Treasures: Unit 3, Week 5, Thursday On the Farm
Cause and effect
Vocabulary Practice Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type
a) snoopsnoop b) sincerelysincerely c) impatientimpatient d) furious furious I would like to thank you _____ for your help.
I am so sure you are Right I am so sure you are Right sincerely – adverb – done in an honest and true way Moo-ve along
So Sorry, Try Again
a) emergency emergency b) snoopsnoop c) sincerely sincerely d) impatientimpatient The editor became ______ when the book wasn’t finished.
I am so sure you are Right I am so sure you are Right impatient – adjective – not able to put up with a delay or a problem calmly and without anger Moo-ve Moo-ve along Moo-ve along
a) impatientimpatient b) furious furious c) demand demand d) emergency emergency When I forgot to do my chores, Mom was ______ with me.
I am so sure you are Right I am so sure you are Right furious - adjective – very angry Moo-ve along
a) sincerelysincerely b) impatient impatient c) furiousfurious d) demanddemand The customer will ____ his money back for the broken television.
I am so sure you are Right I am so sure you are Right demand - verb – to ask for with force Moo-ve along
a) demanddemand b) emergency emergency c) snoopsnoop d) sincerelysincerely Use the _______ exit at the back of the theater in case of fire.
I am so sure you are Right I am so sure you are Right emergency – adjective – having to do with something important or dangerous that needs fast action Moo-ve along
a) furiousfurious b) demanddemand c) emergencyemergency d) snoop snoop I will _____ around my brother’s room to see if he has candy.
I am so sure you are Right I am so sure you are Right snoop – verb – to sneak around in order to find information Moo-ve along
See you next week Susan Ging Lent Production Words are Fun