Gogo Inc. (GOGO) By: Bhuvanesh Murali, Avi Singh, and Karthik Maiya
Company Profile Gogo Inc. provides in-flight broadband internet service for both commercial and business aircraft. Biggest provider of in-flight internet service Headquarters: Itasca, Illinois Founded in 1991 by Jimmy Ray 561 Employees IPO: 6/21/2013
Recent News Gogo upgrades WiFi technology to unlock speeds of up to 60 Mbps in 2014 o Average Internet connection speed in the US: 8.6Mbps Gogo launches in-flight internet for international flights o Gogo receives contracts from Delta Air Lines, US Airways, Virgin America and United Airlines. Gogo launches in-flight text and call program. FCC is willing to propose in-flight use of cellphones.
Numbers 52 Week Range: Beta: - EPS: P/E: - Market Cap: 2.51 B
Earnings Report Dec 2012Dec 2011Dec 2010 Sales Research and Development Net Income(32.71)23.62(113.38) * All numbers above are in the millions Website:
Graph (3 Month)
Graph (1 Year)
Competition Competitor Industry: Telecommunications Equipment o On Air o Panasonic Avionics Corporation o Thales Aerospace These are not direct competitors, as Gogo is one of the only companies to offer in-flight internet These are all privately owned companies that have some in-flight internet technology
Summary of Reason to Buy GOGO has a lot of room to grow o Speeding up connectivity speeds o Going international More and more airlines are creating contracts with GOGO as their service provider FCC is thinking about in-flight use of cellphones.
Buying/Selling Stock Buy: o When: Late January/Early February o Shares Sell: o When: Late April/Early May o Price: $32.00
References mbps / 60mbps / soars/#.UqopY5FcK2k soars/#.UqopY5FcK2k s.htm#.UqI2Z2RDvt4 s.htm#.UqI2Z2RDvt4 statements?source=itxwebtxt statements?source=itxwebtxt ?KEYWORDS=gogo ?KEYWORDS=gogo system/story?id= system/story?id=