The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture PGR-Forum European Crop Wild Relative Diversity Assessment and Conservation Forum 5.-7.2.2003.


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Presentation transcript:

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture PGR-Forum European Crop Wild Relative Diversity Assessment and Conservation Forum Thessaloniki Introduction to WP 3 Workshop on „Data management methodologies“ Sabine Roscher

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Introduction Main area on expertise Interrelation Workshop / Documentation and Information Network Date and location of WS Introduction to WS topic - Examples WS agenda WS products Outline

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture (ZADI) is the scientific information institute of the Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (BMVEL). Gives Advice and support in all questions of information management for BMVEL and for the Federal Research Information Centre for Biological Diversity (IBV) Institution

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Collection, documentation and dissemination of information at the national, EU- and international level; Advisory services to German Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture and other Federal and Laender ministries on general issues related to supporting measures and political decision making in the field of genetic resources; Technical and administrative coordinating activities of national, EU- and international measures and programmes; Research and development activities in the area of information and documentation of genetic resources including collection and dissemination of information to improve measures of conservation and sustainable utilization of genetic resources; Secretariat of the envisaged National Board of Genetic Resources for Food, Agriculture and Forestry. Objectives IBV Institution

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Data bases (selection) PGRDEU - Collections of Plant Genetic Resources in Germany passport data for approximatly 160,000 accession of more than 1,800 species in 53 holding institutions source: most important German genebanks (IPK and BAZ) and other national ex situ collections. FGRDEU - Holdings of Forest Genetic Resources in Germany Data on 130 principal and secondary trees and shrub species

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Information on in situ and ex situ PGR in Germany RUB Collections of German botanical Gardens RUB Collections of German botanical Gardens BfN Wild flora of Germany; Protected species ZADI Information technology Ex situ resources ZADI Information technology Ex situ resources IPK Genebank accessions; Taxonomy of cultivated plants IPK Genebank accessions; Taxonomy of cultivated plants BIG Integrated information system combining distributed and heterogeneous databases BIG Integrated information system combining distributed and heterogeneous databases BfN: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn RUB: Botanical Garden Ruhr-University Bochum, Accosiation of Botanic Gardens in Germany, Bochum IPK: Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben ZADI: German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture, Bonn BfN Wild flora of Germany; Protected species BfN Wild flora of Germany; Protected species Federal Information System Genetic Resources (BIG)

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Cross-Data Base Search BIG Sources of PGR in Germany Ex situIn situ Taxonomy Descriptors Geography User Federal Information System Genetic Resources (BIG)

Steering Committee Coordinating Secretariat Cereals Network Cereals Network Forages Network Forages Network Vegetables Network Vegetables Network Grain Legumes Network Grain Legumes Network Fruit Network Fruit Network Minor crops Network Minor crops Network Industrial crops and potato Network Industrial crops and potato Network Documentation and Information Network In situ and on farm conservation Network Technical cooperation Network European Cooperative Programme (ECP/GR)

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture ECP/GR-Network on Documentation and Information present focus: Ex-situ-Collections In-situ-occurrence (incl. „on farm.“) Passport data Characterization data Evaluation data cultivated plants in agriculture, horticulture, fruit growing, viticulture wild relatives of cultivated plants ECP/GR-Network on Documentation and Information future relevance:

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Information Elements (selection) online products (increasing importance) ECP/GR website National Inventories focus on passport data European Search Catalogue (EURISCO) focus on a subset of National Inventories´ data European Central Crop Databases (ECCDB) in future focus on characterization and evaluation data data exchange format IPGRI/FAO Multicrop Passport Descriptors ECP/GR-Network on Documentation and Information

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Workshop Praha, Czech Republic ECP/GR Documentation and Information Network PGR-Forum, EPGRIS (final meeting)

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture D09:Define appropiate in situ genetic conservation data types D10:Design appropriate database structures and data visualisation tools D11: Design in situ genetic conservation data management and analysis techniques including GIS D12:Publish data management methodology WP3: Workshop „Data management methodologies“ Deliverables: Agenda based upon the project proposal:

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Workshop Do we have distribution maps on all the species? How does distribution match with protected areas ? What do we really know if a population is within a nature park ? What about populations outside protected areas ? What do we have to know about data quality if we mix data from different sources ? Which Standards?

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Distribution of Vicia sativa subsp. sativa in Germany Data source: Bundesamt f. Naturschutz (BfN)

Distribution of Vicia sativa subsp. Sativa in Germany Data source:Bundesamt f. Naturschutz (BfN) Protected areas (selection) Occurence of Vicia sativa ssp. Sativa in protected areas

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture

Same species, different mapping organisations, different statements

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Products form WS 1: Debate (followed up by ): „GIS-Dataset“: Protected Areas Elevation Climate Soil Vegetation Ecological Regions species list data types -> Survey Distribution maps available? (wild species) GIS-Datasets available? Meta data? (source, scale, quality,.....) Workshop Preparations prior to WS 3

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Session 1: Data types - data availability - review of survey results - data sources (in situ | on farm) - specimens, herbaria Session 2: Data management - quality standards - data security, IPR - maintenance, stewardship, - data use - target population management data - associated population management data Workshop 3

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Session 3: Analysis techniques - spatial analysis - numeric analysis - modelling space and time Session 4: Visualisation tools - which tools available - what else is needed - open source - Internet - PC - change in time Workshop 3

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture Session 5: Data(base) structures - Standards (OpenGIS, GML,...) - Definition of data structure for in situ conservation (in situ | on farm) Session 6: Relationship between PGR-Forum and EPGRIS data(base)structures technical matters Multicrop Passport Descriptor List exchange format ex situ data exchange format in situ data ? Organisational matters Publication of Data management methodology Workshop 3

The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture WS - Products List of data types (spatial data and non spatial data) Meta-Data for these data types Methodology for data management Methodology for analysis techniques Visualisation tools Data structure for exchange Organisation structure for exchange Workshop 3