EUSSET Symposium 2012 @ Uni Siegen 27-29 February 2012 Foto documentation PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Giuseppe Strina M.A.
Summerizing (I): Academic Challenges Opening Summerizing (I): Academic Challenges
Summerizing (II): Organizational Challenges Opening Summerizing (II): Organizational Challenges 1st Working Group Phase: Leading Question?
First Working Group Phase
Results of one working group: First Working Group Phase Results of one working group:
End of Day 1
Day 2: second working group phase
Results of working group 2 (c. f. p. 7): Day 2: second working group phase Results of working group 2 (c. f. p. 7):
Results of working group 3 (c. f. p. 7): Day 2: second working group phase Results of working group 3 (c. f. p. 7):
Results of working group 3 (c. f. p. 7): Day 2: second working group phase Results of working group 3 (c. f. p. 7):
Scientific Principles of EUSSET: Day 2: afternoon Scientific Principles of EUSSET:
Topics and working group members: Day 3: third working group phase Topics and working group members:
Day 3: third working group phase
Results: Action Plan 2012 (I)
Results: Action Plan 2012 (II)
for the fruitful collaboration! Thank you for the fruitful collaboration! PD Dr.-Ing. Giuseppe Strina M.A. +49 172 2171998