Ancient Egypt and Nubia Section 1: The Geography of the Nile The Course of the Nile River The Nile flows more than 4,000 miles from its sources, the Blue and White Nile, to the Mediterranean Sea. The Nubian section of the Nile was broken up by cataracts and had only narrow strips of land for farming. In the Egyptian section, farmland stretched for miles from the river. The Nile’s floods brought fertile silt and were not as destructive as those in Mesopotamia. Egypt and Nubia were also more protected than Mesopotamia because of the deserts that bordered them. Discovery School Video: Ancient Egypt, Life on the Nile 1 of 3
Ancient Egypt and Nubia Section 1: The Geography of the Nile The Growth of Communities and Trade Along the Nile Egyptians built farming villages along the Nile, while Nubians relied less on farming and more on the fish and birds in and along the river. Ships loaded with trade goods could travel up and down the Nile in Egypt, while caravans traveled overland routes with goods from Southwest Asia and the African interior. Section Reading Support Transparency 2 of 3
Ancient Egypt and Nubia: Section 1 Section Reading Support Transparency 3 of 3