Effective Educational School Advisory Council Operations and Building Partnerships Presented by Dr. rosemary j. henry Superintendent of Catholic Schools Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo
Topics School Advisory Council Composition and Committees Committee Reporting Principal/Council Communication Council Evaluation Professional Development for Councils Building Partnerships
Perspectives “Catholic Schools are national treasures and they must be preserved.” Margaret Spellings Former U.S. States Secretary of Education “It is the responsibility of all Catholics to support Catholic schools”. USCCB
Purpose of School Advisory Committees To ensure strong viable, accessible and affordable Catholic schools To aid the school in responding to its mission to the Church To expedite the business functions of the school To provide an organized and orderly process for addressing school issues To perform strategic planning for the sustainability of the school
Composition of Committees Share time, talent and treasure Diversity of membership-gender, age Representative of the cultural diversity of community Special expertise and wide array of gifts/skills (careers and professions) University, business, social agencies, parish, alumni, legal, finance, building and construction Composition matrix (template)
Standing Committees Executive Budget and Finance /Audit & Compliance Facilities Strategic Planning Advancement (public relations, enrollment management, fundraising, alumni relations, grants) Education and Quality Assurance (including technology) By-laws –Committee Roles
Ad-Hoc Committees Committees serve special needs and are temporary in nature Nominating Mission, Philosophy, and Vision Catholic Identity Principal Search Sports
Committee Forums The important work and planning of the Board should be completed in Committee Forums—not during Board meetings Procedures Each committee should complete a planning worksheet (see template). Each committee should present a written report during Board meetings (see template).
Principal /Council Communication Educating the Council Modeling open communication Updating Council on topics: Catholic identity, academics, religious education, enrollment, new programs, successes, challenges Essential Elements of a Principal’s Written Report (template) Impact: Council members are informed and can spread the Good News about the school. Council members become ambassadors for the school.
Council Assessment and Evaluation Highly effective Educational School Advisory Councils do not just happen! Effective Councils result from an assessment process that includes: 1.Standards 2.Evaluations 3.Development Plans
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Priorities All members of the Council and administration must be involved in the assessment/evaluation process. The assessment and evaluation process is to be conducted annually.
Purpose of Assessment and Evaluation To strengthen Council performance and effectiveness To provide the platform for planning efforts To help the Council to play a vital role in the school’s ability to fulfill its mission
Assessment and Evaluation Tools Discussion Questions for School Advisory Councils (template) Evaluation standards (template) NCEA Measuring the Mission Evaluation
Findings and Outcomes for Council Evaluation Members commitment to the work of the Council is revived Meetings become more focused and therefore more productive Members’ roles become more clearly understood Committees accept definite tasks and accomplish them
Training and Professional Development for Councils & Boards Exceptional Councils invest time and resources in ongoing Council development. Membership in Boards and Councils NCEA Webinars Webcasts Wikispaces Conference calls with other Councils/Boards or consultants Council/Board Publications
School Board Training and Professional Development Each school deserves an effective Council – now - more than ever. Information for Council/Boards: (800)
Building Partnerships Community partnerships are a win-win relationship for all. The community becomes invested in Catholic schools. The community becomes ambassadors for our schools. The students learn the importance of service and gratitude. Partnerships (template)
Challenges for all School Advisory Councils To keep our schools Catholic To provide a high quality education in a nurturing environment To keep our schools open, accessible, affordable, viable and vibrant To foster partnerships between parishes, the school and the community To pray for God’s help---we are not alone.
Going for the Gold Standard in School Advisory Councils Goals established by each committee SMART Goals Specific, measurable, attainable, results oriented, and time bound Strategically prioritize goals with Principal and Pastor Backward Design- start with the end in mind Develop action steps
Gold Standard Recruit and engage committee members to achieve goals Committees present written reports on a regular basis highlighting goal progress Examine SWOT Celebrate successes Examine support provided to the Principal—spiritual, physical, emotional, material, sounding board The silver and the bronze are only second and third…Jesus only wants our best…We must go for the GOLD!
To Teach As Jesus Did A Model for School Advisory Councils Jesus spread the Good News. As a Council how do you spread the Good News about your school? Jesus walked among the people and surmised the needs. As a Council how often do you attend school activities?
To Teach as Jesus Did Jesus taught by example and promoted Gospel values. As a Council how are you ambassadors for Christ through your ministry and work? How do you promote your school?
To Teach As Jesus Did Jesus taught through story and parable. As a Council what academic and spiritual formation stories can you share with the community? Jesus talked to the masses and led them to believe in HIM. As a Council what families have you lead to the school and to believe in its mission?
To Teach As Jesus Did Jesus engaged people of all ranks and classes. As a Council how successful have you been in recruiting people of diverse rank, skill, gifts and ethnic background to serve on committees?
To Teach As Jesus Did Jesus encouraged others to live a life of faith, love, and hope. As a Council how have you worked to ensure a hope filled vibrant future for your school? As a Council how have you contributed to a faith filled and nurturing environment?
To Teach As Jesus Did Jesus worked miracles. As a Council do you tell the story of how your school works miracles in the lives of its students?
Question The Notre Dame Task Force on Catholic Education questioned: ‘Will it be said of our generation that we presided over the demise of the most effective and important resource of evangelization in the history of the Church in the United States?”
Reflection “Will it be said that our generation lacked resolve to preserve this national treasure built upon the sacrifice of untold millions?”
Reflection “Will it be said of our generation that: We abandoned these powerful instruments of justice that provided educational opportunities and hope for families otherwise trapped in poverty?”
Reflection SURELY NOT! When the story of Catholic schools is written historians will look back on our age and marvel that against great odds--- WE CHANGED THE ENDING.