How it began... In 2010 we built our first car The Griffin. Students spend 8 months working with staff to design and build a car powered by batteries to race at Bedford Autodrome for the Bedford Schools Grand Prix. Skills and knowledge were developed of construction techniques, engineering, electronics, aero dynamics and motor skills.
In addition Students learnt how to work as a team Work with adults and their peers Supporting each other was essential this is what we built
In the first year of racing we qualified for the Greenpower National final at Goodwood. We won the Bedford Schools Grand Prix. We also won several trophies for innovative design, pit crew, and Best Newcomer of 2010 to the Greenpower National Final
In 2011 The students took over the running of the team. Encouraged new members and supported them Had even more input into the design and construction of a second car We are going to the finals again with two cars this year.
The future Next year we would like to try and get even more students involved in designing a 3 rd car. Their are new regulations that need to be considered in the design which will offer challenges for the team. To do this we need money as always but we also need the expertise and advise of local business and technical support.
Specifically We would like to build a lighter car out of aluminium but need to be able to weld and source materials. We would like to acquire radio mikes to enable the team to communicate on race days We need new wheels and tyres We would like to get helmets with radio head sets
We also need money to pay: Entry fees Transport costs Insurance costs Material Costs We can offer advertising and promotion by adding logos to the cars and trailer.