The Catholic Diocese of Pueblo Foundation, Inc Grant Recipients Experience the Difference the Catholic Foundation Makes....
Humanitarian Concerns $23,500 These awards are granted to concerns including assistance to create a Parish Nursing Program, purchase of bi-lingual educational materials, expanding an existing program promoting faith, community and leadership. After tonight the total amount awarded from 2001 – 2005 for Humanitarian and Social Concerns is $122,
Saint Joseph Parish, Monte Vista $3,000 New Nursing Program Parish nursing program to assist those in need of medical attention.
Hispanic Affairs Pastoral Project $13,000 Promoting leadership, community and faith
Saint Patrick Church, Telluride $1,500 For purchase of bi-lingual materials.
Los Pobres, Inc. $5,000 Assisting those who provide help to neighbors in their community.
Sacred Heart Church, Avondale $1,000 Catechetical leadership development and bi- lingual Materials
Catholic School Scholarships $13,000 The Catholic Diocese of Pueblo Foundation, Inc. assists Catholic Diocesan Schools with tuition assistance. Catholic schools, religious education, adult education, and faith formation programs are vitally important for sharing the substance and values of Catholic social teaching. Just as the social teaching of the Church is integral to Catholic faith, the social justice dimensions of teaching are integral to Catholic education and catechesis. They are an essential part of Catholic identity and formation.
Saint Columba School, Durango $3,000 The mission of Saint Columba School is to teach gospel truth and moral value in an environment of academic excellence according to Catholic tradition.
Holy Family School, Grand Junction $5,000 The mission of Holy Family Catholic School is to provide a quality education that challenges students to achieve both individual and academic excellence.
Saint Therese Catholic School $5,000 The Mission of Saint Therese School is to reach out to children, parents, and families with the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, enabling them to grow in their God-created potential as healthy, whole, loving people. In pursuit of its mission, Saint Therese School is dedicated to teaching the Gospel values inherent in Catholic Education and to fostering the personal growth of every child.
Office of Catholic Schools $1,800 Funds used for a Catholic School Teachers Gathering that helped teachers develop both personally and professionally, and encouraged a positive and productive atmosphere in the classrooms.
Parish Assistance and Projects $33,850 Parish Projects and Assistance include maintenance of the church and rectory such as window replacements, new furnaces, installation or upgrade of handicapped access to church, etc. After tonight the amount awarded from 2001 – 2005 is $134,
Immaculate Conception Mission, Creede $3,200 To replace 30 year old furnaces to keep the facility operating costs significantly lower and insure a safe environment for parishioners.
Sacred Heart Church, Alamosa $5,000 To purchase a van to transport youth and others to and from diocesan and deanery events.
Saint Francis Jerome, Center $5,000 Funds to help defray costs of installing handicapped access to church entrances.
Saint Margaret Mary Church, Hotchkiss $3,000 To assist in funding a new roof for the existing church.
Saint Francis Xavier Church $5,000 To assist parish to renovate the current handicap accessible ramps to meet the current standards of the American Disability Act.
Our Lady of Fatima, Olathe $2,650 For maintenance of church and parish.
Saint Paul the Apostle, Pueblo West $10,000 To assist in building a new church out in Pueblo West.
Seminarian Education and Formation $80,000 Funds to support the education and formation of future priests on an annual basis, according to need. The Catholic Foundation, this year, awards $80,000 to assist in funding seminarian education and formation. The total awarded to date, is $175,
$30,000 Year-End Appeal $30,000 Catholic Foundation Burses and Second Stipends $10,000 Catholic Foundation Endowment $10,000 Richard T. Lagerman Fund $80,000 Total Amount Awarded Seminarian Education and Formation