UMKC Faculty Senate Meeting October 15, 2013
UMKC Fundraising Goals Scholarships Faculty/Staff SupportFacilitiesProgramsUnrestricted TOTAL 1College of Arts and Sciences$5,400,000$3,500,000$1,250,000$5,000,000$200,000$15,350,000 2Henry W. Bloch School of Management$9,000,000$5,000,000$25,000,000$10,000,000$200,000$49,200,000 3School of Biological Sciences$1,000,000-$882,500-$50,000$1,932,500 4School of Computing and Engineering$5,000,000$3,000,000$2,000,000$5,000,000$50,000$15,050,000 5Conservatory of Music and Dance; Theatre Department$1,000,000$2,000,000$20,810,000$2,000,000$100,000$25,910,000 6School of Dentistry$3,000,000$8,000,000$3,500,000$3,000,000$500,000$18,000,000 7School of Education$6,000,000$4,500,000- $2,000,000$100,000$12,600,000 8School of Graduate Studies$200,000--$50,000 $300,000 9School of Law$5,000,000$6,700,000$3,250,000$5,000,000$250,000$20,200,000 10School of Medicine$1,500,000$4,300,000$10,000,000$2,700,000$1,000,000$19,500,000 11School of Nursing & Health Studies$1,500,000$3,000,000$525,000$750,000$50,000$5,825,000
UMKC Fundraising Goals Scholarships Faculty/Staff SupportFacilitiesProgramsUnrestricted TOTAL 12School of Pharmacy$2,100,000$3,500,000$1,000,000-$200,000$6,800,000 13University Libraries$500,000$1,000,000$3,000,000$1,000,000-$5,500,000 14Academic Affairs/Provost --- $7,000, Research-$2,000,000-$3,000,000-$5,000,000 16Athletics$1,200,000$750,000$4,100,000$500,000$100,000$6,650,000 17Board of Trustees$4,500, Diversity, Access and Equity---$750, Kansas City Repertory Theatre---$3,000,000$10,000,000$13,000,000 20KCUR FM--$1,000,000$200,000$7,000,000$8,200,000 21Student Affairs and Enrollment Management$2,000,000-$1,732,500--$3,732,500 22Vision Research Foundation--$5,000,000-- TOTAL$48,900,000$47,250,000$83,050,000$50,950,000$19,850,000 $250,000,000
UMKC Campaign Production Gifts, Pledges, and Pledge Payments Processed as of October 7, 2013 UMKC Foundation Campaign Gifts$746, Gift Receipts Outright Gifts $83,542, Planned Gift Payments$1,951, TOTAL RECEIPTS$85,493, Gift Commitments Pledge Commitments $40,386, Planned Gift Commitments $49,297, TOTAL COMMITMENTS$89,684, TOTAL CAMPAIGN PRODUCTION$175,924,792.66
UMKC Net Production Gifts, Pledges, and Pledge Payments Processed as of October 6, 2013 Gift Receipts Outright Gifts $3,472, Payments on Prior Commitments$1,755, Planned Gift Payments on Prior Commitments$ TOTAL RECEIPTS$5,228, Gift Commitments Pledge Commitments $744, Planned Gift Commitments $130, TOTAL COMMITMENTS$874, Payment on Prior Commitments($1,756,011.87) NET PRODUCTION$4,346,787.11
UMKC’s Strategic Goals and Objectives Goal 1 Place Student Success at the Center To provide the optimal learning environment for all students: Outstanding academic programs and experiences, seamless student support and a vibrant campus community. General Scholarships Honors College Student Success Center Miller Nichols Library Renovation and Expansion UMKC Trustees Scholarship Program Career Center Enhancement Law Library Enhancement Chancellor’s Fund for Excellence Goal $48.9M $1.5M ---- $3M $5.6M $250K $1.5M $6M Status $26.5M Raised to Date Prospect for 2013 Finished $2.7M Raised $1M Raised Finalizing $1.5M Raised $6M Raised
UMKC’s Strategic Goals and Objectives Goal 2 Lead in Life and Health Sciences To attain national recognition for excellence in research, expand opportunities for clinical practitioner training and provide outstanding health care delivery. Center for Translational/Clinical Research for Urban Health Renovation of Medical School – 5 th Floor to Research Space Chemistry Lab Renovations Implement the Practice Management Program and Chair Dental Innovation Clinic Goal $5M $10M $2M-$10M- $30M $1.5M $300K Status Nov. 5 Election No Progress $1.5M Raised Finished
UMKC’s Strategic Goals and Objectives Goal 3 Advance Urban Engagement To become a model urban university by fully engaging with the Kansas City Community to enhance education, public health, the arts and economic development. Urban Education Research Center Advocacy Center – School of Law Vivian & Hymie J. Sosland Endowed Chair in Urban Teacher Education School of Computing and Engineering – KC STEM Alliance Goal $3M $750K $1.5M $3M Status $3M Raised Proposals Out Proposals Out $1.5M Raised $3M Raised
UMKC’s Strategic Goals and Objectives Goal 4 Excel in the Visual and Performing Arts To create excellent programs in visual and performing arts that are central to campus life and support Kansas City’s initiatives in entrepreneurship, urban education and innovation. Downtown Arts Campus Rep/Theatre Renovation Goal $44M $30M Status $21M Raised Planning Stages
UMKC’s Strategic Goals and Objectives Goal 5 Embrace Diversity To celebrate diversity in all aspects of university life, creating inclusive environments, culturally competent citizens, and globally-oriented curricula and programs. Urban Education Research Center General Scholarship Fund Goal $3M $48.9M Status $3M Raised to Establish Center $26.5M Raised
UMKC’s Strategic Goals and Objectives Goal 6 Promote Research and Economic Development To produce world-class scholarship and creative activity, encourage entrepreneurship, foster innovation, increase technology transfer, and build relationships that create economic and workforce development. New Bloch Executive Building for Bloch School Prototype Facility UMKC Alumni Center Endow the Pharmacy School Regnier Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation Endowment New Opportunity – Athletics Goal $32M $7.5M $15M - $20M $10M $3M Status $32M Raised $7.5M Raised No Progress $10M – In Progress $3M Raised
UMKC’s Strategic Goals and Objectives Recap Goal Raised to Date Facilities$83.1 Million$66.27 Million Faculty Support$47.3 Million$11.44 Million Student Support$48.9 Million$26.53 Million Programs$50.9 Million$62.18 Million Unrestricted$19.8 Million$ 5.90 Million Sponsored Research$ 3.57 Million TOTAL:$250 Million$175,924,792
What can the Faculty do to help? 1. Faculty-Staff Campaign – $4.1M towards $5M Goal 2.Projects 3.Prospects