1. Mole Valley 2010/11 Budget Councillor Ben Tatham Portfolio Holder for Finance and Assets
2. Surrey Councils
3. MV District Council: Refuse collection and recycling 2 sports centres, 2 day centres, Dorking Halls Planning Policy and Development Control Building control, Environmental Health and Licensing Housing and homelessness Car parking Street cleaning, graffiti, fly tipping and abandoned cars Parks and playing fields Local, National and European elections Housing and Council Tax benefits - £18m per year Collect Council Tax and Business Rates Community alarm and Dial-a-ride
4. County council: Roads and verges Public Transport coordination and subsidy Education Social Care Libraries Fire and rescue service
5. The Whole of Mole Valley 2009/10 allocation of Council Tax £43.8million (76%) County Council £7.8million (13%) Surrey Police £6.2 million (11%) Mole Valley (including parishes) £57.8 million
7. Business Rates £35.7m collected in 2008/09 on behalf of central government £3.5m or 9.8% redistributed back to Mole Valley In 2008/09, only 44% of business rates collected in Surrey was redistributed back to Councils and the Police
8. Income and Expenditure 2008/09 MVDC Total Spend:£30m Funded by: Capital Resources (£ 5m) Service Income & Grants (£19m) Net cost £ 6m Funded by: Council Tax£ 6m
13. New factors increasing costs in 2010/11 £’000 pa Loss of car parking income250 General price inflation 132 Increased take up, concessionary fares120 Increased energy costs 68 Reduced Building & Development Control income 66 Pensions back-funding 43 Other Costs (Dorking Halls, Pippbrook House, phones) 52 Loss of investment interest571 Total 1,302
Interest Govt Grant Council Tax 5% Expenditure (without savings) Total income 14. The Solution (5% Council Tax increases) Target Budget (with savings) Reserves £4m
/11 Revenue Budget Headlines Zero % Council Tax increase proposed 0.5% government grant increase Interest rates of 2.0% assumed £1.8m of reserves used to balance the budget Maintain minimum revenue reserves of £1.3m
savings - headlines 2 nd year of 3 year savings programme comprising: 2009/10 service savings of £0.6m pa 2009/10 Fees & Charges review - £0.4m pa 2010/11 Options Appraisals savings (on what we do) of £0.5m Property review - £0.2m pa by 2011/12 Procurement initiatives - £0.22m pa by 2011/12 Leisure Centre outsourcing - £0.4m pa by 2011/12 Business Process Review Programme (how we do things) – £1m pa saving by 2011/12, £2.3m investment In total, 3 year savings programme of over £3m
/11 Options Appraisals £000 Community Transport – reduce 3 bus days14 Handyman – increase charges and charge for materials 5 Gypsy sites – 3 more pitches 8 Environmental Health – reduce animal wardens & pest control46 Housing – Church Gardens lease14 Food & Safety – reduce officer hours 6 Training & equipment 8 Parks & open spaces – reduced litter picks, change bedding displays30 Depot – rationalise following stock transfer10 Sustainability – reduced use of consultants10
/11 Options Appraisals (cont.) £000 Recycling – remove glass bring sites20 Street cleaning – reduce leaf clearing and reservation cleans30 Communications – reduce MV News issues & officer hours50 Leisure development – arts, sports & youth reductions20 Grants – reductions for leisure & community groups20 Leisure marketing / advertising – budget reduction 5 Partnerships – budget reduction 5 Financial Services – treasury management all in-house, reduce audit36 Estates – reduce bus shelter repair, charge for street names17 Committee Services & IT– cease webcasting19
/11 Options Appraisals (cont.) £000 Policy – reduce emergency planning budget 2 Facilities – Reduced cleaning and plants 6 HR – cease South East Employers membership 4 Economic development – Reduce TCM and visitor information57 Building control – increase charges10 Conservation – reduce budget20 Development Control – misc. savings13 Total 484
/11 Capital Programme £8.7m budget, highlights of which are: Remaining £3.7m on Leatherhead Leisure Centre £1.3m Affordable Housing £0.8m asset enhancement and renewal £0.4m KGV playing fields, Holmwood £0.4m Leatherhead Night Hostel £0.4m Brockham Big Field football pavilion £0.3m Food waste recycling £0.15m property options appraisals Approximately £0.8m of ‘new’ additional capital funding added to the programme (none in 2009/10)
21. Future Financial Threats Pension Fund – value has fallen and there is a statutory duty to fully fund. Central Government Funding – regardless of the election result this will almost certainly be cut
22. Summary The administration has improved the Council’s budgetary position by over £3m circa 25% of net revenue budget Because of this and recognising the current economic difficulties of residents and communities, a zero council tax is intended to be set for 2010/11 The future is difficult but the above demonstrates you can trust us with your money