Norwegian Pollution Control Authority Waste assembling and recycling (WEEE) Anne Marie Mo Ravik Senior Executive Officer
The Norwegian Waste Policy Objectives: Growth in the volume of waste that is generated should be significantly lower than the rate of economic growth Status: Household waste same rate, production waste lower Within 2010 shall no more than 25 % of the waste generated be disposed of on landfills or incinerated without energy recovery Status: 34% (2002) Practically all hazardous waste is to be treated in a safe and acceptable manner, and is either to be sent to recycling or is to be guaranteed sufficient national capacity for its treatment Status: 10 % unknown disposal Status: 12,5 % hazardous waste to unknown disposal National capacity is sufficient Waste disposed on landfills or incinerated without energy recovery: 1995: 43 % 2000: 37 % 2002: 34 % Objective 1 – Growth of Waste
Management Local Authorities - Municipalities IPPC & WEEE Management Local Authorities - Municipalities Collecting and managing of household waste Private Enterprises/ Industry Responsible for its own waste Collection and treatment of waste. Recycling facilities Take- back systems - car wrecks - electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) - lead batteries - packaging waste - tyres
WEEE Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment Short about WEE-directive: Both product and waste regulations Design for recycling Marking Product documentation National legislation from August 2005 My presentation will focus on: legislation for collecting (and handling) of EE- waste. Hazardous components: Brominated flame retardants, Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg) Cadmium (Cd) + Berrylium Effective take-back system and handling of EE-waste prevents leakage of hazardous components to the environment Hazardous Components in WEEE: Flame retardants Heavy metals (Pb,Hg,Cd +other) PCB
WEEE regulation in Norway Regulation on WEEE since 1999 Obligations to - producers/importers of EE-equipment - distributors and - municipalities Agreement with the electro industry to collect 80% of EE-waste. Take-back companies established. First country with a system on WEEE. Agreement between ministry of environment an electroindustry. Take-back companies for different categories of electrical waste. 6 take-back companies in Norway on waste electrtronic and electrical equipment. 3 with agreement (Renas, Hvitevareretur, Elektronikkretur) and without: Ragn Sells, Eurovironment,) + Batteriretur
WEEE regulation in Norway (2) Producer/importer: - Establish and finance a system for collecting and treatment of EE-waste (individual system or member of a take-back company) Distributors (shops): Take back waste electrical and electronic products From consumers: free of charge. No re-purchase necessary. - Information Municipalities: Establish collection points for EE-waste. Information to consumers Producer: - Collect amount of EE-waste proportional to amount sold Distributors: Shall also take back waste from business activities, but can claim re-purshace of new equipment Municipalities: free of charge from consumers, can have at tax for waste from business-activities
$ Product & waste flow (simplified) New products Waste products producer importer Money to pay for waste treatment distributor consumer $ Environmental cost on products to cover treatment cost of the waste. Set by the industry- non-profit. Renas: 0,1-1%. El-retur stykkpris (ca 5 kr-20 kr ~1-2 euro.) Waste treatment Collection point Producer/ importer must pay for the waste collection and treatment This obligation can be fulfilled by membership of a take-back system The costs will be part of the product’s price
Supervision by authorities About 14000 importers/producers in Norway. 35 inspected last 3 years (no members of take-back systems) Inspection of 400 distributors last year Increased effect by active use of media and reporting “worst-cases” to the police. Treatment plants must have a permit Mange importører ! mange er små. Prioriterer de største. Ikke-medlemmer er “Free-riders”. Varslet mange om at vi kunne komme- plukket ut noen Aksjon med county governors: Dårlig info hos forhandlere: er viktig for å få inn småelektronikk. Will be folloed up.
Experience on the WEEE-system The system works ! High degree of recovery of waste electronic and a electrical equipment in Norway (80% ) Information to consumers essential to get more waste in to the system (small appliances) Implementation of the WEEE-directive will be based on existing regulations Økende andel småelektronikk. Innsamlet fra El-retur første halvår 2004: 6 kg pr. innbygger, total I WEEE per capita 16-18 kg per capita 2004. Less EE waste for landfill, more reuse of components, safe treatment of hazardous compnents. Potenial for more waste recovery of small appliances: To easy to put in the dustbin- information to consumers important ! Implementation of WEEE-directive based on the system we have, but some changes: Establish a register of producers Strengthen the obligations for importers /producers to avoid problem with “free-riders”: Document a take-back system before importing EEE.