11 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Libraries Initiative April 2007
22 Guided by the belief that every life has equal value Our goals: »Improving health »Strengthening education »Reducing poverty BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION
33 PROGRAM AREAS Global Development »Agricultural Development »Financial Services for the Poor »Global Libraries Global Health »Priority Diseases & Conditions »Breakthrough Science »Other Initiatives United States »Education »Pacific Northwest »U.S. Libraries
44 GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT Agricultural Development »Reducing world poverty by helping smallholder farmers increase their yields and find markets for their products Financial Services for the Poor »Improving family economics by increasing access in developing countries to financial services – loans, insurance, and savings accounts Global Libraries »Increasing equity in access to information technology with no-cost access to computers and the Internet in public libraries
55 GLOBAL LIBRARIES SITUATION Computers and Internet can improve lives by connecting people with: »e-Government services »Information on economic development, health, and education »Basic communications 87 percent of the world’s population lacks access to the Internet Access to technology is just one step in improving lives
66 Access to information is at the core of their mission Trusted institutions that are used by people in the community Appropriate venue for promoting information access and use through technology »trained staff »community involvement »sources of ongoing financial support, including public funding Librarians and staff can play a critical role in helping individuals develop skills and confidence WHY PUBLIC LIBRARIES?
77 Public Libraries and the Internet Libraries are a Gateway to Information »Economic and community development »Internet access »Literacy programs »Workforce training » E-Government services » Technology training » Emergency response » Early childhood education
88 IMPACT More than computers and connectivity: we work to bring positive social benefits Success is not determined by the number of computers and libraries alone Strong focus on impact assessment and planning: how to engage the community Desired outcomes help grantees build a country- appropriate system for planning and assessing impact
99 HOW WE WORK Building capacity beyond access is key to improving lives: Community engagement Appropriate infrastructure Technology training Locally produced and relevant content Advocacy Impact planning and assessment Computers and Internet access in public libraries
10 Total PCs Granted: 47,200 Libraries Receiving a Grant: 11,000 Training Opportunities: 62,000 Initial Results
11 INITIATIVE BUILDS ON SUCCESS Outgrowth of the U.S. Libraries initiative »"If you can get to the public library, you can get to the Internet" Investments expanded: Canada, United Kingdom, Chile, Mexico, and Access to Learning Award Lessons learned: »Advocacy and promotion early in process »On-the-ground capacity »Investment in underlying systems (training, impact assessment, and technical support)
12 GLOBAL REGION APPROACH India Southeast Asia Eastern Europe: Latvia* Lithuania* Africa: Botswana* * Indicates current pilot grants Americas: Previous grantees: Mexico ( ) Chile ( )
13 BUILDING ON SUCCESS: CHILE CHILE (2001 – 2005) -Increased access to information and technology is promoting economic development, especially in agriculture and small businesses -Outreach has increased access in target populations, including soldiers, laborers, and indigenous people -More than 3,000 websites have been enhanced with locally-developed content National and local partnerships to provide access to computers, Internet, and training in all 368 public libraries BibleoRedes: Abre tu Mundo INVESTMENTOUTCOMES 100% of public libraries have computers, up from 10% in 2001 2.5 million hours of training to 212,444 people New Chilean administration committed to sustaining investment and upgrading hardware
14 BUILDING ON SUCCESS: MEXICO -In 64% of rural areas, access at public libraries represents area’s only Internet access -Sixty percent of users are youth, women, or students with incomes of USD $250 – 500 per month -Students use computers primarily for homework and school projects INVESTMENTOUTCOMES Partnerships with national and municipal governments 34% of public libraries will have Internet access by June 2007 15,000 computers installed in 2,728 libraries Staff and volunteers have received 300,000 hours of computer training Library users have received 450,000 hours of computer training MEXICO (2002 – 2006)
15 BUILDING ON SUCCESS: ACCESS TO LEARNING AWARD Annual award to recognize the innovative efforts of libraries or similar organizations outside the U.S. in providing no-cost public access to information technology and training Past winners: »Rural Education and Development (READ) Nepal, 2006 »Bangladesh's Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha, 2005 »Denmark’s Aarhus Public Libraries, 2004 »China Evergreen Rural Library Service Center, 2004
16 CHALLENGES Maximizing impact »Country selection: Use need and readiness criteria to identify strong country partners »Evidence of impact: Engage in advocacy that integrates lessons learned from impact assessment »Capacity: Build capacity through training and support of library staff and users Ensuring Sustainability »Local relevance: Build local support, content, and use of technology »Accurate cost analysis: Identify short, medium, and long-term cost projections (including cost of connectivity) and require country match »Advocacy: Engage in advocacy and build on-the-ground advocacy capacity »Government: Recognize and address challenges of working with governments (sustaining support through government transitions)
17 Increasing opportunities through access to information and learning in partnership with public libraries