it }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
So, we are just going to see the simple or main lesson, even though there may be many lessons in the parable Also, we are blessed to have Jesus’ disciples there when He told the parables Because they were just like us! Sometimes they didn’t understand and they asked Him what He meant, and then He explained it to them! So when there is a parable, first look to see if it is explained… ...And if it is LISTEN TO THE EXPLAINATION! }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click for verses 1-23...
Chapter 13, verses 1-23 Let’s turn to and read chapter 13, verses 1-23 >>>>>>>>> Click for next...
1 That day Jesus went out of the house and was sitting by the sea. Matthew 13:1 & 2 1 That day Jesus went out of the house and was sitting by the sea. 2 And large crowds gathered to Him, so He got into a boat and sat down, and the whole crowd was standing on the beach. NASU READ VERSES So, the scene is this… Jesus is getting very popular because of the miracles He has been doing, and now wherever He goes, LARGE CROWDS come to see Him So, as it says in Mark chapter 4, Jesus got into a boat BECAUSE of the large crowd that had gathered And He teaches in parables }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
1 That day Jesus went out of the house and was sitting by the sea. Matthew 13:1 & 2 1 That day Jesus went out of the house and was sitting by the sea. 2 And large crowds gathered to Him, so He got into a boat and sat down, and the whole crowd was standing on the beach. NASU And this is one of the parables that is explained, so in a minute, we will look at the explanation… }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
“He who has ears, let him hear.” Matthew 13:9 “He who has ears, let him hear.” NASU Before we look at the explanation, notice how Jesus finished the parable… READ VERSE Probably almost everyone heard Jesus talking… ...But only a few, probably really HEARD what He said }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
“He who has ears, let him hear.” Matthew 13:9 “He who has ears, let him hear.” NASU Sometimes when I am talking to my boys, they are hearing my words… ...But they really don’t HEAR a thing I say! Do you know what I mean? And I think what Jesus is saying is, whoever really wants to learn… LISTEN UP! So Here’s the Explanation of the Parable… }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click for EXPLAINATION...
The parable of the sower: Luke 8:11 "Now the parable is this: the seed is the word of God. NASU The Parable of the Sower can also be found in Mark 4:1-20, and Luke 8:4-15 >>>>>>>>> Click for Luke verse... READ VERSE So, Luke is very clear… The seed in the parable is the Word of God And so, the Sower, could be first of all Jesus, and then anyone after that who proclaims the word of God (And specifically The Gospel [The Good News of the Kingdom]) }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
Matthew 13:18 & 19 18 "Hear then the parable of the sower. 19 "When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is the one on whom seed was sown beside the road. NASU READ VERSES If you want to see just how hard the devil works to keep people from God… Just look at what Jesus says here… The moment someone hears and it is not understood, immediately the devil goes to work at confusing them, and getting the Word away from them You can be sure he works overtime in trying to keep people from hearing The Good News of Jesus! }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
Matthew 13:20 & 21 20 "The one on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, this is the man who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; 21 yet he has no firm root in himself, but is only temporary, and when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he falls away. NASU READ VERSES There are those who hear the Good News of Jesus, and seem to be all excited about it, but it doesn’t sink into their hearts It LOOKS as if they have believed in Jesus on the outside, but inside it is just an emotional experience I have seen someone seem to receive the Gospel even with tears! And then later it seems to be all forgotten And I think many will rely on that experience and consider themselves saved, and ignore any further calls to believe in Jesus And they may even go to the grave and never really receive Him }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
Matthew 13:22 And the one on whom seed was sown among the thorns, this is the man who hears the word, and the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. NASU READ VERSE And then there are those who hear, but the things of this world make them forget what they have heard And notice, both what the world would consider bad and good things happen and draw them away… I have known people who hear the Gospel, and devastating events seem to draw them away And I have known people who hear the Gospel, and prosperity, is what seems to draw them away And, really I think prosperity, rather than adversity, is more often what draws people away And notice, you can tell, because there is no fruit }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
Matthew 13:22 "And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty." NASU READ VERSE And then there are some who will really HEAR the Gospel and respond to it and Trust Jesus as Savior And how will you know? They will bear fruit! Remember how in chapter 12, verse 33 Jesus said you will know about someone by the fruit they produce? I think the fact that he mentioned fruit twice in this parable… }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
Matthew 13:22 "And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty." NASU 1) The one who’s soil is choked by worry, and deceitfulness of wealth, is UNFRUITFUL 2) And the one who has fertile soil, BEARS FRUIT I think this also helps us better understand the parable Parables were used to help THE PEOPLE Jesus was teaching understand And so, this parable is not from God’s perspective, it is from man’s - In other words these different soil types are what man sees Only God can see what’s in a person’s heart, and He KNOWS whether or not a person will ever trust His Son as Savior }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
Matthew 13:22 "And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty." NASU But from MAN’S perspective, it may SEEM as though one has trusted Jesus, and then over time it may become evident that they really haven’t So, again just like Jesus said in Matthew 12:33, you will know the reality of a person’s acceptance of the Gospel by the fruit they produce }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
“He who has ears, let him hear.” Matthew 13:9 “He who has ears, let him hear.” NASU And then going back to Jesus’ last statement in the parable… READ VERSE When the sower goes out and sows seed, those who have “ears to hear” (a fertile heart) will hear and will bear fruit And just a little more about this idea of “ears to hear”… Sometimes when Jesus told a parable, some of the hearers seemed to think He was crazy, or the parable just made them mad and they rejected it But some understood it and it helped their understanding… }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...
“He who has ears, let him hear.” Matthew 13:9 “He who has ears, let him hear.” NASU When we hear the Word of God and it doesn’t make sense, or may even seem to contradict itself… We must remember God’s Word is ALWAYS TRUE and ACCURATE! We must keep that in mind and then realize the problem is not with God’s Word, but with our understanding of it And we then can seek to understand it better }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Click to continue...