9 September 2015 Applications October 2002
9 September 2015 Applications Introduction Ted Hanss, Director
3 Internet2 Mission Develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow’s Internet.
4 Internet2 Goals Enable a new generation of applications Re-create leading edge R&E network capability Transfer technology and experience to the global production Internet
5 Internet2 Applications What are “Internet2 applications”? They deliver qualitative and quantitative improvements in how we conduct research and engage in teaching and learning. They require advanced networks to work.
6 Application Attributes Interactive collaboration Real-time access to remote resources
7 Attributes, cont. Large-scale, multi- site computation and data mining Shared virtual reality Any combination of the above
8 Approach Broad Outreach Internet2 Days, web site, application flyers Health Sciences Arts & Humanities NEES, Physics, Astronomy Applications Community Applications Community
9 Approach Broad Outreach Internet2 Days, web site, application flyers Mary Kratz Ann Doyle Charles Yun Applications Community Applications Community
10 Technology, Outreach, and Events Technology evaluation and advocacy Prototyping Demonstrations Meetings Internet2 Virtual Briefings Flyers, testimonials, web site
11 Services Internet2 Commons Jonathan Tyman John Krienke Bob Dixon (OSU, ~.1) Megan Crabb (OSU) Gabe Moulton (OSU, ~.5) Key:OSU contributions underlined
12 Program Managers Help organize the flood of information How we can help: Connect you with Internet2 resources Help learn from other projects Watch for trends What we do not do: Run your Internet2 project Lay wires, write code, etc.
13 Knowledge Sharing Internet2 acts as a clearinghouse to help distribute information through the community Technical meetings Virtual presentations Technical Support Software tools (monitoring, diagnostic) Loaner hardware (Vbrick, Cakebox) Access to expertise (working groups) Event Planning and Organization Coordinating meeting spaces and logistics Providing information distribution and support (e.g., website and content creation for working groups)
14 Applications Working Groups Health Sciences Veterinary Medicine Arts & Humanities Non-trad’l Theses Arts Performance High Energy and Nuclear Physics GIS … Remote Instrumentation Voice over IP Digital Video Videoconferencing ResearchChannel Network Storage …
15 Engaging Applications Contacts Ensuring records are up-to-date Finding out what you need Help with outreach to faculty (on campus, through discipline groups) Finding partners (people with similar interests) Facilitating connections to grant opportunities (awareness, planning, letters of support, collaborative opportunities)
16 Applications Strategy Council David Lassner, U of Hawaii (chair) Donna Cox, UIUC Parvati Dev, Stanford Mark Ellisman, UCSD Bob Kibrick, UC Clifford Lynch, CNI Homer Neal, Michigan Harvey Newman, Caltech Larry Rowe, UCB George Thoma, NIH Joel Tohline, LSU Glenn Wheless, ODU
9 September 2015 Arts & Humanities Ann Doyle, Program Manager
9 September 2015 Internet2 Performances and Distance Learning
19 Zukerman Interactive A collaboration with: Manhattan School of Music Columbia University National Arts Centre of Canada National Research Council of Canada Photo by R. Andrew Lepley
20 Michael Tilson Thomas Conducting Conservatory A collaboration with: New World Symphony Columbia University Manhattan School of Music Photo by R. Andrew Lepley
21 Dancing Beyond Boundaries A collaboration with: University of Florida University of Minnesota – Twin Cities University of Campinas Photo Courtesy of Rick Hauser for DancePartners ©.
9 September 2015 Internet2 Arts & Humanities Working Groups
23 Performance Archive and Retrieval A jointly sponsored working group with: Coalition for Networked Information Internet2 ProQuest Information and Learning Designed to propose standards and best practices for documenting, archiving, and retrieving the recordings of performances such as live theatre, musical compositions, and dance.
24 Internet2 Performance Events Advisory Committee The purpose of the committee is to assist in the planning of innovative events that highlight the gifts of performers and artists from our member institutions and the capabilities of Internet2 technology-enabled performances. Fall 2002 performance event planning Best practices guide to multi-site performance events
25 Outreach/Awareness Efforts Working with the museum community Ethnomusicology community Fund for Improvement of Postsecondary Education Getty Museum L.A. Museum Educators meeting Symphony magazine
26 Expanding Membership Cleveland Institute of Music Cleveland Museum of Art Manhattan School of Music New World Symphony
9 September 2015 Health Sciences Mary Kratz, Program Manager
28 Scope The scope of the Internet2 Health Sciences Working Group includes clinical practice, medical and related biological research, education, and medical awareness in the public.
29 History Started in January 2000 National Research Council report issued in February 2000 Networking Health: Prescriptions for the Internet National Academy Press ISBN Government Next Generation Internet (NGI) program funds university members to develop applications.
30 Organization of Health Science Initiative Today Advisory Committee Engage Physician leadership to set strategic direction Provide input to Internet2 Applications Strategy Council Leadership Team Healthcare and Life Sciences Operational/procedural responsibilities Process Model for Work Efforts Birds of a Feather (BoF) Special Interest Groups (SIG) Working Groups (WG) Collaboration Model Visible Human Project Advanced Technology Demonstrations Resource Centers for Minority Institutions – Clinical Trials Research Network Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN)
31 “The government plays a vital role” – M. Castells Many opportunities in research, education, and clinical applications Federal government major source of peer-reviewed funding NIH envisions growth in IT research and research needs
32 Medical Middleware Leverage the work of Internet2 Middleware activity National Science Foundation funded National Middleware Initiative (NMI) EduPerson Directory for Medical Campus Faculty/Staff/Students Functional services to deploy medical applications Person Identification Authorization (Shibboleth) Terminology Mediation Storage Request Broker (interoperable data grids) Order Entry
33 Security and Privacy Working Group HIPAA Guidelines Security mechanisms for the medical campus Policy Basis Technology Disclosure of Personal Health Information Privacy Board Review of Internet2/Educause Security Framework
34 Veterinary Medical 22 veterinary colleges in the United States All 22 are Internet2 members Virtual Grand Rounds Distance Education Animal Clinical Trials Robotic surgery Medical devices Completed infrastructure survey of veterinary schools Agricultural interest (USDA)
35 Visible Human Project Advanced Concepts Technology Demonstration National Anatomy Research and Education Network Visible Human Dataset is a public resource Virtual Anatomy “toolkit” for enabling applications Teaching resources for faculty Multi-simultaneous access (classrooms of students task aggregate use of network capacity) Anatomy curricula for medical schools, K-20, and the public Internet2/National Library of Medicine leadership Two decades of investment in the Visible Human Next Generation Internet contracts catalyst for application development to Internet2 university members
36 Orthopaedic Surgery Working Group Joint effort with the International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (SICOT) Launch of the California Orthopaedic Research Network (CORN) at Internet2! Netcast live on 29 October from 8:45-10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. USC, Stanford, UCLA, UC San Diego, and CENIC's CalREN Live surgery over Internet2 Education of medical school students Interactive 3-D virtual reality imagery
37 Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN)
38 Knowledge Management
39 “If you want a second opinion, call up my website.”
40 Challenges to Health Sciences (take home message) "The medical research revolution is happening! 90% of data collected today will never be seen by a human eye. This is everyone's problem. We must manage a growing amount of data to secure knowledge for the future." - Michael Marron, NIH
9 September 2015 Sciences and Engineering Charles Yun, Program Manager
42 Sciences and Engineering NEES: Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation HENP-WG: High Energy and Nuclear Physics Working Group eVLBI (Astronomy): Electronic Very Long Baseline Interferometry Remote-WG Cross Disciplinary Remote Instrumentation Working Group
43 NEES Earthquake research using real buildings and computer simulations Remote control of physical experiments requires extremely reliable and consistent network characteristics Video will be crucial: both for conferencing and data collection Interesting: Will start to test remote experiments in the next few months, including control and computational techniques.
44 HENP Physics has traditionally been one of the “power users” of all networks. Physicists are generating Terabytes of data (1,000,000,000,000 or 1x10 12 ) per experiment from the CERN lab in Switzerland. They are working on bulk data transfers that are extremely resistant to data loss. VRVS, a video conferencing tool, was developed by the physics community. Interesting: HENP is working on several protocols that take advantage of parallel streams and good neighbor practices (passive QOS).
45 VLBI Astronomers collect data about a star from many different earth based antennae and send the data to a specialized computer for analysis on a 24x7 basis. VLBI is not as concerned with data loss as they are with long term stability. The end goal is to send data at 1Gb/s from over 20 antennae that are located around the globe. Interesting: Successfully ran 788 Mbps sustained test between sites in U.S. Working on prototype experiment to test their ability to run data to Europe and Japan.
46 Remote Instrumentation Creating a working group to focus on the cross-disciplinary activities in remote instrumentation Have interest from groups such as NASA, astronomers, marine researchers Will require work from many domains – instrumentation, social/community interaction, end-to-end performance Interesting: Remote Instrumentation WG is gaining interest from national and international researchers interested in sharing equipment.
47 Area Specific Efforts International Efforts Astronomy/VLBI HENP Fall Member Meeting – Working Group Meetings HENP NEES Remote Instrumentation (and Astronomy) Internet2 Commons NEES
9 September 2015 Internet2 Digital Video Efforts Jonathan Tyman, Program Manager
49 Middleware MidVid AuthN/Z MidVid VC SIP H.323 MidVid VoD
50 DV Working Group Also known as I2DVI (Digital Video Initiative) A seed bed for projects that are brainstormed and released to a subgroup that proofs the concept or executes the project.
51 The Internet2 Commons An effort to encourage and support large-scale, distributed collaboration for the research and education community Enabling one-to-one, one-to-group, and group- to-group collaboration Supporting personal communications, meetings, conferences, and teaching and learning For Internet2 members and their international counterparts
52 The Internet2 Commons H.323 Other Collaborative Technologies VRVS Videoconferencing Technologies AG MPEG2 Others Data Sharing Instant Messaging Voice/IP Electronic Notebooks Peer to Peer Collaboratories
53 Example Activities H.323-based service (Managed MCU- based scheduling, training, streaming, gateway, firewall support, … ) VRVS reflector deployment Loaner equipment (MPEG-2, Access Grid) Voice over IP
54 Video on Demand Research Channel Working Group Our new VoD Server MPEG-2 software client
55 Education and Democracy Education is key to vital democracy. Freedom of speech and privacy are principal values of education. Videoconferencing directly supports these values.
9 September 2015 Digital Video Communications John Krienke, Technology Writer
57 Commons Web Services John Krienke - commons.internet2.edu The working formula: 1 x 1 x 1= 1
9 September 2015 Communications Activities Susan Topol, Technology Writer
59 Types of Communications Apps website: apps.internet2.edu Printed Infosheets Newsletters
60 apps.internet2.edu
61 Weekly Showcases Highlight Technology, People, and Events.
62 Request Equipment and Other Resources for Events apps.internet2.edu/html/request_form.html
63 NLANR Advanced Applications Database Over 4,000 applications Projects and resources from more than 30 countries Searchable from
64 Infosheets
65 InfoKit Infokit provides a complete collection of Internet2 information resources, including infosheets, network maps, FAQs, PowerPoint presentations, and the member list.
66 Join Our Mailing List! Join our mailing list: by sending a request to Receive our monthly newsletter
67 What’s Coming Up? New infosheet on Science and Engineering New infosheet on Astronomy and Remote Instrumentation New infosheet on the Internet2 Commons Revised infosheets for Arts & Humanities and Digital Video
68 New Look for Our Website
69 Mailings More topic- specific mailings (Digital Video, Health Sciences, etc.) HTML formatted mailings, in addition to plain text
70 Contact Us! Feature your application, event, researchers, awards, etc. on our website. Send us your ideas for publications. Tell us what types of communications are most useful to you.
9 September 2015 Loaner Equipment and Virtual Briefings Jon Zeeff, Technologist Jon Zeeff, Technologist
72 Loaner Equipment Pool Portable Access Grid node apps.internet2.edu/html/roadshows.html
73 Loaner Equipment Pool VBrick MPEG-2 audio/video codecs apps.internet2.edu/html/roadshows.html
74 The Commons H.323 MCUs at Ohio State University Accord MGC 100 MCU commons.internet2.edu RADVISION ViaIP with MCU-100S
75 Using the MCUs Three types of MCU services are available to members of the Internet2 Commons: Scheduled, reserved videoconferencing Unscheduled videoconferencing, no reservations required Testing videoconferencing commons.internet2.edu
76 Netcasting Services (experimental) MPEG-1 & MPEG-2 DVTS (30Mbps DV) Real, Windows Media Multicast and Unicast
77 Netcasting Control Center Flexible audio and video switching Rapid testing / troubleshooting N-way mixed protocol videoconferences Color correction, chroma-key Slides, titling Network monitoring Packet loss prevention
79 Helpful Links Loaner Equipment apps.internet2.edu/html/roadshows.html Loaner Equipment Request Form apps.internet2.edu/html/request_form.html Virtual Briefings The Internet2 Commons commons.internet2.edu
9 September 2015 More information … apps.internet2.edu apps.internet2.edu/talks (these slides) apps.internet2.edu apps.internet2.edu/talks (these slides)