Mobilizing Resources An Environmental Networking and Partnering Forum Environmental Legacy Fund Advisory Committee Community Foundation of Whistler Presented by: Dave Williamson
Community Foundation of Whistler Overview Started in 1999 $4.2 M in 26 funds CFOW manages donations as long term investments in the community, supporting grants to local charities year after year. We are building a community where charities have long term sources of stable funding to support the full range of community life. As the only local option for creating a permanent personal legacy for your community, we help you to support the causes that you care about. The Community Foundation of Whistler is working to bring the community together to grow and ensure our solid tomorrow.
Environmental Legacy Fund Advisory Committee ELF is the largest fund managed by the CFOW Grants approximately $100,000 annually. $634,000 to date. Purpose: Preserve, enhance, conserve or restore the environment, primarily within the Whistler region, and/or Be of a research or educational nature that will benefit the environment, primarily within the Whistler region.
Environmental Legacy Fund Advisory Committee Goals: to encourage eligible organizations through financial support to establish or develop programs and processes, primarily in the Whistler region, that: establish environmental conservation activities. restore, rehabilitate or enhance natural habitats. provide, encourage or support scientific research that benefits the environment. provide, encourage or support public education or raise public awareness about environmental stewardship. map and inventory the natural resources for environmental management planning purposes. establish or promote local environmental stewardship or local participation in programs that preserve, enhance, conserve or restore the environment.
ELF Advisory Committee Made up of members of the community, RMOW, CFOW and technical experts (me, for the past 15 years) Made up of members of the community, RMOW, CFOW and technical experts (me, for the past 15 years) All members have an enviro background or interest in environmental issues All members have an enviro background or interest in environmental issues Recommendations are made after much, lively discussion Recommendations are made after much, lively discussion Seldom unanimous decisions Seldom unanimous decisions
Accessing the Fund Eligibility Applicants for funds must have charitable status. They must be registered charities with a federal charitable tax number/business number. Applicants that are not registered charities, such as a school, a service club, a church or other community group, may be sponsored by an organization that is registered as a charity. The sponsor must be willing to assume the legal and financial responsibility for the project. Grants are not made to individuals or businesses.
Evaluating Proposals What is ELF looking for? New innovative ideas Projects that truly build the community’s capacity Something that the community can build on or that future generations can use Projects with good optics.
Challenges The application process Keeping it simple and short – use the EOI as a course filter But it is still onerous. Fit of the Project Contribution to community. Do they have capacity? Does it build community capacity? Is there a legacy? Completion, Delivery and Reporting Especially when project goes over budget or the project leaders leave. Who owns the data and is it shared? Entitlement Few non-profits in the area, increased administration without provision of funding When it becomes part of an annual operational budget and the NGO relies on it for multi-year programs. i.e The Virtuocracy, same people/projects year after year. Spreading out the funding results in many small project – less impact.
THANK YOU Contact Info: Community Foundation of Whistler